You and her tradutor Espanhol
48,235 parallel translation
I think that's best discussed between you and her, don't you?
Creo que es mejor que lo discutáis entre vosotras, ¿ no?
You think her memories are going to be all puppy dogs and rainbows, Jennifer?
¿ Crees que sus recuerdos van a ser? ¿ Puros cachorritos y arcos iris felices, Jennifer?
Tell her you ran into Morse and he was very unhelpful.
Dígale que acudió a Morse y fue muy poco colaborador.
And when did you really last see her?
¿ Y cuándo la vio realmente por última vez?
My friend, who was a person, and you didn't say her name or nothing about her.
Mi amiga, que era una persona, y no mencionó su nombre ni dijo nada sobre ella.
- You think? One small consolation is the bitch is with The Beast right now, and I can't really see that going her way.
Un pequeño consuelo es que la zorra está con la Bestia ahora mismo, y no creo que acabe saliéndose con la suya.
Her husband is this big-shot plumber, always buying her jewellery, but her sister is always showing it off and throwing it on Katie's face, you know?
Su marido es un fontanero con bastante éxito, siempre le está comprando joyas, y su hermana siempre se las enseña, se las restriega en la cara, ¿ sabes?
You called my mother and you told her to come here.
Llamaste a mi madre y le dijiste que viniera.
You're having a really hard time and I just thought it would be helpful for you to have her.
Lo estás pasando muy mal y pensé que te ayudaría tenerla aquí.
I mean, I don't understand why there's this whole romantic bit where you swoop in and save her and act like you guys are meant to be together when this is a movie about a shit relationship.
Me refiero, no entiendo por qué hay toda esta parte romántica en la que te lanzas y la salvas y actúas como si vosotros estuvierais hechos el uno para el otro, cuando esta es una película sobre una relación de mierda.
And if you see my mother, will you tell her that I'm looking for her?
Y si ves a mi madre, ¿ le dirás que la estoy buscando?
She couldn't be nicer, and you're gonna totally love her, except for the times that you absolutely hate her because she just like never turns off.
No puede ser más amable y te va a encantar, excepto las veces que la odies totalmente porque nunca se cansa.
Like, she laughs'cause she's less comfortable with sex than you'd think she'd be, considering the shape of her body and the style of her hair?
¿ Se ríe porque está menos cómoda con el sexo de lo que se supone que debe estar teniendo en cuenta el tamaño de su cuerpo y el estilo de su peinado?
All I can tell you is, I can shoot you once I find her, and I can make it quick and clean, or I can make you suffer for days, and believe me, I got ideas.
Solo te digo que puedo pegarte un tiro cuando la encuentre y hacer que sea rápido y limpio, o puedo hacerte sufrir durante días, y créeme, ya tengo cosas en mente.
You say her name again like that, and I will kill you.
Vuelve a pronunciar su nombre así, y te mataré.
Give me the key, and I'll tell you where to find her.
Dame la llave y te diré dónde encontrarla.
You traveled to the past and gave this to her?
¿ Viajaste al pasado y le diste esto?
He thinks that Norma's dead, and he thinks that you killed her.
Cree que Norma está muerta y piensa que tú la mataste.
Bryan, do you honestly expect me to believe that you are not still deeply affected by your sister's murder, and by the fact that her killer, Carlos Mejia, is still alive?
Bryan, ¿ sinceramente esperas que crea que aún no estás profundamente afectado por el asesinato de tu hermana y por el hecho de que su asesino, Carlos Mejia, todavía está vivo?
So why didn't you just call her up and tell her?
¿ Entonces por qué no la llamaste y se lo dijiste?
So, how did you feel about Agent Booth marrying Dr. Brennan and then having two children with her?
¿ Cómo te sentiste acerca del Agente Booth casándose con la Dra. Brennan y luego teniendo dos hijos juntos?
And then all you had to do is travel on your own passport and pretend to be her.
Entonces todo lo que tuvo que hacer es viajar con su propio pasaporte y fingir ser ella.
And how do you think Mrs. Martucci felt when she found out that her son was getting fired and replaced by her?
¿ Y cómo crees que se sintió la Sra. Martucci cuando descubrió que su hijo estaba siendo despedido y reemplazado por ella?
And to be honest with you, I've kind of been avoiding her.
Y para ser honesto con vosotros, he estado evitándola.
So, when you told this court... that Mr Costley was " just Mark'"... in both November of last year, when Yvonne Carmichael sought his advice after her rape by George Selway and in the days immediately preceding
Así que, ¿ cuando le dijo a este tribunal... que el Sr. Costley era "sólo Mark"... en noviembre del año pasado, cuando Yvonne Carmichael... buscó su consejo después de su violación por George Selway... y en los días inmediatamente anteriores... al asesinato de George Selway,
And you're certain that you saw this gun in her hand.
