That many tradutor Francês
12,585 parallel translation
I'm not gonna say who because they have two kids to feed and there aren't that many valet jobs anymore, as far as I know.
Je ne vais pas dire qui, parce qu'ils ont deux enfants à nourrir et il n'y a plus trop de place en tant que valets à ce que je sache.
Not that many.
Pas autant.
- Let's get you up for that much blood, for that many souls.
- Lève-toi pour autant de sang, pour tant d'âmes.
Those photos are proof that you've met her many times over 15 years.
Ces photos prouvent que tu l'as rencontrée de nombreuses fois en 15 ans.
There are many factors, but it's the age of the witness that really cinched it.
Il existe de nombreux facteurs, mais il est l'âge du témoin qui a vraiment sanglée il.
There's only so many places in this city that kidnappers can use as a base.
Il y a trop d'endroits ici pouvant servir de base aux kidnappeurs.
I just have so many memories on that place.
J'ai juste tellement de souvenirs là-bas.
Yeah, I've filled in for Tamra so many times that Gordon thinks that we got something going on.
Oui, j'ai remplacé Tamra tellement de fois que Gordon pense qu'il se passe quelque chose entre nous.
In other news, a suspect has been identified in the Cincinnati hospital alien terrorist attack that left three dead, many more injured.
Autres informations, le suspect a été identifié dans l'attaque terroriste alien de l'hôpital de Cincinnati qui a fait 3 morts, beaucoup plus blessés.
How many relationships have you had that worked out while doing this?
Combien as-tu eu de relations ayant marché en faisant ce job?
– Those back muscles... Any resemblance to existing characters in the video game DOFUS is purely intentional. Ankama would like to thank our gaming community from the bottom of our heart. Many of you have been at our side for years, and it was your support and encouragement that made this movie possible.
ces dorsaux... Sous-titres par plus4chan
Do you have any idea how many different fucking ways I nearly died trying to get that film to where it was supposed to go?
Avez-vous une idée de combien de foutues façons différentes m'ont presque tué en essayant d'amener ce film là où il était supposé aller?
That's why there's so many of'em.
C'est pourquoi il y en a tant.
It's supposed to be about how we are many things at once or that words don't define us.
Ça veux dire être plusieurs choses et une chose à la fois ou ce mot ne nous définit pas.
Okay, I didn't actually know that there were this many biographies of Margaret Thatcher.
Je ne savais pas qu'il existait autant de biographies de Margaret Thatcher.
But there's no question that you have a bright future, and there are so many other ways that you can make a difference in the world.
Mais il n'y a pas de doutes que tu as un futur exceptionnel, et il y a tellement d'autres moyens pour toi de faire la différence.
We lost many of our soldiers, including the men that you're asking about.
Nous avons perdu des combattants, y compris les hommes que vous cherchez.
But I am hoping that by losing a few jobs, I can save many, many more.
Mais j'espère qu'en perdant quelques postes, je puisse en sauver beaucoup, beaucoup d'autres.
And yet I suspect that we also hold many of the same things in the highest esteem.
Et je suspecte déjà que nous tenons aussi de nombreuses choses en commun en haute estime.
That little shopping area from which he disappeared has as many security cameras as the Pentagon.
La zone commerciale d'où il a disparu a autant de caméra de sécurité que le Pentagone.
I don't meet many people I can genuinely say that about, but I can say that about you.
Je ne rencontre pas grand monde dont je peux dire ça, mais pour vous, oui.
She's so busy taking care of her many clients that she's too busy to address the media, et cetera.
Elle est tellement occupée à s'occuper de ses nombreux clients qu'elle est trop occupée pour parler dans les médias, et cetera.
That may have made for two more lonely people in this world, but also a lot... Less pain... And heartache for many, many others.
Ca aurait peut être fait 2 personnes seules en plus dans ce monde, mais aussi beaucoup moins de douleur... et de maux de coeurs pour beaucoup, beaucoup d'autres.
That's why you held onto this evidence for so many months?
C'est pour ça que vous avez conservé cette preuve aussi longtemps?
That's 35 mouths to feed and twice as many hands touching your cash, and we're stashing millions in these South Florida homes.
C'est 35 bouches à nourrir et 2 fois plus de mains qui touchent à l'argent et on planque des millions dans le sud de la Floride.
Not many people can say that.
Peu de gens peuvent dire ça.
Mr. Weber, since you became a free agent, I'm very aware that there are many upset fans from your old team.
M. Weber, depuis que vous n'avez plus de contrat, je me doute qu'il y a beaucoup de fans de votre ancienne équipe en colère.
Well, there were many aspects of our abilities that we never quite achieved.
Il y a plusieurs aspects de nos pouvoirs que nous n'avons jamais maîtrisé.
What happened after so many years that meant you had to change careers?
Que vous est-il arrivé après toutes ces années pour que vous deviez changer de carrière.
Trust me, Beth, you don't want to know how many answers that question has.
Crois moi Beth, tu ne veux pas savoir combien il y a de réponses à cette question.
And it's the will of the many heads that all children honor their parents.
Et c'est la volonté des nombreuses têtes que tout enfant honore ses parents.
We hereby send these unwantables skyward that they might be inhaled by the many heads, later to be sneezed back to us as better babies.
