You asleep tradutor Francês
3,990 parallel translation
So pay me a part-time wage. Same for me. Ms. Wrestler, weren't you asleep the whole time?
tu as passé ton temps à dormir. pour que votre présentation se passe bien.
As long as you've got this manager keeping you on the road... and doping you up with girls and booze and million-dollar record deals... he's gonna keep you asleep and drive your career off a cliff.
Tant que ce manager vous fera tourner en vous gavant de filles, de bibine et de contrats en or, il vous bercera et bousillera votre carrière.
Doomsday's out there searching for his next victim and you're asleep on the job.
Le tueur de l'Apocalypse est dehors cherchant sa prochaine victime Et toi tu dors pendant le boulot.
But we also knew you'd fall asleep if we put on NPR.
Mais on savait aussi que vous dormiriez avec la radio publique.
You're not asleep?
Tu ne dors pas?
You weren't asleep?
Tu ne dors pas?
Or perhaps you snuck into the bedroom while we were asleep.
Ou tu t'es glissé dans la chambre quand je dormais.
Uh, you know, I-I think part of what made last night so exciting was that you were asleep.
Vous savez, si c'était excitant hier soir, c'est parce que vous dormiez.
You-you were asleep, and they-they didn't want me to wake you up.
Tu-tu étais endormie, et ils-ils ne voulaient pas que je te réveille.
Whoever targeted you as an informant was asleep at the wheel.
La personne qui vous a engagée est nulle.
If you couldn't fall asleep at night.
Si tu n'arrive pas à dormir le soir.
Then you fall asleep,
Ensuite tu t'endors, tu te réveille vers 9h, prête à commencer ta journée.
Siobhan, darling, did you fall back asleep?
Siobhan, chérie, est-ce que tu t'es rendormie?
I'll tell you what, why don't I rub your back until you fall back asleep?
Tu sais quoi, et si je te frottais le dos, jusqu'à ce que tu te rendormes?
Remember that time I took you to the charity gala At that malibu vineyard and you ended up drunk, Asleep and half naked in a barrel of grapes?
Tu te souviens quand t'es venu à ce gala au vignoble de Malibu où t'as fini bourré et où tu t'es dormi à moitié nu dans un tonneau de vin.
- Did you fall asleep?
- Tu t'es endormi?
I used to leave you in bed while I... had a shower, and then when I came back into the bedroom, you'd always... have fallen asleep again.
Je te laissais au lit, je prenais ma douche et quand je revenais, tu t'étais... rendormie.
You fell asleep again.
Tu t'es encore endormi.
That way, maybe there's a little chance that he's asleep when you get home, right?
Comme ça, il y a peut-être une petite chance qu'il soit endormi quand tu rentres à la maison, pas vrai?
Let's stay together until you fall asleep.
Tu veux que je reste?
You're just half asleep.
T'es juste à moitié endormi.
You manage to look asleep and terrified all at the same time.
Tu as l'air à la fois endormi et terrifié.
It was the first time you fell asleep on her shoulder... And she'd barely let herself breathe because she never wanted that moment to end.
La première fois que vous vous êtes endormie sur son épaule et qu'elle n'osait plus respirer pour que cet instant dure toujours.
She has been crying aloud for you and only fell asleep a while ago.
Elle a beaucoup pleuré car tu lui manques. Elle vient juste de s'endormir.
He'll fall right asleep, and then you can come back in several hours.
Il s'endormira, et ensuite vous revenez dans plusieurs heures. - Je peux le nourrir.
So I'm gonna sit here with you until you fall asleep.
Alors, je vais rester avec toi jusqu'à ce que tu t'endormes.
What's the song? I'm looking for sperm donors, you know? I mean, I fell asleep reading medical histories, files.
Je cherche un donneur de sperme alors je m'endors après avoir parcouru des piles de dossiers, de fiches.
You didn't scare me. I was asleep...
Impossible, je dormais.
( Sighs ) When you're asleep.
Quand toi tu dormiras.
Burt, did you fall asleep on me again?
Burt, tu t'es encore endormi?
Well, if you really want to fall asleep, you should try sitting in my chair listening to you talk all day.
Eh bien, si vous voulez vraiment vous endormir, vous devriez essayer de vous asseoir à ma place à vous écouter parler toute la journée.
Uh, actually I told you for the first time after six weeks, you just didn't hear it because you were asleep.
En fait, je te l'ai dit la première fois après 6 semaines, tu l'as pas entendu car tu dormais.
She's asleep, you'll wake Lol up.
Elle dort, tu va réveiller Lol.
You have to let me sleep. Why, you can't fall asleep?
tu sais.
Aren't you asleep yet? Because someone can't sleep with the lights turned off.
Vous n'avez pas envie de dormir?
I let you go early so you could sleep, why aren't you asleep?
You've been asleep, Cap.
Vous étiez endormi, Cap.
In case you haven't noticed, half the time, you're asleep.
Je te signale que la moitié du temps tu dors.
You're not asleep yet?
Tu ne dors toujours pas?
You will fall asleep quickly. ♫ The time I spent with you.Waiting for only you.My last love is just you ♫
Tu vas t'endormir rapidement.
You were half asleep.
Tu étais à moitié endormie.
You know, when you keep him up at night he falls asleep at school.
Tu sais, quand tu le tiens éveillé le soir, il s'endort à l'école.
You're probably asleep, but Jen didn't get to say goodbye.
Tu dors probablement, mais Jen n'a pas pu te dire au revoir.
So quiet... as if you were asleep.
Si calme... Comme si on était endormis.
You fell asleep, nothing happened.
Tu t'es endormi. On n'a rien fait, je t'assure.
Sound asleep in his sandwich board. You know why?
Profondément endormi entre ses pancartes Tu sais pourquoi?
You're another rocker asleep at the wheel... - singing songs you wrote 10 years ago.
Vous êtes un rockeur lambda assoupi qui rabâche de vieux tubes.
In my apartment, while you're asleep.
Chez moi, pendant ton sommeil.
Do you want me to stay with you till you fall asleep?
Tu veux que je reste jusqu'à ce que tu dormes?
You've been asleep.
Vous étiez endormi.
But when we got here, you were asleep. What?
Mais quand nous sommes arrivés ici, vous dormiez.
asleep 159
you are 6060
you all right 5423
you are so sweet 63
you are amazing 104
you are my friend 67
you are beautiful 191
you are an angel 28
you are mine 68
you are so beautiful 123
you are 6060
you all right 5423
you are so sweet 63
you are amazing 104
you are my friend 67
you are beautiful 191
you are an angel 28
you are mine 68
you are so beautiful 123
you are the best 102
you are welcome 177
you are dead to me 22
you are right 482
you are free 73
you are not alone 88
you are good 169
you aren't 92
you are clever 20
you are lying 79
you are welcome 177
you are dead to me 22
you are right 482
you are free 73
you are not alone 88
you are good 169
you aren't 92
you are clever 20
you are lying 79