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You better watch it tradutor Espanhol

224 parallel translation
- You better watch it!
¡ Sinvergüenza!
You better watch it.
Será mejor que tenga cuidado conmigo.
You better watch it, Carmine.
Será mejor que lo veas, Carmine.
Believe me, buddy, you better watch it.
Créame, procure cambiar.
- You better watch it, mister.
- Es mejor que tenga cuidado, señor.
You better watch it.
Tengan cuidado.
Jamie, you better watch it.
Jamie, es mejor vigilar.
You better watch it!
Yo no la robé. ¡ Puedes comprobarlo!
You better watch it.
Será mejor que tengas cuidado.
Yeah, you better watch it, Thornton.
Será mejor que te cuides, Thornton.
You better watch it.
¡ Espera! - Esta borracho.
Steve, you better watch it. You're going to draw back a bloody stub.
Steve, ándate con cuidado o te cortaré la mano.
You better watch it before you pop your melon.
Debes cuidarte o te enloquecerás.
You better watch it.
Llevad cuidado.
You better watch it.
¡ Tú, cuidado!
You better watch it,'cause now you can get pregnant.
Ten cuidado porque ahora puedes quedar embarazada.
You better watch it,'cause what you need is a little competition. You understand?
Así que ten cuidado, porque lo que no necesito es competencia, ¿ entendido?
You better watch it.
No, you better watch it!
Ten cuidado tú.
Maybe Daddy's got a girlfriend. You better watch it, Mom.
Quizá papá tiene novia, Deberías tener cuidado, mamá...
You better watch it.
Ten cuidado.
Better watch it. I'll have to ground you.
- Voy a tener que inmovilizarte.
You better watch out you don't do it again.
Ten cuidado de que no te vuelva a pasar.
But of course, if you're determined to watch over him, Penny perhaps you better take a pencil and paper with you. ... his first conscious words should be recorded. It may be of great interest to history.
Pero si te empeñas en vigiIarIe, Penny, coge papel y lápiz, hay que apuntar sus primeras palabras razonables, puede que tenga mucho interés histórico.
Better watch it. You won't have anything left to stake.
Basta o no vivirá para hacer nada más.
Dear fellow, in this house there are two pretty women you'll have to watch over and no one can do it better than you.
Querido joven, en esta casa hay dos lindas mujeres a las que deberás procurar tus cuidados. ¡ Nadie mejor que tú!
I'm warning you, if you're trying to pull something, you'd better watch it.
Te aviso, si tratas algo, será mejor que tengas cuidado.
I... - You just better take it easy and watch who you call yellow from now on.
Mejor te lo tomas con calma y vigilas al que llamas cobarde de ahora en adelante.
If that happens it'll be cause you tell him! And if you do, you'd better watch out for me!
Será porque tú se lo digas y si lo haces ten cuidado conmigo.
But I beseech you, if't be your pleasure and most wise consent, as partly I find it is that your fair daughter at this odd-even and dull watch o'th'night transported with no worse nor better guard but with a knave of common hire, a gondolier to the gross clasps of a lascivious Moor.
Pero os ruego que me digáis si habéis consentido, y casi creo que sí, que vuestra hermosa hija, en esta tardía hora de la noche, salga escoltada por un plebeyo, un gondolero a sueldo, para entregarse al grosero abrazo de un moro lascivo.
You'd better keep your shoulders up instead or I'll make you wear a corset, watch it.
Pon derecha la espalda o te pondré un corsé. ¡ Cuidado! Vamos.
You'd better watch it, Major.
Cuidado, mayor.
You'd better watch it. Your paranoia's beginning to show.
Contrólate, se te empieza a notar la paranoia.
And you, Lyon, you'd better watch it.
Y tú, Lyon, ve con cuidado.
You'd better watch it.
Ten cuidado.
You three had better watch it.
Más vale que se cuiden ustedes tres.
But you'd better watch it, or you'll lose the job again.
Pero mejor te fijas bien o volverás a perder el trabajo.
Green, it will be better that you walk around and watch the area.
verde, sera mejor que andeis y mireis que hay por ahi.
Listen to me, Mr. Toombes, I'm playing the female lead in this series, whether you like it or not so you're the one that better watch it, mate your drama school accent is slipping.
Soy protagonista de esta serie le guste o no. Por lo tanto, tenga cuidado conmigo. Es una grosera.
You're the one who'd better watch it
Usted es el que mejor se cuida.
It's something bad. You better watch your stinking mouth or I'm going to kick you in the butt.
Te apuesto a que si Es malísimo.
You'd better watch it.
¡ Ten cuidado!
You'd better watch it.
- Tenga cuidado.
And it would be better for you to watch movies.
Y te iría bien ver películas.
But you'd better watch him. He'll try it again.
Pero vigílelo, volverá a intentarlo.
You'd better watch it, Chinaman!
¡ Cuidado con lo que dices, chinito!
Better watch it, you little jerk.
Será mejor que te cuides, tontito.
I know it goes super fast. And you better watch out.
Lo sé y es mejor que tengas cuidado.
I'll do my part, but you'd better watch your ass or these guys will shoot it off.
Yo cumpliré mi parte, pero usted vaya con cuidado porque van a ir a por usted.
There's no danger, but it'd be better if you kept watch.
No hay peligro, pero es bueno que te mantengas alerta.
If there's going to be a cake, you'd better watch your fingers setting it out.
Si hay tarta, ten cuidado cuando la saques.

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