Y estás segura de que viste esta arma en su mano.
And I think you can expect an apology from her.
Y creo que puedes esperar alguna disculpa por su parte.
Well, I wanted her to see the best, and you weren't here.
Bueno, quería que ella viera lo mejor y tú no estabas aquí.
And if you challenge her, she'll turn you into a predator too.
Y si tú te enfrentas a ella, te convertirá también en una depredadora.
And after what you told us about her connection to Dunhill she's a person of interest in this case.
Y después de lo que nos ha dicho sobre su conexión con Dunhill, es una persona de interés en el caso.
No one can imagine how violated and confused you both must feel right now but Aria's turn is up next and who knows what A.D.'s gonna do to her.
Nadie puede imaginarse lo ultrajadas y confusas que os debéis sentir ahora, pero es el turno de Aria y quién sabe qué le hará A.D.
You will need to stay close and keep her talking long enough so I can dig around.
Tienes que estar cerca y hacer que hable lo suficiente para que yo pueda indagar.
And if you're smart, you guys will stay away from her too.
Y, si sois inteligentes, chicas, os mantendréis lejos de ella también.
But first you need to deliver a gift to Spencer and her family.
Pero antes le has de dar un regalo a Spencer y a su familia.
But first you need to deliver a gift to Spencer and her family.
Pero primero tienes que entregarle un regalo a Spencer y su familia.
Why would she think that you and Ali's mom wanted to kill her?
¿ Por qué pensaba que la madre de Ali y tú queríais matarla?
You only did that to punish her and take me down with her.
Solo lo hiciste para castigarla y arrastrarme a mí con ella.
And you are lucky to have her.
Y tienes suerte de tenerla.
A.D. left it in her house and we're hoping you can find something on here to help us.
A.D. lo dejó en su casa y esperábamos que pudieses encontrar algo aquí que nos ayude.
She can't forgive, that is the only edge any of you ever have had over her and now you don't even have that.
Ella no puede perdonar, y es la única ventaja que teníais sobre ella y ahora no la tenéis.
Do you know why your niece and her friends were at that farm tonight?
¿ Sabe por qué su sobrina y sus amigas estaban en la granja esta noche?
Maybe I should just move to LA and make you forget all about her.
Quizá debería mudarme aquí y hacer que te olvides de ella.
And I don't understand why it is you are so hell-bent on proving her wrong.
Y no entiendo por qué estás tan encabezonado en demostrar que se equivocaba.
- And you believe her?
- Sí. - ¿ Y la crees?
And you know what her parents did?
¿ Sabes qué hicieron sus padres?
Eli, you and Luke found her.
Eli, Luke y tú la encontraron.
And you, take care of her.
Y tú, cuida de ella.
And did you avenge her?
¿ La vengaste?
So, you admit going to talk to Ms. Keating in her holding cell, and this is just an hour after you talked to the Medical Examiner?
Entonces, ¿ admites haber ido a hablar con la Sra. Keating a su celda, justo una hora después de que hablaras con la forense?
You feel bad you dumped her and think tacky jewelry will win her back?
¿ Te sientes mal por haberla dejado y crees que alguna joya hortera va a ayudarte a recuperarla?
And now you're dead to her.
Y ahora estás muerto para ella.
you and me 2253
you and me both 228
you and me together 41
you and what army 19
you and i 1254
you and your sister 16
you and your family 21
you and your brother 31
you and i have a lot in common 16
you and your wife 27
you and me both 228
you and me together 41
you and what army 19
you and i 1254
you and your sister 16
you and your family 21
you and your brother 31
you and i have a lot in common 16
you and your wife 27
you and your friend 16
you and your friends 27
you and i need to talk 36
you and i are done 20
you and your husband 19
you and i both know 34
you and i are friends 19
you and i together 16
you and i both know that 16
you and mr 71
you and your friends 27
you and i need to talk 36
you and i are done 20
you and your husband 19
you and i both know 34
you and i are friends 19
you and i together 16
you and i both know that 16
you and mr 71
you and dad 20
you and 111
you and your 24
you and mom 16
you and dr 42
you and him 50
you and you 80
and here 683
and here you go 26
and here i was 16
you and 111
you and your 24
you and mom 16
you and dr 42
you and him 50
you and you 80
and here 683
and here you go 26
and here i was 16
and here you are 183
and here we go 118
and here it is 109
and here's the kicker 17
and here they are 24
and here it comes 20
and here they come 18
and here's the thing 41
and here he comes 19
and here we are 249
and here we go 118
and here it is 109
and here's the kicker 17
and here they are 24
and here it comes 20
and here they come 18
and here's the thing 41
and here he comes 19
and here we are 249