Nightline tradutor Francês
58 parallel translation
Tonight on ABC's Nightline missing persons reported...
Ce soir sur ABC les récentes disparitions...
If you need me for anything and the nightline is busy, I'll be back in the shop. So just leave a message, and I'll get back to you.
Si tu as besoin de moi et que c'est occupé, je serai au magasin, laisse un message et je te rappellerai.
You've Seen Them On "Nightline."
- Vous l'avez vu sur Nightline?
And I'm Gail Wallens, and this is Nightline News at 1 0 : 00.
Ici Gail Wallens avec les nouvelles de 22 heures.
I'm Ted Koppel, and this is Nightline.
Ici Ted Koppel, Nightline.
Flint was now in the national spotlight. The biggest event was to come... when Ted Koppel announced he'd interview city officials live... in front of city hall, on Nightline.
Flint était sous les projecteurs de la nation, et Ted Koppel allait interviewer les notables en direct, devant la mairie.
Here's what we know so far. The ABC news program Nightline was to be broadcasted live... from in front of city hall tonight.
Le magazine d'ABC, Nightline, devait être transmis en direct de la mairie.
Nightline has had to cancel their segment from the city of Flint... and police are looking for a suspect.
Nightline a dû annuler le direct de Flint et la police recherche un suspect.
They caught the unemployed worker who made off with the Nightline van. But crime in Flint continued to grow.
On a pris le chômeur qui avait filé avec le camion, mais la criminalité augmentait.
I read about you in People magazine. You seemed out of your league on Nightline.
J'ai lu le récit de vos exploits dans la presse à sensation.
Call Carl Barker on Nightline.
Appelez Carl Barker.
Now, I can buy 7 0 transcripts of Nightline.
- Je te les rends en liquide.
You see ABC Nightline.
Voici les informations sur ABC.
I was watching these two guys on Nightline... on Gay Pride Day, and one of them said :
J'ai vu deux types à la télé pour la Gay Pride. L'un disait :
Nightline is covering the bombing tonight.
Nightline va couvrir l'explosion, ce soir.
Nobody shows up on Nightline. - Doctor...?
Personne aux infos.
A couple nights later, he was on "Nightline." They had the camera on him for a full minute.
Deux soirs plus tard, à Nightline, la caméra est restée sur lui quatre minutes.
We`ll take Santa Monica to get to the hotel.
Par Santa Monica, on arrive à temps pour Nightline.
There's a very insightful Nightline on.
Nightline a l'air passionnant ce soir.
Christ, it was even on Nightline.
Christ, c'était même dans les journaux de la nuit.
After that, I fake having'cause when he thinks that's happening, he gets it over with on his end, and I can still watch Nightline.
Ensuite, je simule. Comme ça, il finit son affaire et je peux regarder la télé.
Ted Koppel did that on "Nightline." lt was horseshit.
Ted Koppel l'a fait pour "Nightline". C'était de la merde.
I came to your suite early to tell you we'd be doing Nightline that night and we had to get to an ABC affiliate.
Je suis venue vous annoncer un Nightline pour le soir. Il fallait joindre le correspondant d'ABC.
I can go on "Nightline" and "Larry King" because of who I am.
J'ai mes entrées à Nightline et chez Larry King.
Irmatrude writes, " Three nights ago on Nightline, Josh said we'll be asking for a GAO study of Medicare drug pricing.
Irmatrude écrit : " Sur Nightline, Josh a déclaré vouloir demander... un rapport sur le coût des soins pour les personnes âgées.
Irmatrude thanks for watching me on Nightline.
Irmatrude... Merci de me regarder sur Nightline.
Ted Koppel wants us to appear on Nightline to talk about our cause!
- Quoi? On est invités à "Night Line" pour parler de notre cause.
If we go on Nightline, the whole country can hear about what's happening to our classic films!
Tout le pays saura ce qui arrive à nos grands films.
Let us scratch our heads and look stupid while you go on Nightline or have lunch with the President.
Laisse-nous nous gratter le crâne et paraîtrent stupides pendant que tu t'éclates ou que tu vas dîner avec le Président.
- ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, Fox New York Times, the Post, Detroit Free Press, Miami Herald, Nightline, Dateline.
- ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, Fox, New York Times, le Post, Miami Herald, Nightline, Dateline.
From here on out, you do as I say, exactly as I say. Or I slap this bitch on "Nightline" and call it a day, okay?
À partir de maintenant, faites exactement ce que je dis, ou j'appelle la télé et je fait passer votre cassette.
They're all going to watch you over at Mary Angela's except for Mary Teresa, who has to be home to watch Nightline.
Ils vont tous aller te regarder chez Mary Angela sauf Mary Teresa, qui doit rester à la maison pour regarder Nightline.
I seen those faces on Nightline... and I said, "Goddamn, girl, that's me."
J'ai vu ces visages sur Nightline... et j'ai dit : "putain, ma fille, c'est moi."
- And Nightline called about Monday.
- Nightline a appelé pour lundi.
- Nightline?
- Nightline?
But we are negotiating with "Nightline," "Hardball" and "The Daily Show".
Mais on négocie avec "Nightline," "Hardball" et "The Daily Show". ( 3 talks shows US )
My hair likes a good book, a glass of Chablis, and bed before "Nightline".
Et bien, mes cheveux n'aime pas la folie. Mes cheveux aime un bon livre, un verre de Chablis, et aller au lit avant "Nightline".
What is this, "nightline"?
On est dans un talk-show?
I'll go to 48 Hours. I'll go to Nightline. Don't know if there's Nightline anymore.
Je m'adresserai à tous les journaux télévisés.
Clearly, everyone hooked up early so they could be home in time for "nightline."
Tout le monde a conclu assez tôt pour ne pas rater Nightline.
Actually, tonight's "nightline" sounds very interesting.
Le Nightline de ce soir est intéressant.
I'm Leslie Monster. And this is Nightline.
Et voici les infos du soir.
We made these in Nightline.
On l'a fait à l'association.
Nightline, Good Morning America.
Nightline, Good Morning America.
I've been offered a spot on Nightline.
On m'a proposé de passer sur Nightline.
Nightline is about to come on.
Nightline va bientôt commencer.
Nightline's reporters are among the most thorough.
Les reporteurs de Nightline sont parmi les plus minutieux.
We need to adjust your talking points for this evening's Nightline interview downtown.
On a besoin d'ajuster les points du discours à mettre en avant pour l'interview de ce soir.
The full-access tour for the Nightline audience.
L'accès complet pour le public du Nightline.
So, Daniel, the last time you sat down with Nightline, you had just endured a grueling murder trial,
Alors, Daniel, La dernière fois que vous vous étiez assis avec Nightline, vous aviez enduré un procès pour meurtre assez éprouvant,
When I was with Nightline, I was in Rwanda, Chechnya, Bosnia. I do volunteer work with Greenpeace once in a while.
Je fais du bénévolat pour Greenpeace de temps en temps.
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nightmare 102
nights 96
nightingale 38
nighty 93
nightmares 72
nighthorse 18
nighter 122
nighty night 21
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nightmare 102
nights 96
nightingale 38
nighty 93
nightmares 72
nighthorse 18
nighter 122
nighty night 21
nightcap 16