They have nothing tradutor Francês
732 parallel translation
They have no idea why they appeared on TV and they have nothing in common
Ils ont aucune idée pourquoi ils sont apparus à la télé. Ils ont à peu près rien en commun.
They're just jealous because they have nothing to tell.
C'est par jalousie qu'ils sont comme ça! Parce qu'ils n'ont rien à raconter de leur vie! Non, non!
They have nothing to do with acting.
Ils n'ont rien a voir avec le théâtre.
No, you can't. These are only braceros. They have nothing to do with this.
Non, ces braceros n'ont rien à voir là-dedans.
Thousands of cripples dragging themselves along the roads.... dying of hunger, because they don't live in a castle, because they have nothing, nothing, nobody!
Les milliers d'estropiés rampant sur les routes qui crèvent de faim, qui n'ont pas de château, rien. Rien, personne!
Every time you enter port around these parts they go through your bags as though they have nothing else to do.
On dirait qu'ils n'ont rien d'autre à faire.
- You'll have your tea in a minute, Father - if they have nothing to say.
J'apporte ton thé, si elles n'ont rien à dire.
I'm afraid they have nothing yet
Si on y va maintenant, on n'aura rien.
They have nothing in New York that has not here.
Ils n'ont rien à New York qu'on n'ait pas ici. Vous feriez une grosse erreur.
They have nothing on you or me now.
Elle ne peut rien, ni contre vous, ni contre moi.
There are reasons, but they have nothing to do with electro-magnets.
Des raisons, oui. Mais pas électromagnétiques.
Cecile is nice and I like her, but they have nothing to do.
Mais ils sont libres et désœuvrés...
it would be a shame to throw them, they have nothing to do.
ce serait dommage de les jeter, elles n'y sont pour rien.
They have nothing against me.
Ils n'ont rien contre moi.
They were of morality police. They have nothing to fear.
C'était les inspecteurs des Moeurs, t'avais rien à craindre.
They'd have tasked local contractors. So nothing can be linked back to them. You got lucky...
non, ils sous-traitent localement comme ça, ils se mouillent pas - vous avez eu de la chance
Those cutthroats who attacked tonight have shown us that they'll stop at nothing.
Sauf que rien n'arrêtera les gredins qui ont attaqué cette nuit.
But if you're of mind to hunting them up, why, you just save your time, Jim because they don't want to have nothing to do with you.
Mais ne te mets pas en tête de les suivre, Jim, parce qu'ils ne veulent rien savoir de toi.
- We have 15. - They eat nothing.
Il n'a qu'un seul client, nous, on en a 15.
If they kill you, I'll have nothing.
Si tu meurs, je n'ai plus rien.
Too frequently, I hear of men I went to school with that have passed on and I'm shocked to learn that they leave boys like you and girls like your sister and wives like your mother with nothing, not a penny.
Trop souvent, j'entends parler d'anciens camarades décédés... qui laissent des garçons comme toi... des filles comme ta sœur et des épouses comme ta mère, sans un sou.
- Nothing, nothing yet but if the authorities sent to Mr Trehearne is that they have suspicions
- Rien, encore rien mais si les autorités ont envoyé à Mr Trehearne c'est qu'ils ont des soupçons
All you have to do is repaint the sign. Put Jack instead of Nick and they'll drink their coffee as though nothing had happened.
Il suffit juste de changer d'enseigne, de remplacer "Nick par" Jack "
- Lavinia, I have a feeling... It's nothing definite, just a feeling. - That things are not as they should be.
- Lavinia, j'ai le sentiment, rien de très précis, que les choses ne sont pas telles qu'elles devraient.
They have no unions, no free press, nothing.
Pas de syndicat, pas de presse libre.
If the other millions they " re training at home are anything like these, then we have nothing to worry about.
Si ceux que l'on entraîne au pays sont comme ceux d'ici, il n'y a pas de soucis à se faire.
And on the other hand, those who have nothing to hide, faced with this object, they say :
Au contraire, ceux qui n'ont rien de dissimulé, devant ces objets, vous répondent :
We're involving people who have nothing to do with us. If they're not involved now, they will be.
Ce qui ne rime à rien... c'est d'oublier que c'est moi qui commande.
I have nothing but my good right arm, as they say in the melodramas.
