With that attitude tradutor Espanhol
413 parallel translation
Jennifer, you mustn't talk yourself into such false feelings you won't be able to help Irene with that attitude false feelings, is that what you call it?
¡ Jennifer, no tienes que enredarte en esos sentimientos falsos! ¡ Con esa actitud no podrás ayudar a Irene! Sentimientos falsos... ¿ así los llamas?
Now listen, Fred. You're not gonna get anywhere with that attitude.
No vas a llegar a ninguna parte con esa actitud.
I won't get my wings with that attitude.
Con esa actitud no me ganaré las alas.
With that attitude of colonel you've got, which idiot could stay near you?
Con esa carácter de coronel que tienes, ¿ Qué idiota podría estar cerca de ti?
It won't help to go in with that attitude.
Esa actitud no nos ayudará.
I didn't want to get rough, but with that attitude, you leave me no choice.
No queremos ser bruscos pero con esa aptitud, no me dejas elección.
I told him he could stay in his room with that attitude.
Le dije que si persistía en su actitud que no salga del cuarto.
With that attitude, you could end up on the hog farm up to your ass in pig shit.
Con esa actitud acabarás muy mal, puedes arrepentirte.
You and I can sympathize with that attitude.
Comprendo su actitud.
I'm going to stick around all day with that face, with that attitude?
¿ Me voy a pasar todo el día contigo con esa cara, esa actitud?
You're not gonna get a green card with that attitude.
No le van a dar el permiso de residencia con esa actitud.
Where do you get off with that attitude?
¿ De dónde saliste con esa actitud?
With that attitude, I can see why.
Con esa actitud, puedo ver por qué.
no it's not a question of that shabby money, it's about your inner attitude about the bottomless egotism behind each of your words and about the utter incomprehension with which you face today's realities and problems in times like these, you complain about not getting any profit-shares while drawing generous directors'salaries
¿ Yo tampoco, suegro? No. No se trata del miserable dinero, se trata de su actitud interior, del egoísmo sin fondo que hay detrás de cada una de sus palabras.
With that kind of attitude, your mother will get better really soon.
Con esa actitud, tu madre mejorará pronto.
It's not that I disapprove of his being a critic but no man with this published attitude should take any man's daughter anyplace, at any time.
No es que me disguste que sea crítico, pero nadie con esa conocida actitud suya... EL MATRIMONIO, FRAUDE Y FRACASO... debería llevar a la hija de nadie a ninguna parte, nunca.
If that's your attitude, I'll have to drown my sorrows with a jigger of rye.
Si ésa es tu actitud, tendré que ahogar mis penas con un vaso de whiskey.
Not pussyfooting around with a phoney attitude. That's not fair to them or us.
No quiero decir que pongan cara de santitos no sería honrado ni para ellos ni para nosotros.
I know nothing of the history to which you refer, but I have often felt that the attitude of my husband's family has failed to move with the times, that they think too much of the rights of nobility and too little of its duties.
No sé nada de la historia a la que se refiere... pero a menudo he pensado que la actitud de la familia de mi marido... no ha cambiado con los tiempos... que piensan demasiado en los derechos de la nobleza... y demasiado poco en sus deberes.
And since he took that attitude, I didn't want to have anything more to do with him.
Desde entonces no he querido saber nada de él.
Mother, I don't know reasons that made Sissy... to take this attitude, but I agree with everything that she did!
Madre, yo no sé razones que Sissy... tomar esta actitud, pero estoy de acuerdo con todo lo que ella hizo!
Mother, I don't know reasons that made Sissy... to take this attitude, but I agree with everything that she did!
¡ Madre, desconozco los motivos que llevaron a Sissi... a tomar tal actitud, pero concuerdo con todo Io que ella hizo!
It is extremely important that you adopt an attitude of permissiveness with her.
Es muy importante que tenga una actitud permisiva con ella.
'Now my greatest wish is that with a better understanding'we will find a new attitude between our countries,' 'A unity, a friendship and finally peace.'
Ahora mi gran deseo es crear un mejor entendimiento... en el que nosotros encontraremos una mejor actitud entre los países... unidos, con amistad, y, finalmente... la paz.
Imagine going through life with that kind of attitude toward Christmas.
Imagínate ir por la vida así con esa actitud sobre la Navidad
So when we created that little misunderstanding about who he was with, he thought that your attitude was out of line and you didn't deserve an explanation.
Bueno ha habido un pequeño malentendido sobre quien estaba con quien pensé que su actitud era rara y que no necesita explicación
And how dare you come on with that holier-than-thou attitude with me.
¿ Cómo te atreves a ir con esa actitud de superioridad sobre mí?
What I noticed here, was that the Americans, as far as I have gotten to know them, confront the matter of disability with a much more objective attitude.
Los americanos, hasta lo que he podido conocerles, se enfrentan a la discapacidad con una actitud mucho más objetiva.
The male's attitude is that of a well-disposed academician who studied the alleged downfall of the human race with the true objectivity of a good historian.
