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Translate.vc / Inglês → Espanhol / [ Y ] / You heard him

You heard him tradutor Espanhol

3,370 parallel translation
But you heard him.
Pero usted lo escuchó.
If you shoot in there - - you heard him.
Si disparas allí... Lo escucharon.
You heard him, let's go.
Le oíste, vamos.
Yeah. You heard him. Last chance, ladies.
Lo escuchaste, última oportunidad, chicas.
You heard him. Move!
Ya le has oído. ¡ Muévete!
You heard him.
Ya le ha oído.
Converge on Pod 6. You heard him, get this door open.
Lo escuchaste, abre esta puerta.
Okay, you heard him.
De acuerdo, lo has escuchado.
Stand down, you heard him.
Retiraos, ya le habéis oído.
John, you heard him.
John, ya le has oído.
You heard him.
Le has oído.
Oh, you heard him.
Oh, lo escuchas.
You heard him today, Eddie.
- Ya lo escuchaste hoy, Eddie.
If you had heard him...
Si le hubieras oído...
You haven't heard from him, have you?
No sabes nada de él, ¿ verdad?
The way I heard it, you saw him last, out your car window.
Según lo que escuché, tú fuiste el último en verlo, por la ventana de tu auto.
Ten seconds ago you never heard of him, now you're an expert.
Hace diez segundos no habías oído hablar de él, y ahora eres un experto.
Have you ever heard him make any racist statements?
¿ Alguna vez lo escuchó hacer algún comentario racista?
You heard him.
¡ Lo escuchaste!
Have you heard from him yet?
Escuché algo?
The fertility doctor, you guys never heard of him?
El doctor de la fertilidad, ¿ nunca habéis oído hablar de él?
Oh, I've never heard you mention him before.
Nunca he escuchado de él antes.
I actually wanted to know if you'd heard from him.
Solo quiero saber si ha sabido de él.
And while I was praying for him, I heard God loud and clear in my head, " Stephen, you can stop praying now.
tras el accidente, me puse a rezar por John.
- Have you heard of him?
- ¿ Has oído de él?
You heard the man ; answer him.
Ya le has oído, responde.
- So you've heard of him.
- Has oído hablar de él.
As you've heard, there are many people who care about Neal, people who see him as more than just a criminal.
Como ha oído, hay muchísima gente que se preocupa por Neal. Gente que lo ve como más que un simple criminal.
Um, first I've heard. You--you meet him?
Lo primero que escucho. ¿ Le conoces?
I heard you and dad talking about him before dinner.
Os escuché a ti y a papá hablar de el antes de la cena.
Have you heard of him?
¿ Habías escuchado de él?
You've heard of him. [chuckles softly]
Ya has oído hablar de él.
Uh, I heard him tell you to do it.
Escuché que te dijo que tú lo hicieras.
So I told him, my lord, and I said I heard your grace say so and, my lord, he speaks most vilely of you, like a foul-mouthed man as he is
Se lo he dicho, milord, y le he dicho que así lo había oído decir a vuestra alteza, él habló de vos, de una manera villana como un incidente malhablado que es
Hey, you heard her... we never saw him before.
Oye, ya la ha oído, nunca le había visto antes.
He robbed his own truck, shot two people... -... and you still haven't heard from him.
Asaltó su propio camión, hirió a dos personas, y usted no ha sabido de él.
You could have at least heard him out.
Al menos podrías haberle escuchado.
You should've heard him, diminishing Mexico.
Deberías haberle oído despreciando a México.
You've heard him tease me about not having a doctorate.
Ya le has oído mofarse de que no tengo un doctorado.
You heard of him?
Helmut Torben.
We just need to know if you've heard from him.
Sólo necesitamos saber si ha sabido de él.
Heard you were looking for him.
He oído que lo estabas buscando.
Heard you bumped into him the other night.
He oído que te topaste con él la otra noche.
If you heard how he praises him!
¡ Si oyeras cómo lo alaba!
So you still haven't heard from him at all?
Entonces, ¿ no has sabido nada de él?
Oh, you've probably never heard of him.
Oh, probablemente nunca hayas oído hablar de él. Su nombre es...
It's just the first time I've heard you call him that.
Es la primera vez que escucho que le llamas así.
I just wondered if you might have heard from him.
Solo me preguntaba si podría haber hablado con él.
You know they say if you haven't heard from him in three days, he's just not that into you.
Ya sabes lo que dicen si no tienes noticias de él en tres días, no le interesas tanto.
When was the last time you heard from him?
¿ Cuándo fue la última vez que supo de él?
And you told him what you'd heard?
- ¿ Y le dijiste lo que escuchaste?

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