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Why is that important tradutor Francês

323 parallel translation
Why is that important?
Pourquoi est-ce important?
- Why is that important?
- Quelle importance?
Why is that important?
- Quelle importance?
Wesley, why is that important?
Wesley, pourquoi est-ce important?
Why is that important?
Et pourquoi?
But that is why that drama is important to us as well.
Mais c'est pour cela que ce drama est important pour nous.
Why aren't you answering? I asked if Writer Lee Go Eun is that important to you. That's right.
25 ) } The French 46 ) } Siwonnies
That's why your decision right now is so important.
C'est pourquoi votre décision est si importante.
Why is it so important that you satisfy him, the old...
Pourquoi ne penses-tu qu'à lui plaire, à ce vieux...
Why should you think that our lives don't matter at all... and that yours is so important?
Votre vie ne vaut pas plus que celle des autres. Tu ne comprends pas.
Why, Katie Nolan. I don't care. There's times when feeling good and things like that is important.
Aujourd'hui, pas de mesquinerie.
Do you understand now why it is so important to me for you to believe that I love you with all of my heart?
Tu comprends maintenant pourquoi il est important pour moi que tu croies que je t'aime de tout mon cœur?
But if time is that important, why not let me go in tonight with some bombers and wipe out that nest?
Laissez-moi bombarder le nid... cette nuit.
Why is it important that my sister be your friend?
Pourquoi il est important que mon Navigation être votre ami?
And that's why this is so important.
C'est pour cela que c'est si important.
That's why the second one is so important.
C'est pourquoi le second est si important.
It doesn't matter why I feel God wants me to go to China. The important thing is that I feel it.
Je sens que Dieu veut que j'aille en Chine.
Why is it so important that you want to contact the governments of our Earth?
Pourquoi voulez-vous nous contacter?
The problem with people like you is that you don't have a flexible mind. You stick too much to logic, descent, distance, weight... That's why I find intuition so important.
Mais ce qui vous perd, vous autres joueurs, c'est une espèce d'ankylose du raisonnement votre attachement à la logique pour le cheval, ses origines, la distance, le poids c'est pourquoi, moi, j'attache une très grande importance à l'intuition
That's why to sleep in comfort is very important.
C'est pour ça que le confort du sommeil est capital.
If Mrs. Lurch thinks that Lurch is a very important, big man and owns this house and everything, why don't we just let her continue to think so?
Tish, quand tu parles français, ça me rend fou. - Mon ami. - Oui.
Is that why, as you wrote, my forgiveness is so important to you?
Est-ce pour cette raison que mon pardon vous importe tant?
That is why your behaviour is so important.
Toute la communauté vous observe.
Why is that thrill so important?
Pourquoi le plaisir compte-t-il tant pour moi.
The major block is your solar plexus. That's why we're doing a lot of Breath of Fire.
Le blocage le plus important, c'est le plexus solaire.
You see, I had asked myself the question. Why does a woman go to an important testimonial dinner knowing that her sleeve is torn?
Je me suis demandé pourquoi elle serait allée à ce dîner avec une robe déchirée.
That is why this film... is so important to me.
C'est pourquoi ce film est si important pour moi.
If that document is so bloody important... why aren't you handling this case yourself?
Vous devez régler vous-même une affaire aussi grave.
Doc, that's why that lie detector thing is important.
C'est ce qui m'amène. C'est important.
That is why the story's important to all of us.
C'est pourquoi cette histoire est importante pour nous tous.
Et pourquoi est-il si important de nier leur existence?
I fail to see why that is important. In many cases the murder weapon is missing.
L'arme du crime disparaît souvent.
Why is it so important to you that...
Pourquoi veux-tu que je...
Why is it so important that I get married again?
Pourquoi veux-tu que je me remarie?
But why is that thing so important to you?
Mais pourquoi est-ce si important pour toi?
That's why this is important.
C'est pour ça que c'est important.
That is why this is most important to me.
C'est pourquoi cela est si important.
That's why Mr. Bear is important to you because he was a present from Mom?
C'est pour ça que M. l'Ours comptait. C'était un cadeau de maman.
- Seriously? - See, that's why it is so important to me.
Cet arbre seul peut faire vivre M. Miyagi.
That's why ethics is important.
D'où l'importance de l'éthique.
But why is that so goddamn important, Miles?
J'aimerais tout de même savoir pourquoi c'est si important?
As you care for me, which is why it's very important that you never breathe a word to anyone about...
Autant que tu m'aimes, toi. Aussi, il est primordial de ne parler à personne de... tu comprends?
Why is it so important that I go?
Pourquoi devrais-je y aller?
Why is that suddenly of such incredible importance?
Pourquoi est-ce si important?
That's why your parole is so important.
Bats-toi pour la conditionnelle.
That's another reason why your memory of what happened on the plane is so important.
C'est une autre raison pour laquelle votre mémoire est si importante.
Yes. - Why? Is that important?
- C'est important?
So, tell me, why is it so important that you find this man?
Alors, pourquoi est-il si important que vous trouviez cet homme?
"This is important. Life and death." Why would he even send that?
" important, question de vie ou de mort.
It is very important that you tell me about your American lodger and why he left your household.
Ikey. " Parlez-moi de votre pensionnaire américain et des motifs de son départ.
- And why is that important?
- Pourquoi?

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