And again tradutor Português
28,747 parallel translation
Refining your surveillance detection skills is something we're gonna drill into you time and again over the next six months.
As vossas competências de detecção de vigilância serão treinadas vezes sem conta nos próximos seis meses.
And just like a dog, I kept coming back again and again, just hoping for a scrap from you, like a crumb of affection or kindness or respect.
E como um cão, eu insistia em voltar outra vez e outra vez, só queria um pedaço de ti, como um pedaço de afeto ou bondade ou respeito.
Why is Ezra so willing to trust Maul again and again?
Porque é que o Ezra está tão disposto a confiar em Maul... de novo e de novo?
Look, Kyle gets home tonight, and I promise you will never see this bird again.
O Kyle chega hoje à noite, e eu prometo que nunca mais verás este pássaro.
I was worried before today that you were too vulnerable to be active again, and now... now I'm worried you shouldn't even be an instructor here.
Até hoje, pensava que fosses demasiado vulnerável para voltar ao activo, e agora estou a pensar que se calhar nem devias ser instrutor.
Maybe one day I'll come back and my girls will be there again.
Talvez um dia volte e as minhas meninas voltem a existir.
And I apologize again on his behalf.
E peço novamente desculpa em nome dele.
And he's... sort of a normal color again.
E ele tem... Tem novamente uma cor normal.
Dinner comes back again, and he was ready.
Ele voltou para o jantar, ele estava pronto.
My patient can't catch a break all day, and the second that something good happens, I get bumped again because Pierce told Grey that Stephanie's had a really tough day. She really needs it.
A minha paciente não teve sorte o dia todo e quando acontece algo bom sou chutada de novo porque a Pierce disse à Grey que a Stephanie teve um dia mau e precisa disto.
Yeah, I overstepped, and I'm overstepping again and pissing you off, and I don't care.
Passei dos limites e estou a passar de novo, estou a irritá-la, mas não importa.
And after the bombings in the Philippines last year, we found him again, so... leaving immediately, we'll be going to the Drone Command Center at Langley, where you will be making the actual decision to strike.
E depois dos atentados nas Filipinas, no ano passado, voltámos a encontrá-lo. Então... Vamos sair já para o Centro de Comando de Drones, em Langley, onde decidirão sobre o ataque.
And if I'm right, we have a 60-second window until it happens again.
Se estiver certa, temos 60 segundos até voltarem a passar.
It was inexcusable, and she's not gonna do it again.
Foi imperdoável, e ela não vai fazê-lo de novo.
And there you go again.
E lá estás tu outra vez.
What's the connection between the poor kid and the rich family again?
Qual é a ligação entre este rapaz pobre e a família rica?
And they're all happy again but only for a little while, until they fall back asleep.
E estão felizes novamente, mas só por pouco tempo, até que voltam a adormecer.
No, you just walked back into my life after a decade, more than happy to blow it up again, figuratively and literally.
Não, só voltaste para a minha vida depois de uma década feliz por estragá-la de novo, figurativa e literalmente.
He could breathe it in and get that brain of his working again.
Ele respira, e a sua mente funciona.
He's now decided that he can't put himself and Jack in danger again.
Ele decidiu agora que não pode colocar-se e ao Jack em perigo novamente.
Mac and I pinky-swore never to speak about that again.
Eu e o Mac jurámos nunca mais falar nisto.
But... I have to make sure these guys don't bother you and your dad again, and I can't do that if you're with me.
Mas... tenho de certificar-me que aqueles tipos não vão incomodar a ti ao teu pai novamente.
And if I gain it back, I will lose it again.
E se puser de novo, perderei de novo.
Yeah, just being on stage again, and singing and I missed it.
Sim, estar no palco outra vez, e a cantar e perdi isso.
Thanks to diligence and these meetings, I had a grip on my various habits. And I, too, had met someone, at a time in my life when I thought that bit of my heart could never be stirred again.
Graças à minha diligência e a estas reuniões, tinha os meus vícios controlados e também tinha conhecido alguém numa altura em que pensei que o meu coração não voltaria a amar.
Ma'am, we won't ask you again. Open the door and step aside now.
Senhora... não lhe iremos perguntar novamente.
Look, I-I will say it again, and I will keep saying it.
Já disse e volto a dizer.
Step like that again, and I'll put you on the ground.
Se voltar a fazer isso, atiro-o ao chão.
I acted alone, and I would do it again, no question.
Agi sozinho e voltaria a fazê-lo. Sem dúvida.
No, I already told you I can't trace the call from her again, and even if I could, I'm shut out of my office.
Já lhe disse que não consigo rastrear essa chamada e, mesmo que conseguisse, estou proibido de ir ao meu gabinete.
