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Translate.vc / Inglês → Francês / [ S ] / So how about it

So how about it tradutor Francês

701 parallel translation
So how about it?
So how about it?
Qu'en dites-vous?
So how about it, Setsuko?
Alors, Setsuko?
You got the urge to head that way, so how about it?
Tu meurs d'envie d'aller par là, alors vas-y!
So how about it?
Et alors?
Why was he so anxious to buy it? How about it, you?
- Pourquoi voulait-il l'acheter à tout prix?
So how about the check, do I get it?
Alors, et ce chèque?
- Isn't it? So, how about a good deed?
Alors un bon mouvement, quoi, monsieur le commissaire!
How can you be so nonchalant about it?
Votre franchise est renversante.
If you've had so much experience, how about putting it to work for the street?
Si vous avez tant d'expérience, proposez donc vos services.
How do you know so much about it?
Qu'est-ce que vous en savez?
And now, Donald, how would you like to hear a story... about another bird so amazing you won't believe it?
Tu veux que je te raconte l'histoire d'un oiseau plus extraordinaire que jamais?
How about a couple of drinks, just to set it on its feet? " So I had a couple.
Pourquoi pas un verre ou deux, pour te mettre sur pied? "
- I'm so glad you like it. How about me?
- Tu me fais plaisir.
So, what's your answer? How about it?
Au sujet de ce garçon que tu as rencontré?
I don't know how the men on line feel about it... but so far as the staff is concerned, I'd just as soon have a commander-in-chief... with a little bit of cowardice about him.
J'ignore ce qu'en pensent les soldats, mais je préférerais un commandant en chef un tant soit peu poltron.
You know, Peter, it's surprising how little I know about you... even though we've worked together for so long.
Tu sais, Peter, je m'étonne de si peu te connaître... même si nous travaillons ensemble depuis si longtemps.
First to find out if I would have you as a lawyer, and also so that you'd tell me how I should go about it.
Savoir si je vous aurai comme avocat. Et pour que vous me disiez comment m'y prendre.
- I think so. - How about it, Major?
- Et pour vous?
- How do you happen to know so much about it?
Vous êtes bien au courant!
Why don't I just do 500 steaming words on how mankind is so full of wind - it's about to out-blow nature.
Pourquoi je te ferais pas 500 mots sur l'inconscience de l'humanité?
How'd you know so blasted much about it?
Comment savez-vous tout ça?
It's so confidential, they won't even let me know about it. How wise.
"Carburant 23" est son nom savant.
How come you know so much about tattoos? I took it at school instead of needlework.
Il s'est fait tatouer quelques jours avant d'être engagé.
So only you knew about it? Look how many people.
Je croyais que tu étais seul à connaître l'endroit!
And you know how I feel about green, so I tried it on.
Tu sais comme j'aime le vert, alors je l'ai essayé.
It's so terribly difficult. When I think about it, I can't see how I will be able to pull it off.
Malheureusement... je ne sais comment m'y prendre.
But seeing as how you're so worried about it, I'll tell ya.
Mais voyant comme ça vous tracasse, je vais vous dire.
I told no one about it, so how could the incidents have been rigged to fit?
Je n'en ai parlé à personne. Comment peut-on avoir fait coller les événements?
Well, you remember how them dogs do when they come through here so you can tell me about it someday, okay?
Tu regarderas bien les chiens. Tu me raconteras.
I couldn't do what you're about to do... so I don't begin to understand how you propose to go about it.
Je n'ai pas pu faire, ce que tu vas faire... et je n'ai pas la moindre idée, comment tu comptes t'y prendre.
When you're 18, I'll tell you a lot of things, but... you're too small, so I don't know how to go about it.
Quand tu auras 18 ans, je te raconterai un tas de choses. Mais t'es trop petit, alors je ne sais pas par quel bout m'y prendre.
What could I have done about it? He looked half-dead. How could I imagine he was so quick with the knife?
Il avait l'air à moitié mort, à bout de forces, qui aurait cru qu'il était si rapide?
How do you know so much about it, commander?
Comment en savez-vous autant sur la question?
How about it's gonna be there because I said so?
Et si je te dis que c'est parce que j'en ai décidé ainsi?
I'm sorry about the tooth, but you know how important this account is, so it's mind over matter.
Désolé pour ta dent, mais tu sais que ce projet est important, donc reprends-toi.
How come you're so worried about it?
Pourquoi tu ne me crois pas?
So how can you know about it?
Comment en avez-vous entendu parler?
It's so hard to have any hope about anything after you see how completely inhuman people can be
Il est difficile de garder espoir quand on voit à quel point les gens peuvent être inhumains.
It won't be understood without explaining, so how about this for now?
Ça ne sera pas compris sans un tas d'explications.
So, how about it?
How much does the press know about it so far?
- Que sait la presse?
You look so good. How long has it been about five years?
Ça fait combien de temps, 5 ans?
So, how about it, honey?
alors, sois bonne fille, tu veux?
So, how about it, brother?
Qu'en dis-tu, mon frère?
So that's how you knew about it. You saw it before?
Vous saviez parce que vous l'aviez vue.
How is it a grown man can spend so much time... just dreaming about what he's gonna do for his family?
Comment un adulte peut-il passer son temps rˆver... ce qu'il va faire... pour sa femme et sa famille?
So that she doesn't ask how it came about.
Pour qu'elle ne demande pas comment c'est arrivé.
- Well, how about Annie, did you expect it to be so the mysterious East?
Qu'en dites-vous? Vous imaginiez le mystérieux Orient comme ça?
So that she can dream about how wonderful it'll be when she becomes the Empress.
ainsi elle peut rêver combien tout sera magnifique quand elle sera impératrice.
- How do you know so much about it?
Comment tu connais tout ça?

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