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What'd it say tradutor Francês

911 parallel translation
What did I tell you? Didn't I say I'd get it?
Je te l'avais dit que je l'aurai.
It's the colonel's privilege to do and say what he likes.
Le colonel a le privilège d'agir comme bon lui semble.
What is it? Madame Fanny, one of Césariot's friends is outside. From his Look and his accent, I'd say he's from the north.
Qu'est-ce que c'est? Madame Fanny, c'est un ami de Monsieur Césariot. A son accent et à sa physionomie, il doit être du nord de la France. Fais-le entrer.
What else does it say?
Quoi d'autre?
What does it say?
Qu'y a-t-il d'écrit?
Um... you'd say, "He's got what it takes."
Vous diriez : "Il est à la hauteur."
If only sometimes, when I'm right, you'd admit it instead of instantly flying into opposition, no matter what I say.
Si une fois j'ai raison, tu pourrais l'admettre. Au lieu de me contredire, quoi que je dise.
What I mean to say, uh, dag-blame it, is... don't you think you ought to have some older lawyer with more experience... to help you out tomorrow?
N'auriez-vous pas besoin d'un avocat plus expérimenté pour vous aider, demain?
A lot of dough in it for us. What do you say?
Beaucoup d'argent à la clé, qu'en dis-tu?
I know what Pa would say. He'd say it's none of his business.
Pa'dirait que ça ne le regarde pas.
There's something under it. What does it say?
Il y a quelque chose d'écrit.
If it was anybody else, I'd say what's going to happen to you would be a lesson to you.
Si ce n'était pas vous, je dirais que ce qui va vous arriver servira de leçon.
If Helen could send me that message, and she did send it then there must be a way to establish controlled and scientific... Do you really believe what you say?
Si Helen a pu m'envoyer ce message... il y a alors un moyen d'établir scientifiquement une communication... entre les vivants et ceux que l'on appelle les morts.
He wanted us to fly to Vancouver. Said it'd save a lot of time. - What did you say, Herr Leutnant?
Le type voulait qu'on prenne l'avion pour gagner du temps.
- To sum it up definitely, Miss Marsh what would say was the basic trouble between Mr. And Mrs. Crane?
- Pour faire bref, Mlle Marsh, d'après vous, quelle est la cause de la mésentente entre M. Et Mme Crane?
It's beautiful D.B. I don't know what to say
C'est magnifique, D.B! - Je ne sais que dire.
I know how you've been acting towards her... and all I can say of what she's done is it's about time.
Je sais ce que vous lui avez fait, elle a bien fait d'agir ainsi.
That sounded slightly Russian, didn't it? What'd he say?
Cela sonne vaguement Russe.
What else does it say, Louise?
Quoi d'autre?
Well, all I can say is, it's a great pleasure to be here tonight and to find out what you mugs... Gentlemen have been doing in this part of the country.
Tout ce que je peux dire, c'est que je suis heureux d'être ici et de voir, nigauds... messieurs, tout ce que vous avez fait ici.
He put into words what I'd like to say. Better than I could express it.
Il a exprimé ce que je voudrais vous dire... bien mieux que je ne le pourrais.
Leave it alone. I am warning you Pitt, my partnership in this outfit gives me some right to say what's done, so I'm gonna keep my promise to Joe Malneck understand?
Mon statut d'associé me donne le droit de prendre des décisions... et je vais tenir la promesse que j'ai faite à Joe Malneck.
Say 5 days, 10,000 marks. Suppose it lasts a month? So what?
Pour quelques jours, le temps d'arrêter vos amis, puis vous résilierez l'assurance.
What else did he say, however crazy it was?
Qu'a-t-il dit d'autre, même si c'était fou?
I didn't like to think about it, but by that time I'd done just what the police would say I did even if I didn't. My clothes.
N'avais-je pas déjà accompli ce dont on m'accuserait, même si c'était faux!
What was it? I heard one of the officers say they were dressed as...
Je le tiens de source sûre, d'un garde en personne.
When I told'em it was my wife they'd say "Nobody's got a wife looks like that." "What's her telephone number?"
