The truth was tradutor Francês
3,203 parallel translation
But he said that you knew the truth, that he was set up.
Mais il a dit que vous saviez la vérité, qu'il a été piégé.
The truth is... what you did to me was the best thing anyone could have done for me.
La vérité est... ce que tu m'as fait était la meilleure chose que personne ait jamais fait pour moi.
Well, I'm trying to expose the truth about the fact that Brittany might have had a daughter when she was a teenager who's now 10 possibly and being taken care of by her mother.
Et moi, je dévoile la vérité sur la fille que Brittany aurait eue étant adolescente, maintenant âgée de 10 ans et recueillie par sa mère.
She was telling the truth.
Elle disait la vérité.
But he was telling the truth.
Mais il disait la vérité.
As hard it was telling the truth you did do the right thing.
Dire la vérité n'est pas facile mais tu as bien fait.
He used to be in the Divine Truth Cult And he was taught by my dad so I couldn't defeat him for sure
Il vient de la Vérité Divine et mon père l'a formé...
He was in the vanguard of Divine Truth Cult's army Furthermore he was in a battle with our Green Battalion Then
Il s'est même battu contre l'armée impériale et par la suite, sa troupe a été dissoute.
Yang Lu Chan was a member of the Divine Truth Cult Divine Truth Cult is a rebel force
Yang Lu Chan était dans la Vérité Divine, un culte rebelle.
That review would have been one of the things which would have - once we'd got over our initial ire - we would have taken on board and realised that there was more than a germ of truth in it.
Cet article fait partie des éléments dont, une fois la colère initiale passée, nous nous sommes servis afin de comprendre comment réagir.
He was a living with a whole sort of community of people who were very much believing acid can release you and, you know, get to the truth and all that stuff, and... he took too much.
Il vivait au sein d'une communauté qui croyait au pouvoir de l'acide. Ça vous permettait de vous libérer, de connaître la vérité, ce genre de choses. Et il en a trop pris.
Truth is, though, I was going to stop by the mission later because, well, you see, your sister's case, our captain shut down the investigation.
la vérité est aussi que j'allais passer à la mission vous voir parce que vous voyez, pour l'affaire de votre sœur notre capitaine a décidé de terminer l'enquête.
It made me wonder, when I was faced with my moment of truth, when the spotlight was on me, how would I respond?
Quand j'étais face à mon moment de vérité, quand le projecteur était sur moi, comment j'allais répondre?
Warren, I told you the truth about me. It was Joseph!
Warren je t'ai dit la vérité me concernant.C'était Joseph!
I want the truth about Kyle, and I thought Maxine was my final thread.
Je veux la vérité sur Kyle, et je pensais que Maxine était mon dernier fil.
Facing the truth about Jimmy was the first right thing I did for myself, and it felt good.
Affronter la vérité sur Jimmy fut la première chose que j'ai faîte pour moi, et ça m'a fait du bien.
But you didn't come, because the truth about you was you liked being on the outside.
Mais tu n'es pas venu, parce que la vérité à propos de toi était que tu aimes être de l'autre côté.
You know, the truth is that the entire time that I was fat Victoria, not a single solitary person in this city was mean to me.
Vous savez, la vérité est que pendant tout le temps où j'ai été la grosse Victoria, pas une personne célibataire de la ville ne m'a rejetée.
SUMMERS : So, I guess she was telling the truth.
Donc, je pense qu'elle disait la vérité.
Her Daniel... She was never able to accept the awful truth.
Elle veut pas accepter la terrible vérité.
What Bobby told you was the truth.
Bobby t'a dit la vérité.
What you said was the truth.
Tu disais vrai.
Tara was just telling me the truth about Cassie Flood.
Tara était en train de me raconter la vérité au sujet de Cassie Flood.
I didn't know who was coming through that door - - somebody who wanted to know the truth or somebody working with Card.
Je ne savais pas qui allait arriver par cette porte.... Quelqu'un qui voulait connaître la vérité ou quelqu'un qui travaillait avec Card.
Okay, I know you guys are all saying these really nice things about Raj, okay, but the truth is, I mean, Raj was just a liar.
Je sais que vous dites tous des trucs gentils sur Raj, mais en réalité, Raj était qu'un menteur.
Nick brought her to Monroe so he could convince her that Nick was telling the truth.
La nuit où elle a été infectée, Nick l'a ramenée à Monroe, pour qu'il puisse la convaincre que Nick lui disait la vérité.
