You told him that tradutor Francês
1,625 parallel translation
Dr Fields, once Mr Crane produced his weapon, you drew yours and you told him that if he didn't shoot you, you'd shoot him.
Dr. Fields, après que Mr. Crane ait sorti son arme, vous avez sorti le vôtre et vous lui avez dit que s'il ne vous tuait pas, vous le tueriez.
But you told him that...
- Vous lui avez dit...
How you picked up, you told him about your money troubles, and you told him that you would be worth more dead than alive.
Comment vous l'avez emmené, lui avez parlé de vos problèmes d'argent et lui avez dit que vous valiez plus mort que vif.
- And you told him that's insane.
- Et tu lui as dit que c'était insensé.
Oh, and you told him that his hero was using steroids?
Ah. Et tu lui as dit que son héros utilisait des stéroïdes?
Courtney, you should've told me that you knew him.
Courtney, vous auriez dû me dire que vous le connaissiez.
And you told him to throw that girl and everyone with her in the water.
Et vous lui avez dit de jeter cette fille avec toutes les autres dans l'eau.
And then I told him that, you know, he better move to my thumb or hangnail.
Et alors je lui ai dit qu'il ferait mieux de passer à mon bout de peau sur le pouce.
He just went on and on, lashing out all this guilt on me, when I told him, you know, I just want him to understand the depth of the pain that I suffer on a regular basis, that how, when I see a Dodge Duster, which was the car that he drove at the time, how I still pull over and dry heave.
Il continuait sans cesse à m'envoyer toute cette culpabilité, quand je lui disais que je voulais juste qu'il comprenne à quel point je souffrais, régulièrement, que, quand je voyais une Dodge Duster, qui était la voiture qu'il avait à cette époque,
I told him, " You knew that I was being abused.
Je lui ai dit " Vous saviez que je subissais des sévices.
that would have been in the file regarding the 1973 and 1976 issues, and that, I think, should have told him that there was, you know, not just a one-shot deal, but there was at least two prior situations that needed to be dealt with.
concernant les problèmes de 1973 et 1976, et ça, je pense, aurait dû le prévenir qu'il n'y avait pas qu'un seul problème, mais il y avait au moins deux situations prioritaires qui devaient être gérées.
I think he was merely calling to check how I was doing, because he obviously knew I had been very stressed out over the situation, and I told him that, you know.
Il m'appelait simplement pour voir comment j'allais, parce qu'il voyait manifestement que j'étais très stressé par rapport à la situation, et je lui disais ça.
I told him not to come, but he kept on insisting that he wanted to see you.
Je lui ai dit de ne pas venir mais il a tenu - à te voir.
You told me that only because of him you came out of camp alive.
Tu m'as dit que grâce à lui, tu es revenu vivant des camps.
- You told him to skip that breakfast?
- Tu lui as dit de ne pas venir au petit-déj?
You know, i told him you were sick, that in all likelihood, you wouldn't be back. I spared him the gory details... the note, the phone call from... where were you?
Tu sais, je lui ai dit que tu étais malade, que tu ne reviendrais probablement jamais.
I told you that my English would be enough to write him an e-mail but you insisted on using a dictionary.
Pour écrire à ce type mon Anglais est assez bien mais vous vous êtes fixés, en disant : Je l'avais dit. il nous faut un dictionnaire.
You once told me that your dad really believed that you could be Miss Victory and that you didn't want to disappoint him.
Tu m'as dit un jour que ton père était persuadé que tu y arriverais et que tu ne voulais pas le décevoir.
I told her... that he had health problems and that... You put him in an institution.
Je lui ai dit... qu'il avait des problèmes de santé et que... tu avais dû le mettre dans une institution.
Is that when you told him about Beth and Jake?
C'est à ce moment que vous lui avez dit pour Beth et Jake?
and the only reason that you quit drinking was because Lou told you that the Chief said something to him.
Et la seule raison pour laquelle t'as arrêté de boire, était parce que Lou t'avais raconté que le Chef lui avait dit quelque chose.
Your client told us that you provided him with the stripper.
Votre client nous a dit que vous lui aviez fourni la stripteaseuse.
What if I told you that your little rich kid client, Ethan, figured out that the jewelry you sold him was fake?
Et si je vous disais que votre jeune petit client riche, Ethan, a découvert que les bijoux que vous lui avez vendus étaient faux?
Told him I was traveling with you. Told him that we were staying in the same hotel room.
J'ai dit que je voyageais avec toi, qu'on partageait la même chambre d'hôtel.
Witnesses confirm that the other guy started and you just pushed him away. I told you that.
Les témoins confirment que l'autre type a commencé et que vous l'avez juste poussé.
- That night when mitch came to the store and when you told him I was dead.
- Cette nuit là, quand Mitch est venu au magasin. Quand tu lui a dis que j'étais morte.
He told me before that the only reason he left was to free you from having him as your father.
Il m'a dit que la seule raison pour laquelle il est parti était qu'il voulait vous libérer de l'avoir comme père.
Well, they were having this tiff when you were in the kitchen, and, you know, it was about the pool table that jeff wants to get, and I told him not to bring it up because I knew steph would never let him get one.
