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Translate.vc / Inglês → Francês / [ I ] / I better get back

I better get back tradutor Francês

737 parallel translation
Well, I better get back to what I can do.
Je devrais me remettre à ce dont je suis capable.
I better get back on the Schemer's tail.
Je dois reprendre la piste du Combinard.
- I better get back.
J'y vais.
I better get back your dinner tray.
Je rapporte votre dîner.
I know it's not polite to ask questions, and I won't, so I better get back to my work before I can't stand it.
Je sais qu'il est impoli de poser des questions, donc je ne le ferai pas. Je ferais mieux de retourner au travail tant que je peux encore tenir ma curiosité.
I better get back to the ship.
Je retourne au bateau.
If nothing ever happens here. It would be better if you get back to your house. No, I'm not going.
ça nous changera rentrez chez vous.
I'm sure when you get back, you'll feel better and have a happier outlook.
Je suis sûr que tu te sentiras mieux au retour. Tu seras plus optimiste. - J'espère bien.
I'd better get used to going back to the apartment without Chris there.
Mais je dois me faire à l'idée de rentrer à l'appartement sans Chris.
I'd better get back.
Je devrais rentrer.
Better wait here until I get back.
Attendez que je sois de retour.
I think I'd better get back to the job.
Je ferais mieux de retourner au boulot.
I think we'd better get back.
Nous ferions mieux de rentrer.
Oh, well, I suppose I'd better get back to this. I'll get these cleaned up.
Je ferais mieux de m'y remettre.
I am going and when I get back you'd better not be here.
Je m'en vais, et à mon retour, j'espère que vous serez parti.
I told you you'd better get back.
Je t'avais dit de revenir.
But I reckon you better get going before he gets back.
Mais pars avant qu'il ne revienne.
I'm sorry to disappoint you, but I sure thought you'd be better sports than to try and get back at me this way.
Désolé de vous avoir déçus. Je n'aurais pas cru que vous vous vengeriez ainsi. Partons, Walter.
I'd better get on back to the hotel.
II faut que je rentre.
Better not tell the old lady. Not until I get back.
Attends mon retour pour le dire à ta grand-mère
I guess we'd better get him back now.
I guess I'd better get back and do what I was doing.
Je ferais bien de reprendre mon poste.
I heard you say once you didn't like ranch cooking... so I guess you figured you'd better come back and get Rio.
Je t'ai entendu dire que tu n'aimais pas la cuisine des ranchs... alors, je pense que tu as préféré revenir chercher Rio.
- Yeah, I better get you back, get you food.
Je vais te ramener à la ville.
I'd say haven't we better get back to London at once with all this murder afoot?
Rentrons vite élucider ces meurtres.
Teddy, I think you'd better get back down into the cellar. And then when I turn out the lights, when everything's dark here you come up and take the poor man down to the canal. Now get along.
Redescends à la cave et... quand j'éteindrai et qu'il fera sombre... tu monteras et le porteras au Canal.
We'll try and talk when you get back, and I don't think they'd better count on me for this work.
On en reparlera à ton retour. Ne compte pas sur moi pour ce poste.
Well, I guess we'd better get back to the office.
Bon, on devrait rentrer au bureau.
Well, I better meet Simpson, get back to the holding area.
Moi aussi. Je dois voir Simpson.
Well, I'd better get back to my boyfriend or he'll raise the roof.
Je vais retourner auprès de mon Jules avant qu'il s'énerve.
I'd better get back to the house.
Rentre à la maison.
I'd better get back. I'm clearing out of the office tonight.
J'y vais, je quitte le bureau ce soir.
You and I would get along better... if you pulled back to your side of American Creek.
Tout irait mieux si vous restiez sur vos terres.
I have some business. When I get back, that fitting better be over.
J'ai à faire, à mon retour ayez terminé l'essayage.
I'd better get back before I have to swim for it. - Night, Mrs. Blandings.
Je préfere rentrer tout de suite avant d'avoir a nager!
I'd better get back.
J'y vais.
I'd better get back...
Je vais m'occuper du reste.
- I'd better get back to the Palace.
- Je devrais aller au Palace.
I'd better shove off if I'm to get back to the mine by tomorrow.
Je dois partir, je veux être à la mine avant, demain soir.
I better get Ahearn back in town.
On va rappeler Ahearn ici.
Now I'd better get a taxi and go back.
Je devrais prendre un taxi et y retourner.
Well, country gent, son of a boarding house, or whatever he is, I suppose I'd better get his box back.
Noble ou non, ou quoi qu'il soit, je devrais récupérer sa malle.
I believe it'd be better for me to get back to my luxury hotel. It's silly, but I don't like to bother people.
Je crois qu'il vaut mieux que je regagne mon palace... c'est bête, mais j'aime pas déranger le monde.
If you'll forgive me, Gladys I'd better get back to being gainfully employed.
Veuillez m'excuser, Gladys... mais je dois mériter ma paie.
I'd better get back to practicing
Bon, je ferais bien de m'y remettre.
- I'd better get back to the party.
- Je devrais retourner à la fête.
- Mm-hmm. Well, I'd better get back to work.
Je ferais mieux d'y retourner.
I think I'd better get back to the house.
- Je crois que je devrais rentrer.
I'd better get back to the conservatory.
- Je dois retourner au Conservatoire.
- Better get back inside. - I say, but look here, old girl -
Rentrez dans le bar.
And you better stay in town till I get back.
Et tu ferais mieux de rester en ville jusqu'à ce que je revienne.

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