And at that point tradutor Português
822 parallel translation
It's not doing the same act or the same type of act... but playing that number and at that point in the number doing this. If you don't do it or if you don't smash your amp up at the end... people get disappointed. I know how that feels.
Mas, quando se chega a esse ponto, tem de se fazer o que esperam, senão as pessoas ficam desiludidas.
And at that point, the situation will be atomically unstable.
E nessa altura, a situação estará atomicamente instável.
And at that point, I would have done anything for a little excitement... of one kind or another.
E naquela altura, eu teria feito qualquer coisa por alguma diversão de uma natureza ou de outra!
And it must have been clear to everyone at that point that something very wrong was going on, but the means to oppose it really did not exist.
E, naquela altura, as pessoas devem ter percebido que algo de errado se passava. Mas não existiam meios de oposição a tudo aquilo.
And don't point that beard at me.
Näo me aponte essa barba.
At that point, he will excuse himself for a moment and vanish into the night solvent and with a new lease on life.
Nesse ponto, ele pede licença e desaparece na noite... com um novo prazo de vida.
But there Was a drought, and the streams Were so low during the..... campaign that they could be forded at almost any point, by men..... trucks and tanks.
Mas houve uma seca e a vazão do rio ficou tão baixa durante... a campanha que ele se tornou atravessável, praticamente... em qualquer ponto, por homens, caminhões e tanques.
And do you know how fast that train was going... at the point where the body was found?
E sabe a que velocidade ia o comboio no ponto em que estava o cadáver?
And so without more circumstance at all I hold it fit that we shake hands and part, you as your business and desires shall point you, for every man hath business and desire.
Sem mais explicações, apertemos as mãos e partamos. Ide tratar dos vossos assuntos, como toda a gente, pela minha parte, vou rezar.
At one point, that the guerrillas Kisangani, which was protutsi, and he began to cast these people.
Num dado momento, a guerrilha de Kisangani, que era pró-tutsi, começou a fazê-los voltar.
I find that it is now 4 : 30, and I would like to call a recess at this point.
Já que são agora 4 e meia, gostaria de interromper, neste momento.
There wasn't much time left and he realized that he would have to return over familiar ground running to reach the point at which he could start all over again. "
Não restava muito tempo e ele percebeu que tinha de regressar ao seu solo familiar, correndo até alcançar o ponto a partir do qual poderia recomeçar de novo. "
Only this morning, at the staff meeting, Jim made the point that... although we have to keep The Chronicle vital and exciting and commercial... perhaps we ought to do a little more interpretation of the news... give our readers a little more to think about.
Esta manhã mesmo, na reunião, o Jim salientou que, embora se tenha de manter o Chronicle vigoroso, entusiasmante e comercial, talvez devêssemos fazer mais interpretação das notícias, dar aos leitores um pouco mais para reflectir.
It was at this point that Mr. Thornhill succeeded in escaping from his would-be assassins, and when they gave chase he, naturally, had to drive as best he could under the circumstances.
Foi nessa altural que Mr. Thornhill conseguiu escapar dos seus presumiveis assassinos, e quando eles fizeram a caça ele, naturalmente, teve de conduzir da melhor forma que podia dadas as circunstancias.
He told me that I should never point at anything in the house... and that he'd rather I shoot at tin cans in the backyard.
Disse-me que nunca deveria apontar para nada dentro de casa... e que ele preferia que eu fosse disparar para latas no quintal.
The prosecution feels that at this point it has presented a prima facie case and I therefore move that this defendant be bound over for trial in Superior Court on a charge of first degree murder.
A acusação considera que, neste momento, apresentou um caso "prima facie". ... e, portanto, proponho que este réu seja obrigado a julgamento em Tribunal Superior numa acusação de assassínio em primeiro grau.
"I... I'm required assurance from you at this point" "that you will stand aside and not defy this court order."
Eu preciso ter sua garantia neste momento... de que você vai se afastar e não vai desafiar a ordem judicial.
At that point, the message was garbled and lost.
Naquele ponto, a mensagem foi truncado e perdeu-se.
At that point, our prisoners will escape and run for help.
Nessa altura, os prisioneiros escaparão em busca de ajuda.
Maybe, at the beginning I have a point of view which is more like a documentary and from the start you have a point of view that is more about fiction.
Talvez, no início, tenha um ponto de vista mais parecido com um documentário e um ponto de vista de ficção.
The London Transport people very sensibly ordered all work on the site to cease. And, at that point, the Nicklin Institute was called in and we started digging.