Ils ont eu un différend quand tu étais à la cuisine, à propos de la table de billard que Jeff voulait avoir. Je lui avais dit de ne pas insister car je savais que Steph l'empêcherait d'en avoir une.
I told him that, you know, maybe we should take some time apart, so that he could figure out what, or who he really wanted.
Je lui ai dit que, vous savez, peut-être qu'on devrait se séparer quelque temps pour qu'il puisse arriver à comprendre ce qu'il voulait vraiment ou qui.
I know, it doesn't make any sense, but he said that you were flying with him, and you told him it was all going to be okay, that there were people who cared, who would make a difference.
Je sais que c'est insensé, mais il a dit que tu volais avec lui et que tu lui as dit que tout s'arrangerait, qu'il y avait des gens bienveillants qui s'occuperaient de changer les choses.
and i'm told that richard branch will be made available to your debriefers whenever you want him.
Et Richard Branch fera un compte-rendu à votre guise, quand vous le désirerez.
Your brother cried when I told him that I found you.
Votre frère a pleuré quand il a su qu'on vous avait retrouvé.
You told him to go fight in that stupid war.
Tu lui as dit d'aller à cette stupide guerre.
He told me that out of all of his children, you were the only one who made him remember what being a kid was.
Il m'a dit que de tous ses enfants, tu étais celui qui lui rappelait le plus ce que c'était d'être un gosse.
Maricruz, she told him, "no." Can you believe that?
Maricruz lui a dit "non". Tu y crois?
Is that what he told you, that I- - that his mother and I abandoned him?
C'est ce qu'il vous a dit, que je- - que sa mère et moi l'avions abandonné?
Well, my guess is, is that he's still mad, given the way you told him to shut his fat face in front of the entire family.
Eh bien, à mon avis, il est en colère contre toi, vu la façon dont tu lui a fait taire sa grande gueule devant toute la famille.
But I knew your father well enough to know that if he knew I was having his child, he... he would be compelled to leave you all, and I couldn't have that, so I told him it was someone else's- - a director on a movie, a one-night stand.
Mais je connaissais suffisamment bien votre père pour savoir que s'il savait que je portais son enfant, il... il aurait été contraint de tous vous quitter, et je ne pouvais pas avoir ça, alors je lui ai dit qu'il était de quelqu'un d'autre... un réalisateur de film... un coup d'un soir.
So you're that close, and you never told him about me?
Donc vous êtes proches, et tu ne lui as jamais parlé de moi?
You have a guest. I told him that without an appointment...
Je lui ai dit que sans rendez-vous -
I told him it's over and that if he ever came near you again, I would crush him.
Je lui ai dit que c'était terminé et que si jamais il t'approchait, je le pulvériserai.
I told you I didn't see him that day.
Je vous l'ai dit, je ne l'ai pas vu ce jour là.
You gave that kid stock and told him when to sell it.
Tu as donné des actions à ce gamin et tu lui as dit quand les vendre.
Maybe you should have told him that.
Peut être que tu aurais du lui dire.
No, his pediatrician called the child abuse hotline after Shane told him that you had seduced him.
Non, son pédiatre a appelé la hotline des enfants abusés après que Shane lui ait confié que vous l'aviez séduit.
I've told ramon that you intend to keep him on.
J'ai dit à Ramon que vous aviez l'intention de le garder.
But seriously, you cannot tell him that I told you.
Mais sérieusement, tu ne peux pas lui dire que je te l'ai dit.
What if I told you that I could make him go away and you could have your job back?
Et si je te disais que je pourrais le faire disparaître et te récupérer ton boulot?
I should have told you the truth. But if I go back to Hugh and tell him that I screwed this all up
J'aurais dû vous dire la vérité, mais... si je dis à Hugh que j'ai tout foiré,
You told him to say that?
Tu lui as dit de dire ça?
Look, Lisa, I told you that Daisy already watched him for two hours at the office.
Je t'ai dit que Daisy l'avait gardé durant deux heures au bureau.
you told me you loved me 16
you told me 307
you told me that 69
you told me to 54
you told me not to 20
you told him 151
you told us 28
you told her 125
you told them 55
you told 19
you told me 307
you told me that 69
you told me to 54
you told me not to 20
you told him 151
you told us 28
you told her 125
you told them 55
you told 19
you tell 24
you think you're better than me 60
you too 3331
you talking to me 61
you think you know me 62
you took your time 70
you took everything from me 17
you talk too much 145
you think you're funny 32
you think i'm stupid 121
you think you're better than me 60
you too 3331
you talking to me 61
you think you know me 62
you took your time 70
you took everything from me 17
you talk too much 145
you think you're funny 32
you think i'm stupid 121
you took 32
you take care of yourself 138
you think too much 36
you think you can handle that 27
you think i'm lying 56
you think you're so smart 30
you thinking what i'm thinking 75
you took an oath 26
you think i'm joking 22
you think 2028
you take care of yourself 138
you think too much 36
you think you can handle that 27
you think i'm lying 56
you think you're so smart 30
you thinking what i'm thinking 75
you took an oath 26
you think i'm joking 22
you think 2028