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Who wouldn't be tradutor Francês

603 parallel translation
This man may well be, when not engaged in the actual act of killing, a harmless, upstanding citizen who wouldn't hurt a fly.
Je suis sûr que cet homme, lorsqu'il n'est pas en train de tuer, paraît ne pas pouvoir faire de mal à une mouche.
Who wouldn't be?
- Qui ne le serait pas?
I wouldn't want you to betray a confidence. But tell me, who might that lovely lady be? I couldn't tell you.
Sans vouloir trahir de confidences, savez-vous qui est cette beauté?
Who wouldn't be, carrying all that weight around?
Pas étonnant, vu le poids qu'il faisait.
well, who wouldn't be sitting here with you.
Qui ne le serait pas, assis près de vous?
There are darn few of us who wouldn't be.
Qui parmi nous ne le serait pas?
The kind of lady who comes on time really wouldn't be worth waiting for.
Si elle arrive à l'heure ce n'est pas une lady.
Who wouldn't be?
Qui le serait pas?
Well, who wouldn't be?
Mettez-vous à ma place.
Who wouldn't be mad?
- Qui ne le serait pas?
It wouldn't be fitting for me to thank a woman who saved my husband's life?
Choquant de remercier celle qui a sauvé mon mari?
Who wouldn't be inspired? I'd seen you.
C'est vous qui m'avez inspiré.
Wouldn't be hard to guess who either.
Ce n'est pas dur de deviner qui.
- A dead man who wouldn't be dead.
Un mort qui ne serait pas mort.
A man who couldn't forgive wouldn't be much of a man.
Un homme qui ne pardonne pas n'en est pas un.
Naturally we're thrilled. Who wouldn't be?
Évidemment que nous sommes ravis!
I knew there'd be somebody from San Francisco who wouldn't let us down.
Je savais que quelqu'un de San Francisco nous aiderait.
I've been in this business a long time. I've never met a performer who in the long run wouldn't rather be a great guy than a great actor. That is, until I made your acquaintance.
Dans ce métier, je n'ai rencontré personne... qui préfère être un bon acteur qu'un type bien... avant toi.
But the point is, my dear young lady that there wouldn't be any tunnel. ... if it weren't for the men who are risking their lives. ... in creating it right now.
Chère jeune fille, il n'y aurait pas de tunnel sans ces hommes qui risquent leur vie pour le creuser en ce moment.
It would be an extraordinary coincidence wouldn't it if more than one Naval lieutenant in Washington were to become engaged in the last few days to a girl from New York who's aunt was giving them the reception?
Quelle coincidence ce serait de voir deux lieutenants de la Navy se fiancer, ici, à une New-Yorkaise
You wouldn't be on a wooden horse if you'd go back to the people who know you.
Tu ne serais pas sur ce cheval de bois si tu retournais vivre parmi ceux qui te connaissent.
He wouldn't be the first one who'd gone mad studying the processes of the mind.
Il ne serait pas le premier à perdre la tête en étudiant l'esprit.
Who wouldn't be livin
Qui ne vivrait pas
A girl who changed her mind all the time wouldn't be much good.
Qui voudrait d'une girouette qui change d'idée sans arrêt?
Who wouldn't be in your company, my lovely countess?
La raison en est votre presence, ma chere comtesse.
Who wouldn't be, living with that old screech owl?
Qui ne le serait, à vivre avec cette vieille chouette?
You know, Lawson, if my kids and all the other kids who are in this thing could fix it so this would really be the last one, your kid would get quite a break, wouldn't he?
Si mes enfants et tous les autres enfants impliqués dans cette guerre pouvaient faire en sorte que ce soit la dernière, votre enfant serait sacrément tranquille, n'est-ce pas?
Who wouldn't be?
C'est normal.
The only person who wouldn't think me demented... because I believe a house can be filled with malignity.
La seule qui ne me traitera pas de fou si je dis qu'une maison peut être malfaisante.
Well, who wouldn't be, knowing there's a murderer in the house?
Qui resterait calme, sachant qu'il y a un meurtrier parmi nous?
And who wouldn't be?
Est-ce étrange?
If I only knew who was after me, it wouldn't be so bad. How do you fight if you don't know who you're fighting?
Si je savais qui est derrière tout ça, je pourrais peut-être me défendre.
I wouldn't dream of setting foot outside the house unless Fred were along. Who knows, he might be anywhere. The murderer, I mean.
Je ne quitte pas la maison, ce meurtrier peut être n'importe où.
If people who read our magazines knew the facts of life, Mr. Marlowe... they wouldn't be reading our magazines.
Si nos lecteurs connaissaient la vie, ils ne liraient plus nos revues.
Who wouldn't be? The...
Comment ne pas l'être?
I'm mad, good and mad, and who wouldn't be?
Je suis furieuse, furieuse, et qui ne le serait pas?
Who wouldn't be... with that neat little routine you've got cooked up for me?
Qui ne serait pas... avec cette routine que tu m'as concocté?
Who wouldn't be?
Wouldn't it be wonderful to be married to a girl who played baseball?
Quel bonheur d'épouser une fille qui joue au base-hall l
If John and I were enough for you, you wouldn't be who you are...
Si John et moi te suffisions, tu ne serais pas l'homme que tu es.
There isn't a dame in this place who wouldn't give up... half her alimony to be in your shoes tonight.
N'importe quelle femme ici céderait sa pension pour être à votre place.
As for Jeanne, who says she wouldn't be happy?
Et d "ailleurs, Jeanne, qui te dit qu" elle ne sera pas heureuse?
If a particle of the sun broke off and flew into space I wouldn't consider the man who brought that news to be insane.
Si un témoin voyait une parcelle de soleil se détacher... je ne le traiterais pas de fou.
A girl who would have your hair, your nice face, your body, but would belong to my circles, wouldn't be a society woman.
Une môme qui aurait tes cheveux, ta petite bouille... ton corps... Mais qui sera à mon niveau quoi... Qui serait pas une femme du monde.
Who wouldn't be a lobster in the sea for peaches all fall on the beaches and picking'em': my specialty.
Qui n'aimerait pas être un homard? Car la mer abandonne des trésors sur la plage Et les ramasser est ma spécialité
Who knows? But I'm afraid I wouldn't be of any help.
J'ai peur de ne pas être utile.
I wouldn't be surprised if it was he who had turned off the light.
Je ne serais pas surpris si c'était lui qui avait éteint la lumière.
Mind you, who wouldn't be?
Qui ne t'aimerait pas, du reste?
Qui ne le serait pas?
Why wouldn't I be legally justified in killing the man who raped my wife?
Pourquoi ne suis-je pas justifié en tuant l'homme qui a violé ma femme?
I was just thinking how proud she'd be of that little boy who wouldn't eat his porridge.
Je me disais qu'elle serait très fière de ce petit garçon qui refusait de manger.

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