Quand je répondais que c'était ma femme, ils refusaient de me croire et réclamaient ton numéro.
It's all right, kate. I'd like to hear what he has to say.
Je veux entendre ce qu'il a à dire.
Perhaps you'd be kind enough to read what it say, señor.
Auriez-vous l'amabilité de lire ce que ça dit, señor?
I didn't say "What does it feel like to be an Okie?" I was an Okie. That's the difference.
Je n'ai pas dit : "Comment c'est, d'être un vagabond?" J'en étais un!
I have a warrant for your arrest and it is my duty to warn you that you need not say anything, but what you say will be taken down and may be used in evidence upon your trial.
- J'ai un mandat d'arrêt contre vous. Vous pouvez garder le silence. Tout ce que vous direz pourra être retenu contre vous.
It will not shock you, I assume, to learn that I'm a woman... What would you say? A woman who has seen a great deal of life.
Cela ne vous choquera sans doute pas d'apprendre que je suis une femme qui a beaucoup vécu.
It wouldn't hurt anything to hear what the guy has to say, would it?
Et alors? rien n'empêche d'écouter ce type?
- What else does it say?
- Et quoi d'autre?
What's it about? I read in the paper what you say about writing.
J'ai lu votre interview sur l'art d'écrire.
- What do you say we make a picnic out of it, huh?
Faisons un pique-nique. D'accord.
- What did it say, April fool?
- Ca dit quoi : poisson d'avril?
If we were fighting maybe it'd be easier for you to say what you want to say.
Pour me le dire plus facilement, peut-être.
Euclid Street, Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania. She writes, " What a thrill it was to hear my little girl say...
Une ménagère de Pennsylvanie nous écrit que c'était merveilleux d'entendre sa fille dire :
Say, it's none of my business, Monty, but what's all this with these interviews?
Ça ne me regarde pas, mais c'est quoi ces histoires d'interviews?
Well, it's what they say here, darling you know, like,
C'est une expression d'ici. Comme...
I wouldn't know what to say, it'd be such a shock.
Je resterais sans voix, sous le choc.
- Then what'd you say it for?
- Pourquoi avez-vous dit ça?
You see, it's like I said when Wyatt told me if he was Dutch and going to Tascosa, he'd come by here, but that was only what somebody heard Dutch say where he was going to.
- C'est ce que je dis toujours. Wyatt a dit que s'il était Dutch, en allant à Tascosa, il s'arrêterait ici. Mais c'est juste quelqu'un qui a entendu Dutch dire où il allait.
I don't know what your reaction will be, but here's what I hope : I hope you say, "Let's take off our insignia, step out in the boondocks and settle it!"
Je ne sais pas ce que vous pensez, Commandant... mais je voudrais régler nos comptes d'homme à homme.
- Boil it. - What'd you say?
Qu'est-ce que tu dit?
I didn't know what I was going to say until after I'd said it.
Je ne savais pas ce que j'allais dire jusqu'à ce que je l'aie dit.
I was wondering, if I had my choice of living these last three days over again, - what I'd say. - Let's hear it.
Je me demandais ce que je dirais si on me proposait de revivre ces trois derniers jours.
I can't guarantee, of course, that this is precisely what he'd want me to do or say... but if I learned anything during our few hours together... it was that I was with a man who was prepared to go to any lengths... to make up in any way whatever... for the cruel, shocking, almost irreparable harm... he'd done to the love and respect ofhis family.
Sans garantir que c'est précisément ce qu'il aurait voulu que je fasse... si j'ai appris quelque chose pendant nos quelques heures ensemble... c'est que j'étais avec un homme qui était prêt à tout... pour racheter de quelque façon que ce soit... le mal cruel, choquant, et presque irréparable... qu'il avait fait à l'amour et au respect de sa famille.
What if I say it ain't all? What if I say it ain't?
Et si je disais : "Pas d'accord"?
It's almost 11 o'clock. What'd you say?
D'accord, alors reste au lit toute Ia journée, il est presque onze heures.

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