E foi aqui que interrompemos os nossos trabalhos... e chamamos o instituto Nicklin.
I point out that Jack the Ripper slew at will in the most popular city of old Earth and was never identified.
Faço notar que Jack, o Estripador, matava à vontade, na cidade mais popular da velha Terra e que nunca foi identificado.
And that also happened at San Bernardino where the conquerors were busy celebrating their victory it was at that point, I arrived.
E isso também aconteceu em San Bernardino, onde os conquistadores estevam ocupados a celebrar a sua vitória... foi nessa altura que eu cheguei.
I knew I was leading at that point and I was just hoping that they'd let me go all the way and I did.
Eu sabia que estava a liderar naquele momento e eu estava à espera que eles me deixassem ir até o fim, e consegui.
What would you do? " I hadn't quite prepared for the actual dictation of the surrender terms at that point, but I started in and I said,
Não me tinha preparado para os pontos de rendição, na altura, mas lá disse :
At that point Stimson did come in and joined in support of my position, but then later on Mr Byrnes, who was then secretary of state, who was not present, vetoed the idea of oftering them the mikado.
Nessa altura, Stimson apoiou a minha posição, mas mais tarde, Sr. Byrnes, que não estava presente, vetou a ideia de lhes oferecer o Mikado.
Buyers bid per 100 pounds of live weight and for all cattle in the arena at that particular point in time.
Leiloa-se 50 quilos de gado em peso vivo por vez, sempre o gado que está passando pela arena.
And also point out that last year Americans shot more than seven billion photographs at a record of $ 6.6 billion for film equipment and processing.
E também salientar que, no ano passado, os americanos tiraram mais de sete milhares de milhões de fotografias, num total de 6.6 milhares de milhões de dólares em rolos e revelação.
But it is told by the fishermen... and their fathers and grandfathers... that when the fog returns to Antonio Bay... the men at the bottom of the sea... out in the water by Spivey Point... will rise up and search for the campfire... that led them to their dark and icy death.
Mas dizem os pescadores... e seus pais e seus avós... que quando a névoa regressa a Bahia Antonio... os homens no fundo do mar... na água junto a Spivey Point... se levantam e procuram a fogueira... que os levou a morte escura e gelada.
That same evening, I got a list of places where the phony bills had turned up, and set out to find positive proof that would point the finger at Tony Torpedo.
Nessa mesma noite, consegui uma lista de locais onde as notas falsas haviam aparecido, e fui tentar arranjar as provas concretas que apontariam o dedo a Tony Torpedo.
There is one point about which there is no doubt at all, and that is that consec was attacked.
Há um ponto sobre o qual não restam dúvidas. O facto é que o ConSec foi atacado.
Just seemed to me that I'm not as interested and at this point...
Parece para mim que não interessa tanto e neste ponto...
At half past 11 I was having my staff meeting, giving the hired help a pleasing stream of the old rancid, and in particular pointing out to Andreas that there was absolutely no point in making your curry de poulet vindaloo
Veja, às 11 : 30 tive a reunião com os meus funcionários, discutir com os empregados e tal, e em particular dizer ao Andrea, para não fazer o caril muito picante porque ele exagera
Flirting and things of that type, at that time things did not last... and so at a certain point i got to know Michel.
Flirts e coisas assim, porque nessa época as coisas não iam mais longe...
At that point, he confessed. he said, confessed... that he had been in love with me in 68-69 and I never knew.
Nessa altura, ele confessou-me, disse-me, confessou, não sei, que tinha estado apaixonado por mim em 68 / 69 e isso eu não o sabia.
I think the point at issue is that jewish people got persecuted- - as a jew myself, I know that jews got attacked for being mean and what actually happens is that jokes about jewish meanness or about faults,
Era para rebentar com o General. Não deixe ninguém acender o rastilho. - Onde está o rastilho?
I imagined that at that point I'd become a new man, with a strength and courage that I'd never known before.
Imaginava que, nessa altura, tornar-me-ia um novo homem, com uma força e coragem para mim desconhecida até aí.
Just look at nature and you'll see that life is simple. We must go back to where we were, to the point where you took the wrong turn.
Seria suficiente observar a natureza para perceber que a vida é simples que é necessário regressar ao ponto anterior onde enveredamos pelo caminho errado!
Are you up here to involve yourself in this convention... or are you one of those folks that's come up here to point and snicker at us?
Você está em cima para se involver nesta convenção... ou és um daqueles que vem até aqui atirar e rir silenciosamente de nós?
