Put that away tradutor Francês
1,685 parallel translation
You want to put that away?
Tu veux bien baisser ça?
- Put that away.
- Range ça.
- Put that away!
- Pose ca!
- Put that away.
- Pose ce flingue!
Uh. You can put that away. Okay, then I'll put it away.
Non, euh, vous pouvez remballer ça
Put that away, man.
Range ça, mec.
Dave, put that away.
Dave, enlèves ça.
Put that away.
Rangez ça!
Put that away, all right? I'm not your guinea pig.
Range ton matos, je suis pas ton cobaye.
Put that away, man.
Range ça.
Hey, put that away.
Hé, range ça.
Oh, put that away, silly!
Oh, range moi ça, idiote!
Put that away!
Range ça!
- Put that away.
T'es taré!
- Put that away.
- Pas de ça ici.
So, just give us a call to put our minds at rest that you're not just frittering your life away, would you? Okay?
Rappelle-nous pour nous assurer que tu n'es pas en train de gâcher ta vie.
I wanted to put a face on the bitch that got my husband to throw away 1 5 years of marriage.
Je voulais voir la tête de la garce qui avait ruiné quinze ans de mariage.
I can tell you that. I put her face on the wire. Got a hit back almost right away.
{ \ pos ( 200,200 ) } J'ai diffusé sa photo, j'ai eu une réponse quasi immédiate.
I mean, it's really the gun that put him away.
Je veux dire, c'est vraiment le pistolet qui le met en cause.
I do want to keep it clean, but if I put this thing under my chin and anyone sees it, they're going to take away my "man" card, and we don't want that.
Je veux qu'elle reste propre, mais si je mets ce truc sous mon menton et que tout le monde le voit, ils vont m'enlever mon statut d'homme, et c'est pas ce qu'on recherche.
Put that gun away.
Range ton arme.
Things that could put them away for life.
Des choses qui pouvaient les faire enfermer à vie.
Stay away from my fiancee..... and tell your family they'd better put their best foot forward at that interview or I'll have your shitarse of a brother taken into care so quick he won't know what hit him.
N'approche pas mon fiancé... et dis à ta famille qu'ils ont intérêt à faire bonne impression, ou ton crétin de frère vous sera enlevé si vite qu'il ne comprendra pas ce qui lui est arrivé!
I've been fielding calls all day by people very angry that we put away Antwon Mitchell.
J'ai reçu des appels toute la journée de gens très mécontents qu'on ait enfermé Antwon Mitchell.
Put that thing away, okay?
Range-moi ça.
Let's put that away, okay?
Should put that hundie away.
C'est pratique à ranger.
Put that damn camera away, and get me some Robitussin.
Enlèves cette putain de caméra, et apportes-moi de l'aspirine.
Then you will understand that my daughter's wedding is this afternoon and that she has been waiting for 46 minutes for me to give her away because I can't put down this damn phone until you tell me that you're not gonna start World War III today!
Alors vous comprendrez que le mariage de ma fille est cet après-midi, et qu'elle m'attend depuis 46 mn à l'église, parce que je ne peux pas poser ce téléphone tant que vous ne me dites pas qu'il n'y aura pas de 3e Guerre mondiale.
Can you put that thing away?
- Rangez ça.
Put that ego away, Ramon, you're gonna hurt someone.
Remballe ton ego, Ramón, tu vas blesser quelqu'un.
Put that thing away.
Laissez donc cela.
Well, like, maybe he was afraid that he'd become some kind of lazy dilettante if he had all that money at his access, so he just put it away, just ignore it.
Il avait peut-être peur de devenir fainéant et superficiel s'il avait accès à tout cet argent, alors, il l'a mis de côté, il l'a ignoré.
Man, you fuckin'put that piece of shit away.
Mec, dégage ce putain de flingue.
You want to put down that fuckin'gun, and you want to walk away,'cause I swear to fuckin'God
Tu veux poser ce putain de flingue et tu veux te barrer, parce que je jure devant Dieu...
These are the kind of processors that they put into the computers they can put the cruise missile up the ass of a camel from a couple hundred miles away.
C'est le genre de processeurs qu'on met dans des ordinateurs, et qui peuvent tirer des missiles tout droit dans le cul d'un chameau à une distance de plusieurs centaines de kilomètres.
Put that shit away, man.
Planque зa.
Put that thing away. - Just get down.
Range-moi ce foutu pistolet!
We couldn't afford to lose them- - it was mostly all that we had to eat, so my mother would put down slices of apple to attract the slugs and the caterpillars elsewhere and lead them away from the vegetables.
Il ne fallait pas les perdre. C'était tout ce que nous avions à manger. Alors, ma mère coupait des morceaux de pommes pour attirer les limaces et les chenilles ailleurs et les mener loin des légumes.
I'm liable to be put away as insane for expressing that, that's what's insane about it.
On va peut-être m'enfermer pour démence parce que je dis ça. C'est ça qui est dément.
Put that gun away.
Baisse ce fusil.
Now that you are away, I must put myself at the mercy of a complete stranger.
Maintenant que vous partez, je vais devoir me mettre à la merci d'un parfait étranger.
We put them away for what they did, and that's it!
On les coffre pour ce qu'ils font, et c'est tout!
Look, you want me to help you, you gotta put that thing away.
Si tu veux que je t'aide, il faut ranger ton flingue.
Put that shit away.
Range cette connerie.
.. put that paper away and give your brother some advice.
.. pose ce journal et conseille ton frère.
I think that was sort of Clark, you know, the end of the season he put on the Red Kryptonite ring which, in the show, takes away his inhibitions.
Clark, à la fin de la saison, met l'anneau de kryptonite rouge qui enlève ses inhibitions.
I hope you're going to put that man away forever.
J'espère que vous enfermerez cet homme pour de bon.
Then you will prove that in a court of law and put him away.
Alors prouve-le à la Cour et boucle-le.
How many people have to get hurt before you put that kid away?
Combien de personne devront etre blessées avant que vous arretiez ce gamin?
One time me and Hank polished off four bottles of Cherry Mad Dog and swore to each other that if one of us ever got put away for hard time, the other one would break'em out.
Une fois Hank et moi avons descendu 4 bouteilles de "Cherry Mad Dog" nous sommes mutuellement promis que si l'un d'entre nous se retrouvait dans une mauvaise passe, l'autre l'en sortirait.
put that back 82
put that on 56
put that thing down 29
put that down 353
put that out 34
put that thing away 35
put that gun away 17
put that gun down 56
away 568
away from home 17
put that on 56
put that thing down 29
put that down 353
put that out 34
put that thing away 35
put that gun away 17
put that gun down 56
away 568
away from home 17
away with you 30
away present 49
away from me 19
away from here 45
away you go 17
away from you 37
away party 43
put the phone down 76
put the kettle on 29
put this on 339
away present 49
away from me 19
away from here 45
away you go 17
away from you 37
away party 43
put the phone down 76
put the kettle on 29
put this on 339