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Translate.vc / Inglês → Espanhol / [ Y ] / You get some rest

You get some rest tradutor Espanhol

1,610 parallel translation
Why don't you get some rest and I'll be back soon, okay?
Descansa, vuelvo enseguida.
- Hey, you make sure you get some rest, okay?
- Descansa un poco, ¿ de acuerdo? - De acuerdo.
You get some rest.
Tú descansa.
All you need to do is sign here, for now... and we can work on the language of your confession after you get some rest.
Sólo tienes que firmar aquí, por ahora... y redactaremos tu confesión después de que descanses un poco.
Give me that. Charlie, you go home and you get some rest.
Charlie, ve a casa y descansa un poco, vete.
How bout you get some rest, and I'll come by later.
Que tal si descansas un rato, y yo vendre despues
How bout you get some rest with me now, boyfriend?
¿ Qué tal si tu descansas conmigo ahora, novio?
In the meantime, why don't you get some rest?
Mientras tanto por qué no descansa.
You'll be more on your game after you get some rest.
Estarás más dispuesto después de descansar.
Why don't you get some rest?
¿ Por qué no descansas un poco?
But you should get some rest.
Pero deberías descansar.
You should get some rest.
Debería descansar.
You know, maybe you should get some rest.
Sabe, talvez debería descansar un poco.
We were taken aback. You should get some more rest, Mr Talbot.
Debería descansar un poco más, Señor Talbot.
Maybe we should stop somewhere and get some rest, you know?
Quizá deberíamos parar en algún lado para descansar un poco, ¿ te parece?
Well, you need to get some rest, sweetie.
Necesitas descansar.
You should get some rest.
Deberías descansar.
Now, I'd recommend that you all get some rest.
Uds. descansen. Van a necesitar el descanso.
Now you just get some rest, yeah?
Ahora a descansar.
You should get some rest, too.
Deberías descansar
You need to get some rest.
- Salvo, necesitas descansar más.
Audrey, you should get some rest.
Audrey, deberías descansar.
Listen, I want you to get the security detail and go back to the hotel and just some rest.
Escucha, quiero que des los detalles a seguridad y vuelvas al hotel a descansar algo.
Now, would you like me to show you around, or do you want to get some rest?
¿ Le gustaría ahora que le muestre esto,... o quiere descansar un poco?
You need to get some rest, okay?
¿ sí?
Listen, you could go home, take some ibuprofen have a glass of merlot, and get some rest.
Debería irse a casa, tomar ibuprofeno tomarse un trago y descansar un poco.
Let's get some x-rays, and after that, you might wanna get in there and look for the rest of tweety.
Llevadlo a rayos X y después de eso, puedes traerlo y mirar a ver qué queda de Piolín.
And you... get some rest.
Y tú... descansa un poco.
Maybe you should go and get some rest.
Deberías ir a descansar.
- And you told me that you'd get some rest.
- Y tú me dijiste que descansarías.
Now you want to get out of here so I can get some rest or what?
Ahora, ¿ quieres irte de aquí así puedo descansar un poco, o qué?
Okay, I want you to get some rest, all right?
Está bien, quiero que Ud. descanse un poco, ¿ de acuerdo?
Look, why don't you go back to the hotel or home... try and get some rest.
Escucha, ve al hotel o a casa... e intenta descansar un poco.
Get some rest. You wanna be fresh for the big meet, don't you?
Coge éste
Why don't you go home, get some rest?
Ve a tu casa y descansa un rato.
I thought you were going to get some rest?
¿ Creía que ibas a descansar algo?
You finished it a couple of hours ago. You were gonna get some rest.
Lo terminaste hace un par de horas, ibas a descansar algo.
Let's get you some rest.
Vamos. Ve a descansar un poco.
You should get some rest.
Deberías descansar algo.
You need to get some rest.
Necesitas descansar.
You need to go home and get some rest.
Tienes que ir a casa y descansar.
It's been a great day ; why don't you guys get some rest.
Ha sido un gran día ; ¿ por qué no descansáis algo?
You should get some rest.
Deverías descansar un poco.
You need to get some rest, anyway.
Necesita descansar.
Well, you gotta get some rest sometime, sweetheart.
Bueno, será mejor que descanses en algún momento, cariño.
- I think you should get some rest, OK?
- Deberías descansar, ¿ sí?
Get some rest now. I'll see you tomorrow lf you need anything you have my number.
Descansa algo, ahora.Te veré mañana Si necesitas algo, tienes mi número.
We better get some rest if we're gonna get you home tomorrow.
Será mejor que descansar un poco si vamos a llegar a casa mañana.
You need to get some rest.
Deben descansar.
Why don't you go home and get some rest?
¿ Por qué no se va a casa a descansar?
- You should get some rest.
Sra. Duke, no creo que deba Señora. - Debería descansar un poco.

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