Comme convenu, nous envoyons ces indésirables vers le ciel. Qu'ils puissent être inhalé par les nombreuses têtes, et plus tard être éternuer de retour vers nous en meilleur bébés.
The meta-humans that he's sending from Earth-2, they don't care how many innocent people get in the way.
Les méta-humains qu'il est l'envoi de la Terre-2, ils ne se soucient pas combien de personnes innocentes obtenir de la manière.
God, I haven't smelled that stench in so many years.
Je n'avais pas senti cette puanteur depuis des années.
Honey, how many times have you done that?
Chérie, combien de fois tu as fait ça?
Given that the sire lines have declared war against one another, you can imagine how many young upstarts have come to the same conclusion... kill an Original, wipe out an entire line of rivals.
Compte tenu de la guerre que les lignées ont déclaré les une contre l'autre, vous pouvez imaginer combien de jeunes sont parvenus à la même conclusion... tuer un originel, c'est détruire la lignée entière de ses rivaux.
You don't sound like a guy who just committed his first murder, and I'm guessing you didn't have too many opportunities in that posh boarding school you grew up in.
On ne dirait pas un gars qui vient juste de commettre son premier meurtre, et je suppose que tu n'avais pas énormément d'opportunités dans cet internat pour riches dans lequel tu as grandi.
There were many branches in that path, but ultimately they all flowered, I think.
Ce chemin comportait plusieurs branches qui ont fini par fleurir, je crois.
The story is that some natural gas leak made it all uninhabitable, but there's been so many rumors, whispers, and just strange things happening in the night, unexplainable things.
La version est qu'une fuite de gaz l'a rendue inhabitable, mais il y a eu beaucoup de rumeurs, des bruits, et d'étranges choses arrivent la nuit, inexplicables.
I did, too, about many things, but I will not make that same mistake again.
Je l'ai fait aussi, à propos de beaucoup de choses, mais je ne vais pas refaire la même erreur.
Maybe that's from being jumped so many times.
Peut-être que d'être sauté tellement de fois.
Well, hypothetically, if the thing got too big... Ernie if there were too many mouths to be fed, too many things that could go wrong, the head man couldn't just walk away.
Eh bien, hypothétiquement, si la chose est devenue trop grande si il y avait trop de bouches à nourrir, trop de choses qui pouvaient mal tourner, le chef ne pouvait pas juste s'en aller.
If it were known that a Nazi fired at our Prince, that would be an act of war, a war many in the Reich would be happy to see but one our empire would almost certainly lose.
S'il venait à se savoir qu'un Nazi avait tiré sur notre Prince, ça serait un acte de guerre une guerre que beaucoup dans le Reich serait heureux de voir mais que notre Empire perdrait certainement.
That Dianne has so many layers.
Cette Dianne possède de multiples facettes.
Yeah, but that Dianne has so many layers.
Oui, mais cette Dianne possède plusieurs facettes.
That's what you're trying to tell me, in so many words.
C'est ce que vous essayez de me dire, d'une certaine manière.
It is for life-saving drugs that so many people cannot afford.
C'est pour des médicaments que tant de personnes ne peuvent pas s'offrir.
We shouldn't be so surprised that there's so many of them, okay?
On ne devrait pas être surprises qu'il y en ait tant, pas vrai?
You know... when this all started, we sat in here, and you looked me in the eye, and you told me that I was responsible for too many deaths.
Vous savez... Quand tout ça a commencé, vous m'avez regardé dans les yeux et vous m'avez dit que j'étais responsable de trop de morts.
There are many texts that can help us.
De nombreux textes peuvent nous aider.
Many of them were released from prison, criminals that were hired to do this job.
Beaucoup d'entre eux ont été libérés de prison, des criminels qui ont été engagés pour faire ce boulot.
many 384
many happy returns 30
many years ago 164
many thanks 80
many times 271
many things 63
many years 63
many more 30
many people 30
many reasons 16
many happy returns 30
many years ago 164
many thanks 80
many times 271
many things 63
many years 63
many more 30
many people 30
many reasons 16
many of them 23
that all started with a big bang 89
that doesn't seem fair 27
that is 2872
that is so lame 16
that is the question 108
that is not 75
that is awesome 117
that means a lot coming from you 16
that means a lot to me 54
that all started with a big bang 89
that doesn't seem fair 27
that is 2872
that is so lame 16
that is the question 108
that is not 75
that is awesome 117
that means a lot coming from you 16
that means a lot to me 54
that sounds good 394
that was close 355
that is not fair 93
that sounds fun 130
that sounds great 436
that one over there 16
that is so sweet 227
that is not the point 62
that is weird 91
that was stupid 112
that was close 355
that is not fair 93
that sounds fun 130
that sounds great 436
that one over there 16
that is so sweet 227
that is not the point 62
that is weird 91
that was stupid 112
that is good 189
that is not true 434
that is ridiculous 146
that was quick 252
that is all 319
that way 1811
that is right 117
that is enough 189
that is an order 68
that is so cool 125
that is not true 434
that is ridiculous 146
that was quick 252
that is all 319
that way 1811
that is right 117
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that is an order 68
that is so cool 125