Très peu de choses. Je n'ai que les aptitudes de base, comme on dit dans les mélodrames.
I know nothing of the history to which you refer, but I have often felt that the attitude of my husband's family has failed to move with the times, that they think too much of the rights of nobility
Cette histoire m'était inconnue mais, à mon avis, la famille de mon mari a toujours été rétrograde. Elle exalte les droits de la noblesse... point ses devoirs.
She had no rights in the matter, but women have a disconcerting ability to make scenes out of nothing and to prove themselves injured when they themselves are at fault.
Les femmes ont un don pour faire des scènes à propos de rien et avoir l'air offensées quand elles-mêmes sont en faute.
O'Haras have nothing on the Knowles when it comes to getting what they want.
Les Knowles savent encore plus obtenir ce qu'ils veulent.
They've got nothing on me, but you might have a few uninvited guests. The kind that wear badges. - Check up on me through Benny?
Ils ont rien sur moi, mais attends-toi à la visite de porteurs d'insigne.
He didn't have nothing, so they stole his pants.
Ils ont pris même ses souliers!
When you have more experience you'll understand about dames. They are nothing but trouble.
Les femmes vous font pousser... les cheveux blancs.
They have been talking of nothing else for two months now.
On ne parle que de toi depuis 2 mois.
Probably nothing would have happened had it not been for those jewels... lf only they weren't the ones he gave me for our wedding.
- Il me les a donnés au lendemain de notre mariage.
They at least have a hope, but here a long that the land belongs to the peasants, so nothing happens.
Eux, au moins, ils ont un espoir. Mais ici, depuis plus de 50 ans, la terre appartient à qui la cultive. Rien ne changera plus.
And some of them have to be happy because they are nothing but rich
Et d'autres se contentent d'être riches pour être heureux.
The world will some day see paintings of her, and of her and me and then it will think : "What a pity they have gone and left nothing behind"
Un jour, le monde verra des portraits d'elle et de moi et ils se diront : "Dommage qu'ils n'aient rien laissé derrière eux."
Sir, they say you have nothing put aside, - during your 10 years spent here.
Monsieur, on dit que vous n'avez rien mis de côté, pendant vos 10 ans passés ici.
They have absolutely nothing in common.
Ils n'ont absolument rien en commun.
They have no clues, No suspects, Nothing to go on.
Elle n'a ni indices, ni suspects, ni piste à suivre.
Otherwise, my researches here would have come to nothing... poor as they have been.
Autrement, mes recherches ici n'auraient pas abouti... et seraient restees a un niveau bien inferieur.
When they come to counting up, he didn't have nothing but a spot on his shirt where the badge used to hang.
Quand on a compté les votes, il n'a plus eu qu'un trou dans sa chemise à l'endroit de son badge.
They don't have to tell you nothing.
Ils n'ont rien à vous dire.
Judah, if they would see Jesus of Nazareth they will know that life is everlasting and death is nothing to fear if you have faith.
Si elles voyaient Jésus de Nazareth, elles sauraient... que la vie est éternelle... et que la mort n'est pas à craindre pour qui a la foi.
They may have a weapon we know nothing about.
C'est sans doute une arme secrète.
It's their problem and they have to find a solution. I've nothing to do with it.
Que celui qui casse les assiettes les paie.
"I have nothing." And they said : "Oh, you have nothing?".
"Je n'ai rien." Et eux : "Ah non, tu n'as rien?"
To you it's nothing, but if they won't have me back, where will I go?
Mais moi, s'il ne me reprend pas, j'irai où?
they have 241
they haven't 69
they have no idea 25
they have her 17
they have guns 38
they have it 19
they have to 65
they have to be 24
nothing 25771
nothing to see here 87
they haven't 69
they have no idea 25
they have her 17
they have guns 38
they have it 19
they have to 65
they have to be 24
nothing 25771
nothing to see here 87
nothing else matters 82
nothing to hide 21
nothing much 304
nothing more 611
nothing happened 754
nothing changes 92
nothing at all 597
nothing yet 509
nothing to worry about 339
nothing's changed 230
nothing to hide 21
nothing much 304
nothing more 611
nothing happened 754
nothing changes 92
nothing at all 597
nothing yet 509
nothing to worry about 339
nothing's changed 230