You understand that I can see the comings and goings at the Vicarage front door from my little vantage point.
Do meu jardim, consigo ver quem entra e sai pela porta principal do vicariato.
At that point the apples return to their normal price and I have a hole of 3000 million lire.
Aí, voltam a ter o seu valor real e eu fico com um buraco de 3 mil biliões.
If you had made a study of the skies, as ancient seafarers did, you would realize that at a given date and time, each star marks a particular point in the...
Se estudarem os céus, como os antigos navegadores, perceberiam que a uma certa data e hora, cada estrela surge num determinado...
The point is that now the Russians have made peace with the Kaiser, at this very moment, over three quarters of a million Germans are leaving the Russian front and coming over here with the express purpose of using my nipples for target practice.
A questão é que agora os russos fizeram as pazes com o Kaiser, e neste preciso momento, mais de três quartos de milhão de alemães estão a abandonar a frente russa e a vir para aqui com o propósito de usarem os meus mamilos para tiro ao alvo.
That way I'll make up my mind and we'll see where we are at that point.
Assim posso tomar uma decisão e veremos na altura o que acontece.
Look, Al, we all appreciate the fact that you're insane and that you need a relaxing hobby, but maybe this gardening thing is just a little too challenging at this point in your life.
Olha, Al, todos apreciamos o facto de estares louco e que precisas de um hobby relaxante, mas talvez esta cena de jardinagem seja um pouco difícil para esta fase da tua vida.
In the matter of the shooting at Hunter's Point Raceway of Arthur Brock, resident of San Francisco, the review board has carefully examined the evidence and determined that the officer in question, Inspector Jack Cates, -
E em relação ao tiroteio em Hunter's Point, em que faleceu Arthur Brock, residente em São Francisco, a comissão de revisão examinou cuidadosamente os factos e determina que o agente em questão, Inspector Jack Cates,
In fact, at that point in time, we had escalated our lifestyle. We had this big 22-room Victorian house, you know, a staff and a screening room.
o nosso estilo de vida tinha subido em flecha. empregados e uma sala de projecção.
It is at this point that climbing plant outside almost it reaches the seal and Monsieur Hardman is, I think, a little overconfident about the latches.
É neste local que a trepadeira lá de fora quase chega ao parapeito e o Monsieur Hardman está, parece-me, demasiado confiante nos trincos.
And, I mean, hey, you know. I think if you can't stretch out and get some solid rest at that point I don't see how bedding accessories really make the difference.
Se não nos podemos esticar e bater uma sorna, naquela altura... não vejo que diferença farão os acessórios de cama.
I believe that a mental and cultural migration back to Africa,..... not necessarily a physical migration,..... not at this point, but a mental and cultural migration back to Africa..... which only means that we reaffirm our bond with our brothers over there,...
I creia que um mental e cultural migração atrás para a África,..... não necessariamente uma migração física,..... não neste momento, mas um mental e migração cultural atrás para a África..... que só signifique que nós reafirmamos nosso laço com nossos irmãos ali
And that procedure, at this point in time, is to have an arraignment.
E esse procedimento, nesta altura, é de chegar a um consenso.
and at the end of the day 45
and at the time 25
and at the end 28
and at the same time 75
and at night 55
and at first 41
and at some point 42
and at one point 16
and at this point 43
and at that time 20
and at the time 25
and at the end 28
and at the same time 75
and at night 55
and at first 41
and at some point 42
and at one point 16
and at this point 43
and at that time 20
and at the moment 21
and at that moment 25
and at 97
and at last 16
at that point 168
and as far as i'm concerned 49
and a half 160
and apparently 261
and again 457
and all the time 27
and at that moment 25
and at 97
and at last 16
at that point 168
and as far as i'm concerned 49
and a half 160
and apparently 261
and again 457
and all the time 27
and all 124
and always will be 33
and as a result 91
and another thing 192
and all this time 50
and all the while 36
and all that stuff 21
and all of a sudden 204
and as you can see 106
and all of you 28
and always will be 33
and as a result 91
and another thing 192
and all this time 50
and all the while 36
and all that stuff 21
and all of a sudden 204
and as you can see 106
and all of you 28
and above all 105
and also 645
and actually 119
and all that 128
and afterwards 122
and as for you 86
and as usual 32
and after 142
and all because of you 16
and all that jazz 24
and also 645
and actually 119
and all that 128
and afterwards 122
and as for you 86
and as usual 32
and after 142
and all because of you 16
and all that jazz 24