You've been given a tremendous responsibility to restore this nation to the empire it once was and can be again.
Deram-te uma enorme responsabilidade, tornar esta nação no império que já foi e que pode voltar a ser.
She already has a baby and she won't mate again until it leaves her in about six months'time.
Ela já tem um bebê e não acasalará novamente até que a cria a deixe Em cerca de seis meses.
I had to restore my credentials as a doctor, and thanks to you, I've lost it all again.
Tive que recuperar as minhas credenciais como médica, e graças a ti, voltei a perder tudo...
I never want to hear the words "spoon" and "grain" in the same sentence again.
Nunca mais quero ouvir falar de Spoon e Grain na mesma frase.
I've been trying to figure out who else would want the Niners and the vets fighting again, but I keep coming up empty.
Estava a perder a esperança que fosse ligar.
Hey, remind me again why people get all dressed up just to stand around in a room and stare at each other?
Lembra-me outra vez porque as pessoas se aperaltam todas para ficarem paradas numa sala a olhar umas para as outras?
Why don't you try that again and maybe, this time look me in the eye?
Porque é que não tentas isso outra vez, mas, talvez desta vez olha-me nos olhos?
I have to make dinner, make sure their homework's done, walk the dog, and then it just starts all over again.
Tenho que fazer o jantar, certificar-me que fazem os trabalhos de casa, passear o cão e, depois, simplesmente, começa tudo outra vez.
Archimedes never escaped again, and I did it without hurting him, because I loved that dog.
Arquimedes nunca mais voltou a fugir, e fi-lo sem magoá-lo, porque adorava aquele cão.
DEA had to catch him again and lock him up stateside.
A DEA teve de apanhá-lo outra vez e prendê-lo nos Estados Unidos.
Ask again and I'll shoot two hostages.
Peça outra vez e matarei dois reféns.
And here I am again... different person, same place.
E aqui estou eu de novo, pessoa diferente, mesmo lugar.
And Gaddafi became yet again an evil dictator who had to be overthrown.
E Gaddafi tornou-se novamente um ditador malvado que devia ser derrubado.
So we're gonna go back to the beginning, And we're gonna try again.
Por isso, vamos voltar ao início e vamos voltar a tentar.
Carol... she... she went to get coffee, and also, to call your son again.
Carol... Ela... Ela foi buscar café, e também, ligar novamente ao seu filho.
But then I got my first waffle maker and never questioned her again.
Mas aí comprei a máquina de waffles e nunca voltei a questioná-la.
Well... sometimes whole days go by, and, um... you start to feel like, hey... maybe I'm finally getting better, maybe I'm a human being again, and then right back to potato land,
Bom... Por vezes passam dias inteiros e... começas a sentir talvez eu esteja a ficar melhor, talvez seja de novo um ser humano e depois... de volta à terra das batatas, como a minha querida filha diria.
Unite us together again in one family, so that we may sing Your praise forever and ever.
Une-nos novamente em uma única familia, para te podermos louvar para sempre.
With it, we can begin again and rebuild the great clan of the Nightsisters.
Com eles, podemos começar de novo... e reconstruir o grande clã das Irmãs da Noite!
The female is now in heat again, and any male that smells her signature will know that.
A fêmea está agora no cio outra vez, e qualquer macho que cheire a sua assinatura saberá disso.
Mother and cub were not seen again.
Mãe e filhote não voltaram a vistos.
and again and again 21
again 7789
against 107
against all odds 43
against my better judgment 31
against the wall 112
against me 47
against you 50
again and again and again 16
against who 36
again 7789
against 107
against all odds 43
against my better judgment 31
against the wall 112
against me 47
against you 50
again and again and again 16
against who 36
again and again 108
against whom 18
against what 33
and as far as i'm concerned 49
and a half 160
and apparently 261
and all the time 27
and all 124
and always will be 33
and as a result 91
against whom 18
against what 33
and as far as i'm concerned 49
and a half 160
and apparently 261
and all the time 27
and all 124
and always will be 33
and as a result 91
and all this time 50
and at the end of the day 45
and another thing 192
and as you can see 106
and all that stuff 21
and all the while 36
and at the end 28
and at the time 25
and all of a sudden 204
and all of you 28
and at the end of the day 45
and another thing 192
and as you can see 106
and all that stuff 21
and all the while 36
and at the end 28
and at the time 25
and all of a sudden 204
and all of you 28
and also 645
and above all 105
and at the same time 75
and all that 128
and actually 119
and as for you 86
and as usual 32
and afterwards 122
and after 142
and all that jazz 24
and above all 105
and at the same time 75
and all that 128
and actually 119
and as for you 86
and as usual 32
and afterwards 122
and after 142
and all that jazz 24