When was the last time you told the truth?
Quand as-tu dit la vérité, la dernière fois?
I know that you think that he was kind to you, that he saved you, but the truth is... he systematically pulled you apart, Brody... piece by piece until there was nothing left but pain.
Tu penses qu'il a été gentil avec toi, qu'il t'a sauvé, mais la vérité... Il t'a lavé le cerveau, Brody... Morceau par morceau jusqu'à ce qu'il ne reste que la douleur.
Let's just say, for the sake of argument, okay, that Tommy was telling the truth.
Disons juste qu'en suivant ce raisonnement, ok, que Tommy dise la vérité.
Listen, I want you to know Tommy was telling the truth.
Ecoute, je veux que tu saches que Tommy disait la vérité.
Really it was you, to tell you the truth.
Ils ont compris leur erreur.
Turns out Maxi was telling the truth about the third player.
Maxi disait la vérité pour le troisième gang.
So now I know I was close to the truth.
Alors je sais que j'étais proche de la vérité.
It looks like Queen was telling the truth.
On dirait que Queen nous a raconté la vérité.
Well, I thought it was too, but the truth is I think I'm falling in love with her, Burke.
Eh bien, je le pensais aussi, mais à la vérité je crois que je tombe d'elle, Burke.
I was telling the truth.
Je mentais pas.
So Rebecca was telling the truth about where she was.
Donc, Rebecca n'a pas menti sur son alibi.
He swore it was the truth.
Il a juré que c'était la vérité.
The truth... that Lancelot was cut down by a terrible villain.
La vérité... que Lancelot à été tué par un épouvantable monstre.
Well, looks like our stalker was telling the truth.
Notre harceleur disait la vérité.
But the truth is, Nance, I was in the wilderness.
Mais la vérité c'est que, J'étais dans la jungle.
The truth is, the Mrs. Bon Jovi reference was lost on me, but...
La vérité est la référence de Mme Bon Jovi avait échoué pour moi, mais...
The prison psychiatrist concluded that Thomas was telling the truth.
Le psychiatre de la prison a conclu que Thomas lui avait dit la vérité.
It was the truth.
C'est la vérité.
Well, tell you the truth, it was kind of weird.
Hé bien, pour te dire la vérité, c'était plutôt bizarre.
Yeah, I don't even know if he was telling me the truth.
Pas vraiment, Ouais, je ne sais même pas s'il m'a dit la vérité.
I was going to tell Helen the truth.
J'allais dire la vérité à Hélène.
"The only person to whom I ever confided the truth about Kara was Victoria."
"La seule personne à qui j'avais confié la vérité sur Kara était Victoria."
He would rather have you believe that she was dead than to tell you the unspeakable truth.
Il aurait préféré que tu la crois morte que te dire la vérité impossible à révéler.
If I asked you what the hell was going on... would you tell me the truth?
- Si je te demande ce que tu faisais au juste, me diras-tu la vérité?
There was truth to the story I told before, Kit.
Il y avait du vrai dans ce que je t'ai raconté, Kit.
the truth is out there 16
the truth will set you free 17
the truth 1031
the truth is 1715
the truth hurts 29
the truth will come out 23
the truth of the matter is 23
the truth is that 24
the truth about what 27
washington 356
the truth will set you free 17
the truth 1031
the truth is 1715
the truth hurts 29
the truth will come out 23
the truth of the matter is 23
the truth is that 24
the truth about what 27
washington 356
wash 146
waste 32
wasabi 19
wasted 66
wassup 84
washing 40
washed 38
wasting 28
washington post 22
washington d 17
waste 32
wasabi 19
wasted 66
wassup 84
washing 40
washed 38
wasting 28
washington post 22
washington d 17
wasn't 66
wash your face 20
wash your hands 85
wasn't me 102
wash me 17
was it 1813
wasn't it 2231
was it worth it 132
was it something i said 48
was it me 31
wash your face 20
wash your hands 85
wasn't me 102
wash me 17
was it 1813
wasn't it 2231
was it worth it 132
was it something i said 48
was it me 31
wash up 37
was it fun 48
was that really necessary 35
was it nice 29
was it good 112
wash it 28
was it you 219
was it a 18
wasn't there 90
wasn't i 199
was it fun 48
was that really necessary 35
was it nice 29
was it good 112
wash it 28
was it you 219
was it a 18
wasn't there 90
wasn't i 199