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Translate.vc / Inglês → Espanhol / [ Y ] / You just don't understand

You just don't understand tradutor Espanhol

1,396 parallel translation
Sólo no se lo digas a tu madre, ¿ entiendes?
- Kyle, you just don't understand, it's...
- Kyle, tu no entiendes, es...
Just between us... I understand why you don't trust humans.
Entre nosotros... comprendo por qué no confía en los humanos.
Oh, you just don't understand technology.
Oh, tu simplemente no entiendes la tecnología.
I just saw Grace's boob You don't understand
Le ví una teta a Grace.
es solo que tu no comprendes a Chris como lo hago yo somos gente simple
I guess I just don't understand what Ethan has to do with... you and me.
Creo que no entiendo qué tiene que ver en todo esto Ethan entre tú y yo.
Whatyou don't understand is you're just my boss, but Ivy's my sister.
Tú eres sólo mi jefe ; Ivy es mi hermana.
You just don't understand.
No entiendes.
You just don't understand, do you? Get back here, Kevin!
- ¿ Música?
You're right. I just don't understand what the problem is. OK, well, have a- -
- No entiendo el problema.
You guys just don't understand the consequences.
Ustedes no entienden las consecuencias.
Just take them, and ask me what you don't understand.
Tú encárgate de ellos y pregúntame si no entiendes algo
We just don't understand why you can't see evil.
Sólo no entendemos... -... por qué no pueden ver al demonio.
I just don't understand how you guys... can even find these women attractive.
Es que no puedo entender cómo ustedes... creen que esas mujeres son atractivas.
Oh, I can never understand half of what he says but don't you just love his accent?
Casi no le entiendo, pero, ¿ no te encanta su acento?
I just don't understand. Your father's sick, and you won't even go see him.
Él está enfermo y tú ni siquiera lo visitas.
- Why- - I just don't understand why you have to go to school... so far from home.
¿ Por qué irás a una universidad lejos de casa?
They just don't understand you.
ellos no te comprendieron.
You know, I just don't understand it.
No lo entiendo.
You just don't understand
No lo entiendes
Just keep quiet, whatever you hear. And pretend you don't understand any of it.
Mira, oigas lo que oigas, ten la boca cerrada, y que no se te note en la cara que nos entiendes.
No! You don't understand. I just wanted the facts.
No entiende, yo sólo quería los hechos.
He's just a child, don't you understand it?
Él es un niño, ¿ no entiendes?
- Eh... I really just don't understand what you're trying to do here.
Pero no comprendo qué intentas hacer.
Jim, no entiendo porque no quieres prestarle el dinero lo tenemos ahí sin usar en nuestra cuenta de Italia
No puedo entender que me hayas ocultado esto
- You just don't understand this world.
- tu no entiendes este mundo.
Look, I understand that you can hold your own in a fight just fine, but don't you think this is a little out of your area of expertise?
Mira, entiendo que puedas pelear sola sin problemas. Pero, ¿ no crees que esto se va de tu área de saber?
Look, just because you don't understand magic doesn't mean that you have to be afraid of it.
Que no entiendan la magia no significa que deban tenerle miedo.
Well, I just don't understand why you'd wanna go back to that.
No entiendo por qué querrías volver a eso.
- I just don't understand it, you guys worked together?
No lo entiendo. ¿ Lo prepararon juntos?
I don't understand why you can't just go to the grand jury and tell them what Sam told you.
No entiendo por qué no va ante el jurado de acusación y les cuenta lo que Sam les dijo.
Sean, you don't understand how hard it was for me just to get to this point.
Sean, no entiendes lo difícil que fue para mí sólo llegar a este punto.
I just don't understand why you would keep this from me.
No entiendo por qué no me lo mencionaste.
But I just want you to understand that we don't judge in here
Pero entienda, que aquí no juzgamos.
After that, if I don't get what I ask for, these people, they're just fish in a barrel to me, you understand that?
Después, si no consigo lo que pido, estas personas, son solo peces en un barril para mi, ¿ comprende eso?
I just don't understand why you have to do your hunting at night.
Es que no entiendo por qué tiene que hacer su caza por la noche.
You carried Kendall wounded to the pickup but I just don't understand.
Llevaste herido a Kedall hasta la extracción... Pero es sólo que no entiendo.
You just don't understand.
¡ Tú no entiendes nada!
I'm sorry. You just don't understand.
Lo lamento, Uds. No entienden.
You just don't understand.
No te enteras.
Just put in the car what I tell you to and drive it to me and don't let anybody stop you. Understand?
Pongan en el auto lo que les diga, tráiganmelo... y que nadie los detenga, ¿ entendido?
She just wants to take you away from the ones who understand you. Don't listen to him, Nat.
No lo escuches, Nat!
You know, that all those unexplainable events out there that no one can make any sense out of, they're all just part of one big riddle we don't understand.
Ya sabes, todos esos eventos inexplicables... a los que nadie les da sentido, son todos parte de un gran acertijo que no entendemos.
Why don't you just admit it, you don't understand why anything happens.
¿ Por qué no lo admite? Ud. no entiende por qué ocurre todo, ni nunca lo hará.
They just don't understand you.
Es sólo que no te entienden.
My wife goes, "l don't understand why you just don't put them down and quit."
Mi esposa dice, "hazlo a un lado y ya".
She goes, "l don't understand why you just don't quit."
Dice, "no entiendo, déjalo".
- Nothing is fake lt's just that you don't understand.
- Nada es una farsa Es sólo que no lo entiendes.
I just don't understand why the god that you pray to... would let such unthinkable things happen to decent people.
No entiendo porque el dios al que le rezas permitiría que tales cosas impensables le sucedan a la gente decente.

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