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Translate.vc / Inglês → Francês / [ J ] / Just don't touch anything

Just don't touch anything tradutor Francês

64 parallel translation
Oh, no one must touch anything unusual we find on the streets. Don't panic. Just inform the nearest police station.
Il ne faut toucher à rien d'inhabituel, ne pas paniquer et prévenir le commissariat.
Well. uh... Just don't touch anything.
Ne touchez à rien!
Just sit tight and don't touch anything.
Ne touches à rien.
Just don't touch anything.
Ne touche à rien, surtout.
You just sit there and don't touch anything. Fine.
Vous, vous restez tranquille et ne touchez a rien.
Just don't touch anything metal.
Ne touche aucun métal.
Just don't touch anything up there, all right?
Ne touche rien en haut, d'accord?
Listen, just hold my calls. - "Hold my calls." - And don't touch anything.
Il s'avère qu'il y a eu des rappports sur une trainée rouge autour de la ville voleur arrêté, sauvetage de personnes d'un immeuble en feu.
You can get up there, Fernando. Just don't touch anything.
Vous pouvez monter mais ne touchez rien.
Just don't touch anything else, and I think we'll be fine.
Mais ne touchez rien d'autre et ça ira.
So until I get back, let's just employ a hands-off policy, meaning, don't touch anything.
D'ici à mon retour, on applique la règle de non-intervention, c'est-à-dire : tu ne touches à rien.
Just don't touch anything.
Et ne touche à rien.
Just... don't, don't touch anything in here, y-y-you're clueless.
Ne touche à rien là-dedans, tu ne sais rien de rien.
You just stay here and... and... well, don't touch anything.
Vous restez ici et... et... ne touchez à rien.
- Fine, just don't touch anything.
OK, mais ne touchez à rien.
Now, everyone, enjoy yourselves, but just don't touch anything.
Maintenant, amusez-vous, mais ne touchez à rien.
Just don't touch anything.
Ne touche à rien.
Just don't touch anything that's not yours.
Ne touchez à rien qui ne vous appartienne.
Don't touch anything, just walk.
Ne touchez rien, avancez.
Just make sure you don't touch anything in here.
Fais plutôt attention à ne rien casser.
Just don't touch anything.
Surtout, ne touche à rien.
Okay, and just don't touch anything.
Et ne touche à rien.
Just don't touch anything.
Ne touchez à rien.
No, Jackie, no, no, not you, don't touch anything, just... stand back.
Non, Jackie, non, non, pas vous, ne touchez à rien, juste... Reculez.
Just stay in the carand don't touch anything.
Reste dans la voiture et ne touche à rien.
Just don't touch anything.
Touche à rien.
Um, you just stay here and don't touch anything.
Vous, restez là et ne touchez à rien.
I don't normally touch anything in the water, but I just thought, you know, it had been swimming with me for so long,
D'habitude, je ne touche rien dans l'eau, mais il nageait à côté depuis un moment, alors j'ai tendu la main.
Just don't touch anything, okay?
Just don't touch anything.
Trop bien! - Mais ne touche à rien.
Yeah, good, okay, fine, just-just don't touch anything.
Très bien. Mais touche à rien.
Just do me a favor and don't touch anything.
Rendez-moi service : ne touchez à rien.
Just stay down, don't touch anything.
Baissez-vous, ne touchez à rien.
Yeah, just don't touch anything, okay?
Ne touchez à rien, d'accord?
Just make sure we document everything. Don't touch anything.
Il faut faire une liste complète.
- Just don't touch anything.
- Ne touchez à rien. Éloignez-vous.
( Quinn ) just remember, don't touch anything unless you have to.
Ne touchez rien sauf si nécessaire.
And don't touch anything you don't have to. I'll just finish your job for you.
Et ne touche que le strict nécessaire.
Just don't touch anything I'll be there at 6 : 00.
Il suffit de ne rien toucher. / / Je serai là à 6 : 00.
Just don't touch anything in her cart.
Mais touchez pas son chariot.
Just don't touch... anything.
Ne touche à... rien.
Just don't touch anything.
Mais ne touchez à rien.
Hey, just don't touch anything or wander off.. or talk to anybody that you shouldn't be talking to.
Ne touche à rien, ne te promène pas et ne parle pas à tout le monde.
Yeah, just don't touch anything.
Ne touche à rien.
I just don't want to touch anything I'm not supposed to.
Je ne veux rien toucher que je ne devrais pas.
- Just don't touch anything!
- Ne touchez à rien!
All right, just... just don't touch anything.
Ne touchez à rien.
Just don't touch anything.
Ne touche à rien!
Just... just do us a favor... don't touch anything on the ship, okay?
Rendez-nous service, ne touchez à rien sur le bateau.
Come on, we don't have to do anything serious... just touch me.
Aller, on n'a pas à faire quelque chose de sérieux... touche moi juste.
Just don't touch anything.
Juste, ne touche à rien.

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