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Translate.vc / Inglês → Francês / [ Y ] / You understand me

You understand me tradutor Francês

8,892 parallel translation
Do you understand me?
Tu me comprends?
Do you understand me, Donovan?
Vous me comprenez, Donovan?
Drivers do you understand me?
Pilotes, vous m'avez compris?
You understand me? - Yes. - Well, obviously you don't,
On dirait pas, espèce d'idiot.
This conversation is fucking over, do you understand me?
Le sujet est clos, on n'en parle plus. Vu?
Do you understand me, you whore cunt'?
Tu ne comprends pas? Espèce de salope!
You understand me?
Tu comprends?
Do you understand me? Hey! What are you doing?
Que faites-vous?
Can you understand me?
Peux-tu me comprendre?
Do not play any of the songs on that list, do you understand me?
Ne joue aucune des chansons de cette liste, tu me comprends?
Do you understand me?
Vous m'avez compris?
You don't understand me.
Tu ne me comprends pas.
My loyalty for my brother is how I measure myself, do you understand?
Je me reconnais à ma loyauté envers mon frère, tu comprends?
As the royal family's lawyer she wants me to understand why you're here and then she'll meet you.
En tant qu'avocat de la famille royale elle m'envoie clarifier la raison de votre venue... ensuite, elle vous recevra.
And one more thing... darling, I can understand why you wouldn't want to tell me about this, but please know that all I have ever wanted for you is to be happy.
Et une dernière chose... chérie, je peux comprendre pourquoi tu ne voulais pas me parler de ça, mais sache que j'ai toujours voulu que tu sois heureuse.
I understand you had to make a tough call in the heat of the moment, but why didn't you tell me afterwards?
Je comprend que tu ai eu a faire un choix sur le moment mais pourquoi ne pas me l'avoir dit après?
I know you don't understand me, but listen to my voice.
Je sais que vous ne me comprenez pas, mais écoutez ma voix.
If you work for me, you must be clean, do you understand?
Si tu travailles pour moi, tu dois être propre, c'est compris?
Quarrels of my own making I'll fight my own way, you understand?
C'est à moi de me battre pour mes propres querelles.
All right, look, it'll break my heart, but I totally understand if you never want to see me again.
D'accord, ça va me briser le cœur, mais je comprendrais totalement si tu ne voulais plus jamais me revoir.
I understand you're on the Warpath. I get that.
Vous me faites la guerre?
Richard, I'd understand if you took it, but watching you end up over there would break my heart.
Richard, je comprendrai si tu acceptes, mais je vois finir là bas me briserai le coeur.
If anyone is to blame, it is me. Do you understand?
Si c'est de la faute de quelqu'un, c'est de la mienne.
From what I understand, he's not gonna be up for Citizen of the Year Award, either, so you won't have an ethics problem, because you're all men of principle, when you go to pick him up for me.
Il gagnera pas le prix du meilleur citoyen. Donc pas de problème d'éthique pour vos consciences, quand vous le kidnapperez.
You do understand me, brother.
Toi, tu me comprends.
We understand the frustration and pain you must be feeling for your children, but believe me, we are doing everything we can to make sure your children get home soon.
Je vous assure que le gouvernement fait tout son possible pour qu'ils vous soient rendus.
You understand what I'm saying.
Tu me comprends.
You've gotta get me out of here, do you understand?
Vous allez me sortir de là, compris?
- Tell me you understand what I mean.
- Dis-moi que tu vois ce que je veux dire.
I need you to tell me you understand what I mean.
J'ai besoin que tu me dises que tu vois ce que je veux dire.
Look in my eyes, and tell me you understand.
Regarde-moi dans les yeux et dis-moi que tu comprends.
( Menacing growl ) I know you can understand me.
Je sais que tu peux me comprendre.
Listen to me. Do you understand?
But don't pretend like you understand the plan,'cause that's gonna piss me off.
Mais ne prétends pas faire comme si tu comprenais le plan, parce que ca va m'énerver.
I don't understand how you could do something like that without talking to me first.
Je ne comprend pas comment tu as pu faire cela sans m'en parler d'abord.
I understand that you were telling me the truth about where the blood came from.
Je sais que tu me disais la vérité pour le sang.
It's my cousin, you see, she's coming to visit me and she's a simple girl, not slow, you understand, not retarded in any way... just from the country, you know?
C'est ma cousine, elle vient me voir et c'est une fille simple, pas lente, vous comprenez, pas attardée du tout... juste de la campagne, vous savez?
Do you understand that?
Me comprenez-vous?
You don't understand. I just need you to hold me.
J'ai besoin que tu me serres.
You guys understand that, right?
Vous me comprenez, pas vrai?
I understand if you can't give her to me anymore.
Je comprendrais que vous ne puissiez plus me la confier.
I'm trying for the life of me to understand you.
Je passe ma vie à essayer de te comprendre.
I don't understand how they accepted you to this job?
Je me demande pourquoi ils vous ont embauché pour ce travail.
I just don't understand why you treat me this way.
Je ne comprends pas pourquoi tu me traites comme ça.
I want you to understand how easy it is for me to extinguish what you've built for yourself here.
Je veux que vous compreniez comment c'est facile pour moi de détruire tout ce que vous avez construit ici.
You understand what I'm saying?
Vous me comprenez?
Look, I'm gonna need you to trust me right about now, you understand?
J'ai besoin que tu me fasses confiance, c'est compris?
Sorry. I just don't have people I can talk to about this stuff, that understand, you know?
Je n'ai personne à qui parler de ces choses et qui me comprenne, tu vois?
Give me a break, you ll never understand.
Fous-moi la paix avec ce qui me bouleverse, tu peux pas comprendre.
I don't understand why you're mad at me.
Je ne comprends pas pourquoi tu es énervé contre moi.
You're the only one who gets me to understand this crap.
Tu es la seul qui m'a fait comprendre cette merde.

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