La actitud del macho es la de un académico dispuesto a colaborar, que ha estudiado la presunta caída de la raza humana con la objetividad de un buen historiador.
Now, Miles, if you take that attitude, I shall be obliged to raise the matter with your father.
Si adoptas esa actitud, me veré obligado a discutirlo con tu padre.
That attitude has given us some real bums to contend with.
Esa actitud nos ha dado holgazanes a dirigir.
With a kind attitude like that, I'm sure Nami Matsushima will open up her heart.
Con una actitud como esa, estoy seguro de que Nami Matsushima abrirá su corazón.
With an attitude like that, whatam I supposed to say?
Con una actitud como ésa, ¿ qué se supone que debo decir?
... and also I ask, comrades, I also asked comrades who, with the same responsibilities as the workers of El Teniente, we asked the carabineros that they also keep the same attitude.
... y también solicité, compañeros, solicité también compañeros que así, con la misma responsabilidad de los trabajadores del Teniente, les estábamos pidiendo a los señores carabineros que guardaran también la misma compostura.
Well, if that's your attitude, perhaps Crabs will end up with all the patrols.
Bien, si es esa tu actitud, quiza Crabs acabe con todas las patrullas.
Maybe you can buy that Cannon Ranch, get started in the cattle business. With your attitude toward human life, you may yet get to be one of the barons of this prairie, and have your picture on page one, or page three, of the Chicago papers.
Creo que puede comprarse el Rancho Cannon, y dedicarse a la cría de ganado, con su criterio sobre la vida humana, usted puede llegar a ser un magnate de estas praderas, conseguirá que su foto aparezca en la página uno ó tres del diario de Chicago.
That "bored-with-her-life" Attitude.
Como de "estar aburrido de mi vida".
... Really we can not deal with that only because of the attitude of citizens on morality? Jim!
Hemos sido incapaces de controlar la expansión por las actitudes de los ciudadanos por estas cuestiones de moralidad.
A guy with your attitude never carries a gun. That's stupid.
Eso es estúpido...
All that's wrong with my attitude is that I shouldn't have let you in
Lo que tendría que haber hecho era no dejarte entrar.
And I really just find that attitude unbearable... because I really do think the theater can do something very important. I mean, I do think the theater can help bring people in contact with reality.
Y esta actitud me parece insoportable... porque creo que el teatro es algo muy importante... y puede ayudar a la gente a contactar con la realidad.
And I don't know, somethin'happen when woman get married, man... that you've been with a long time, there's somethin'about their attitude- -
Y no sé, algo ocurre cuando te... Las tías con las que llevas mucho tiempo y se casan... tienen algo especial. Su actitud es...
It's as if he knew. "You came here with an attitude that I was just... a homosexual with a camera store, and I'll show you!"
Es como si supiera. "Ustedes vinieron aquí con una actitud de que yo era... un homosexual con una tienda de fotografía, y yo les mostraré!"
You'll go far with that kind of attitude.
Vas a llegar lejos con ese tipo de actitud.
Girls with an attitude don't have a'do like that.
El pelo. Agítalo.
If that's your attitude, why don't you give me my half of the money and you do whatever you want with your half.
Si esa es tu postura, por qué no me das la mitad del dinero y tú haz lo quieras con tu mitad.
These are just hooligans that are not affiliated with true supporters, and they have ruined with this unforgivable attitude, something which should be a celebration of the sport.
Esto corresponde a la crónica negra de salvajes que nada tienen que ver... con los simpatizantes, por una parte, y por la otra han arruinado... con su actitud incivil, lo que debía ser una fiesta del deporte.
Evidently that's an attitude you're not familiar with.
Evidentemente es una actitud la cual no le es familiar.
You can't go into it with that kind of attitude.
No puedes tener esa actitud.
When we have a child, we don't want it to grow up with that "winning is the only thing" attitude.
Cuando tengamos un hijo no queremos que crezca con la actitud de "ganar es lo único que importa"
Well, if that's your attitude, then maybe I should just pack my bags and move in with her.
Se está é sua atitude... bien, si esa es tu actitud tal vez deba empacar mis cosas y mudarme con ella.
with that in mind 45
with that said 19
with that 162
attitude 81
with you 1138
with me 1243
with all due respect 1080
with you by my side 17
with all my heart 134
with your family 23
with that said 19
with that 162
attitude 81
with you 1138
with me 1243
with all due respect 1080
with you by my side 17
with all my heart 134
with your family 23
with your permission 239
with men 23
with your 48
with your mother 23
with your help 124
with this ring 42
with your wife 28
with your dad 25
with pleasure 453
with your father 34
with men 23
with your 48
with your mother 23
with your help 124
with this ring 42
with your wife 28
with your dad 25
with pleasure 453
with your father 34
with her 211
with whom 203
with us 243
with your life 24
with your hands 23
with good reason 53
with it 82
with a knife 24
with a twist 22
with what 706
with whom 203
with us 243
with your life 24
with your hands 23
with good reason 53
with it 82
with a knife 24
with a twist 22
with what 706