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You had a choice tradutor Espanhol

543 parallel translation
" I thought that it couldn't hurt if you had a choice.
" Pensé que no dolería si tuvieras una opción.
I said you had a choice to make.
Dijo que tú tendrías que escoger.
If you had a choice, would you rather love a girl, or have her love you?
Si pudieras elegir... preferirías amar una chica o que ella te amase?
If you had a choice, would you like to tell them something else?
Si tuvieras la posibilidad, ¿ te gustaría decirles algo más?
Five minutes ago, you had a choice.
Hace cinco minutos, usted tenía una opción.
So let's say you had a choice - Olcha or a bullet in the head
Así que digamos que usted tiene la elección, Olcha o una bala en la cabeza...
You talk as though you had a choice.
Hablas como si tuvieseis otra opción.
Rhiana, you had a choice before.
Rhiana, antes tenías alternativa.
You had a choice and you took the easy way out. And it was a rotten thing to do!
Podias elegir y escogiste la salida más fácil, y eso fue algo pésimo.
They had the choice between him and me, and they chose me. How do you like that?
Tenían que escoger entre él o yo, y me escogieron a mí. ¿ Qué te parece?
If I had a choice of weapons with you, sir, I'd choose grammar.
Si tuviera que batirme en duelo con Vd., señor, escogería la oratoria.
Oh, I know you had a difficult choice to make.
Sé que tu elección fue difícil.
I wouldn't say you had much of a choice anyhow.
De todas formas, no tienes otra salida.
I had a choice to make once, between all this and a guy with no money and broken fingernails, like you.
Una vez pude elegir entre esto y un tipo sin blanca y las uñas rotas.
You at least deserve an answer. The choice that you had to make in that prison camp was no different than the choice that confronts every military leader.
La decisión que tenía que tomar en el campo de concentración es la misma que se ve obligado a tomar cualquier jefe militar.
I had no choice, Mother. You see, he's a blackleg.
No tenía elección, Mamá...
If you'd known Sebastian, you'd understand how she had no choice how none of us ever had a choice, once Sebastian had decided we were to be used.
Si hubiera conocido a Sebastian, entendería que no tuvo opción que no teníamos opción, si Sebastian se decidía a usarnos.
I said I wold not hurt you if I had a choice.
Dije que, si de mi dependiese, no te haría daño.
You had your choice...
Te di a elegir ¿ No?
They had the choice between him and me, and they chose me. How do you like that?
Podían elegir entre él y yo, y me eligieron a mí. ¿ Qué os parece?
For a split second, you had the choice of staying with King or coming with me.
Eso no es lo único que ocurrió, y tú lo sabes. Por un segundo tuviste la opción de quedarte con King o venir conmigo.
But if you had to make a choice between the two?
- ¿ Y si tuvieras que elegir sólo una?
I had little choice after your conversation with my wife. Henry, if you can't be more gracious, shut up! - It's a great day for the cause, Maggie.
Y, como reportera, tendré que ver llegar al primero a la meta y será necesario que yo gane.
If you'd had the choice, would you be a camp guard, or die on the Russian front?
Si tuvieras la oportunidad, ¿ serías guardia de un campamento o morirías en el frente ruso?
You had already made a choice which you betrayed for a dish of lentils!
Ya habías hecho una elección política y la has traicionado por un plato de lentejas.
If you had your choice among all the girls at the party tonight...
Si pudieras elegir a cualquier mujer de la fiesta -
We had a choice — inform you then or inform you now.
Teníamos que elegir entre informarle entonces o ahora.
I'm one of the silent majority. But I wish you had made some of those questions multiple choice.
Pertenezco a la mayoría silenciosa... pero ojalá las preguntas fuesen de elección múltiple.
You always had a choice,
Tú siempre has decidido.
I found it a little hard to leave you last night, but I had no choice.
Me resultó difícil dejarte anoche, pero no tenía alternativa.
If it'd happened to me, I'da done the same thing. You had no choice.
Si me hubiera pasado a mí, hubiera hecho lo mismo.
Wait a minute, we had no choice in that matter, and you know it.
Un momento, no teníamos opción, y lo sabes.
Clinton's choice of a location was a gift. But you had to... make sure that you found him before Lee confronted him with the false card.
El lugar escogido por Clinton te vino de perilla pero tenías que asegurarte de hallarlo antes de que Lee lo confrontara con la tarjeta falsa.
If you had your choice, which of these guys would you pick?
Si tuvieras que escoger a uno, ¿ quién sería?
So they told me I had a choice, they said you can either have the Wallace joke or the genocide joke, but you can't have both.
Vietnam! Así que me dijeron que escogiera : Me dijeron : " Puedes hacer el chiste de
You had a choice.
Ah, pero... pudo elegir.
Well, if you want to know the truth... we had no choice but to come to Mortville.
Bueno, si quieres saber la verdad no teniamos otra opcion que venir a Mortville.
Do you think I had a choice?
¿ Crees que tuve alternativa?
You think I had a choice?
¿ Crees que tenía otra salida?
Now, I'll tell you, folks, if I had my choice between greasing a car... and necking with a pretty girl... I'd be wearing the same silly smile that old Bo is.
Ahora les diré, amigos, si yo tuviera que elegir entre engrasar un auto... y estar amartelado con una linda chica... luciría esa misma sonrisa tonta que luce Bo.
Cause if I had a choice, now, men, you know the truth when I tell you if you had a choice between dying in some pussy or getting hit by a bus, which line would you be in?
Porque si yo puedo escoger... Díganme, hombres : Ustedes saben la verdad.
If I had my choice, I'd endorse one of the Dallas cheerleaders... before I'd back either one of you... turkeys!
Si pudiera, apoyaría a cualquier charlatán de Dallás Antes que a uno de ustedes ¡ Idiotas!
You know, Adric had a choice.
Sabén que Adric tuvo elección.
If you had the choice between turning out just a hit play... And turning out a hit play with dangerous origins...
Si te dieran a elegir entre una obra de éxito, y otra obra de éxito pero con orígenes peligrosos,
I had a choice between kidnapping you and getting shot with that gun.
Podía elegir entre secuestrarla o que me disparasen con el arma.
If you were new and had any choice about the matter... would you be dying to be born into a world like this?
Si volviera de nuevo y tubiera la chance de elegir : Se alegraría de nacer en este mundo?
Because of what you'd given me, I had a choice.
Gracias a lo que tú me has dado, pude elegir.
Talking about loss of senses suffered by film directors. If you had the choice between a blind, deaf, or a mute director, what would you prefer?
Ya que estamos hablando de la pérdida de los sentidos de los directores, si Vd. tuviera que escoger entre un director ciego, sordo o mudo,
Sir, you told me that the poison food would be in a - - in a new tin plate. Well, they loaded it up so much, I had no choice.
Usted dijo que la comida envenenada estaría en un plato nuevo, pero pusieron tanta que no tuve elección.
Look, Renee, I had to make a choice between my career and being married to you.
Rene. Tuve que tomar una decisión entre mi carrera y mi matrimonio contigo.
Ma, if you had your choice of a spaghetti sauce with your picture on it or Paul Newman's picture on it, which would you choose?
Si pudieras elegir entre una salsa para espaguetis con tu foto o la de Paul Newman, ¿ cuál elegirias?

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