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Translate.vc / Inglês → Espanhol / [ Y ] / You had an accident

You had an accident tradutor Espanhol

301 parallel translation
I seen... I saw your horse run away, and I knew you had an accident, so I...
Al ver su caballo, he sabido que había tenido un accidente.
Have you had an accident?
¿ Tuvo un accidente?
One morning, we'll come in find you had an accident.
Y una mañana verán que has tenido un accidente.
I was afraid you had an accident.
Temía que hubieses sufrido un accidente.
- You had an accident.
- En el hospital, tuvo un accidente.
- You had an accident, Lewis?
- ¿ Tuvo un accidente, Lewis?
Penny, you had an accident, but you really must try- -
- Penny, tuviste un accidente, pero...
- You had an accident?
- ¿ Tuviste un accidente?
We thought you had an accident.
Pensamos que habías tenido un accidente.
You had an accident?
¿ Ha tenido un accidente?
- Oh, I thought you had an accident.
Pensaba que habías tenido un accidente.
I didn't know you had an accident.
No sabía lo del accidente, ¿ cómo estás?
I know you had an accident.
Ya sé que ha tenido usted un accidente.
We've had an accident on board but you conceal it from me!
¡ ¿ Ha habido una avería y me lo habéis ocultado?
I'll take you back to Carvel, wherever it is, and, see, you can tell them we had an accident.
La llevaré de vuelta a Carvel, donde sea que esté, y, puede decir que tuvimos un accidente.
You've had an accident, but you're safe at home and you're going to be all right.
Ha tenido un accidente, pero está a salvo en casa y va a ponerse bien.
I'm sorry to see you've had an accident.
Lamento ver que ha tenido un accidente.
I thought you must have had an accident... Oh.
Pensé que debías de haber tenido un accidente... ¡ oh!
- M urdoch, do you think he's had an accident?
Murdoch, ¿ habrá tenido un accidente?
Then you wish it was an accident, and you had that policy for $ 50,000.
Y deseas que sea un accidente y que tengas el seguro de $ 50.000.
I thought you'd had an accident.
¡ Pensé que habías tenido un accidente!
You see, blacksmith, we've had an accident with these, and as they are wanted for immediate service,
Hemos tenido un pequeño problema y las necesitamos de inmediato.
You see, he had to get rid of the janitor to keep him from testifying for me, so he killed him, made it look like an accident.
Tenía que deshacerse del conserje para impedir que testificara, así que le mató. haciendo que pareciese un accidente.
You could've taken a nail off. Called away on business. Or had an accident.
Una enfermedad, algo del trabajo, un accidente...
I tell you I had an accident on the way back to the inn.
Le digo que sufrí un accidente mientras volvía a la posada.
Colin said his mother had an accident that a tree fell on her or a limb or something you don't suppose?
Colin dijo que su madre había tenido un accidente. Le había caído un árbol o una rama. Supones que...
Your uncle should have had an accident the day he took you in.
Tu tío debió haber tenido un accidente el día que te alojó en su casa.
Hello, you've had an accident.
Hola, ha sufrido un ligero accidente.
You'd had an accident.
Que tuviste un accidente.
I had an accident. So you did, doctor.
Sí lo dijo, Doctor.
I said you'd had an accident.
Les dije que fue un accidente.
No, the trouble they're going to to drive you insane makes it look as though your father's had an accident, perhaps and all they're doing is keeping quiet about it.
No... Este asunto de querer volverte loca, me hace pensar que tal vez tu padre sufrió un accidente, y ellos están manteniéndolo en secreto.
You never believed your husband had an accident, did you?
Nunca creíste que tu esposo sufriera un accidente, ¿ no?
You have had an accident.
Ha tenido un accidente.
What happened back then? I heard you and your wife had an accident.
¿ Cómo dijo antes, tuvo un accidente con su mujer?
Well, you see, I - I just had an accident.
Pues, verá, tuve un accidente. Bajé...
Dear lady, I was beginning to fear we had created an unfortunate impression on you, in view of today's accident.
Querida, empezaba a temer que había tenido una impresión errónea sobre nosotros tras el accidente de hoy.
- ¿ Les dijiste que tuvo un accidente?
I already told you I had an accident and went back to Limoges.
Ya te dije que tuve un accidente y volví a Limoges.
- Do you think he's had an accident?
- ¿ Cree que haya tenido un accidente?
I thought you'd had an accident!
Pensé que había tenido un accidente!
You had an accident.
Habéis tenido un accidente.
And once I had become Georges Campo, you kill me or have me die in an accident.
Y una vez que me había convertido en Georges Campo, me suicidaría o moriría en un accidente.
He is embroiled in a whole bunch of juridical cases. He had an accident, transplantations, you know.
Está embrollado en un montón de casos judiciales.
You have just had an accident. Do not panic. Remain calm and lie down.
Acaba de tener un accidente, no se altere... guarde la calma y túmbese.
You know that he had an accident?
¿ Sabías que tuvo un accidente?
Did you not tell Evans that you had been doing training in medical matters before the war and that you stopped the training because of an accident?
¿ No le dijo a Evans que usted estudiaba materias de medicina antes de la guerra y que paró debido a un accidente?
Even though I had an airtight alibi by total accident at the time of the murder, that didn't stop you.
Aunque, por casualidad, yo tenía una coartada a toda prueba en el momento del asesinato de mi tío eso no lo detuvo, ¿ verdad?
What if we'd kept going together, got married, You'd been killed in an accident, And I had to identify you?
¿ Y si nos hubiéramos seguido viendo, nos hubiéramos casado hubieras muerto en un accidente, y tuviera que identificarte?
I don't think so, because... if he had killed Sir Roger and then moved the body in order to make it look like an accident... With all those beautiful things around, why would he just take one book? Would you?
- No, porque si mató a Sir Roger y movió el cuerpo para hacerlo pasar por accidente habiendo tantas cosas hermosas ahí, ¿ por qué robar sólo un libro?
I had an accident with an old gun, a stone in my shoe, and you still think I'm insane.
Tuve un accidente con una vieja arma, una piedra en mi zapato, y todavía crees que estoy loco.

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