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Translate.vc / Inglês → Francês / [ S ] / So how you doing

So how you doing tradutor Francês

581 parallel translation
So how you doing?
Alors, comment ça va?
- So how you doing?
- Comment vas-tu?
So how you doing?
Comment vont les affaires?
So how you doing today, Maddie?
Alors, comment ça va, aujourd'hui, Maddie?
So how you doing?
Comment allez-vous?
So how you doing?
Alors, comment vas-tu?
- So how you doing?
- Comment ça va?
- So how you doing?
Comment ça va?
But tell me, you read very well, how can you be doing so poorly in class, at least according to your aunt Victoria?
Ça fait de mal à personne. C'est qu'ils veulent pas que les gens pensent! Ils les préparent à devenir comme des machines.
I know how you hate me the most. I've been doing business using the dirty, shameless ways of darkness that you hate so much, and I know how you think of me as a morally devoid person.
Je sais que vous me détestez.
To see how you're doing after so long.
Donnez! Ah non, c'est pas lourd! Mais si, donnez!
Is it so odd that I should want to know how you are, and what you're doing?
Est-ce si bizarre de vouloir savoir comment tu vas et ce que tu fais?
So you're doing all this for love. How romantic.
Vous agissez donc par amour...
So how you both doing, you know, with Nathaniel passing?
Ça va vous deux, depuis la mort de Nathaniel?
Genjuro, how could you even think of doing something so dreadful?
Genjuro... Pourquoi pareille traîtrise?
- so how do you get him doing J.J. a favor?
- Il ne rendrait jamais service à JJ.
It's been a while, so, I came around to see how you're doing.
Ça fait longtemps, je viens voir comment vous allez.
We're doing you a favor so how about guiding us?
Vous pourriez peut-être prendre le compas.
So, how are you doing?
Qu'y a-t-il?
- So how are you doing? - Fine. What about you?
Alors, comment va?
How so? What are you doing there?
How you doing so far?
Ça va jusque là?
Okay, so how much better are you doing? Traipsing all over the country!
Et tu trouves que c'est mieux de te balader dans tout le pays?
No, let her sleep. So, how are you doing?
Tu es matinal, c'est vrai.
So, how you doing, Frankie?
Alors, comment ça va, Franckie?
Uh, well, Captain, when I hear on the police band radio that a man of your importance is gonna be doing what you do so very well, how can I possibly stay away?
Euh, eh bien, capitaine, quand j'ai entendu sur la fréquence de la police qu'un homme de votre importance allait faire ce que vous faites si bien, comment pouvais-je ne pas y assister?
So how are you doing, Morty?
Et à part ça?
So, how are you doing?
Comment vas-tu?
- You're doing well, Ben. - oh, yeah? How so?
- Vous vous en tirez plutôt bien, Ben.
So, how are you all, you are doing this evening?
Alors vous voulez qu'on fasse quoi ce soir?
- So, how you doing?
- Comment vas-tu?
- So, tell me, how are you doing?
- Alors, comment vas-tu?
Now you and your father are going to be partners, so will you write to me and tell me how he's doing?
Ton père et toi allez maintenant être partenaires... alors, veux-tu bien m'écrire pour me dire comment vont les choses?
So how're you doing, Skinny?
Ça fait un bail. Tu vas bien?
- So, how you doing?
- Comment ça va?
So, how you doing buddy, enjoying your first day out of work?
Alors, ça va? C'est bien le premier jour sans boulot?
Well, how's he doing? - Well, you know Gilbert's so modest.
je préfère l'écriture, à des commérages futiles!
So, how are you doing?
Alors, comment ça va?
So... how you doing?
Alors... ça roule?
So, uh, how you doing?
Alors, comment ça va?
So boys, how are you doing?
Alors les hommes, ça va?
But how can you be so sure he's doing that?
Mais comment pouvez-vous être sûr qu'il fait cela?
How are you doing? You must be the Mr. Kimble we hear so much about.
C'est vous le monsieur Kimble - dont il parle tant...
So, how you doing down there?
Alors, comment ca va ici?
So, you came in at 4 : 00 a.m. And he was playing cards. How was he doing?
Donc, vous êtes arrivé à 4 h du matin et il jouait aux cartes.
So how much would you make for doing one of those?
Alors, combien ça rapporte un de ces machins?
- So, uh, how you doing?
- Alors, ça va? - Ça va.
How are you guys doing? So we got Donner, Dancer, Prancer and Dumbo.
Donner, Dancer, Prancer... et Dumbo.
So how are you doing?
- Alors, comment ça va?
So, Frasier, how are you doing on your own?
Alors Frasier, comment tu te portes seul?
So, how are you doing?
Alors, comment vas-tu?

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