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Translate.vc / Inglês → Francês / [ Y ] / You watch your mouth

You watch your mouth tradutor Francês

292 parallel translation
Not a damn bit more. And in the future, you watch your mouth.
A l " avenir, surveillez vos paroles.
You watch your mouth now.
Arrête de dire des bêtises.
You watch your mouth, boy.
Attention à ce que tu dis.
You watch your mouth, young man!
Surveille ton langage, jeune homme!
Will you watch your mouth?
Surveille tes paroles.
You watch your mouth when you talk about your father.
Surveille tes paroles. Ne dis pas n'importe quoi.
You watch your mouth too, old man.
- Gare à toi, vieux bonhomme.
You watch your mouth, boy.
Ne me parle pas comme ça!
You watch your mouth.
Surveille ta bouche.
You watch your mouth, boy, or you don't get no dessert.
Attention, tu vas être privé de dessert!
You watch your mouth! Relax!
Pour qui tu te prends?
You watch your mouth peckerwood!
Fais gaffe à ce que tu dis, blanc-bec!
Now you watch your mouth.
Attention à ce que tu dis!
You watch your mouth when you're here.
Alors tant que vous serez ici, tenez votre langue.
Don't be raising your voice to me. You watch your mouth.
Pas la peine de gueuler, et soyez poli
– You watch your mouth!
- Fais gaffe à ce que tu dis!
Want to get beat up again? Little bastard, you watch your mouth!
Tu mérites une raclée.
Watch your mouth or you'll pay for it!
Faites attentions à ce que vous dites!
Next is the Coast Guard. That's when you sweat, you crud. - Watch your mouth.
Ensuite y a les garde-côtes C'est là que vous allez suer.
What did you say? Watch your mouth.
Qu'est-ce que t'as dit?
Watch your mouth, you don't know who I am.
Vous ne savez pas qui je suis!
Watch your mouth, will you?
La ferme!
I don't know who put you up to this, but you'll watch your mouth if you know what's good for you.
Qui t'a raconté ça? Fais gaffe à ce que tu dis!
You watch your motherfucking mouth, white boy.
Tu me parles poliment, merdeux de Blanc!
Watch your mouth, unless you want to spit blood!
Tiens ta langue, ou tu vas cracher du sang!
Hey, now, you're gonna have to watch your mouth.
Hé, fais attention à ce que tu dis.
You don't pump gasoline with a cigarette in your mouth... just watch the screen.
On ne fait pas le plein avec une cigarette... Contente-toi de regarder l'écran.
You better watch your stinking mouth or I'm going to kick you in the butt.
Surement. Fais gaffe. Je vais te botter le cul.
You better watch your mouth, mister.
Fais attention à ce que tu dis.
Watch your mouth or you're gonna find yourself floating home.
Tais-toi, sinon tu rentres à pied!
You'd better watch your mouth, kid.
Gaffe à ce que tu dis, petit!
I tell you something, mister. You best watch your mouth, not look at my wife.
Surveillez votre langage, Monsieur, et ne regardez pas ma femme.
You should watch your mouth, Anton. Never say something like that again.
Vous devriez tenir votre langue Anton, ne redites plus jamais ça.
You better watch your mouth right now.
Attention à ce que tu dis.
- Watch your mouth. You're in public.
- Et dis pas n'importe quoi en public.
You just watch your mouth!
Faites très attention à ce que vous dites!
Watch your mouth, you...
Ferme ta gueule, espèce de...
You should watch your mouth.
Vous devriez être plus prudente.
What I think is you better watch your mouth.
Non, mais fais gaffe à ce que tu dis.
y ou just watch your goddamn mouth. I'm telling you, it happened right here. I'm not lying!
C.O.R.E. a réalisé ce trucage entièrement numérique.
Watch it, Butterbean. I could slap you right in your mouth.
Fais gaffe, Butterbean, ou je t'en colle une.
- Watch your mouth. You're gonna put on your Al Capone face?
Quoi, tu vas me prendre tes airs d'Al Capone?
- You like to go back where you've been? - Watch your mouth.
Tu aimes retourner où tu as déjà été?
- Watch your mouth, he'll plug you.
- Fais gaffe. Il pourrait te buter.
You want to watch your mouth?
Tu veux surveiller ton langage?
You better watch your mouth, buddy.
Fais gaffe, Drew.
Fais gaffe à ce que tu dis, d'accord.
You'd better watch your mouth.
Le passé reste le passé.
Watch you don't cut your mouth...
Attention à ne pas te couper.
You should watch your mouth.
Surveille tes paroles.
I told you to watch your mouth round my daughter.
Surveille ton langage avec ma fille.

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