And now you're back tradutor Português
390 parallel translation
But you're forgetting about who's here for you right now, and you're turning your back on me.
Mas tu estás-te a esquecer de quem está aqui por ti agora, e estás-me a virar as costas.
And now, if you're all right again, back we go to the hotel.
E agora, se já estiver melhor, voltaremos ao hotel.
You go on home... and I'll go back to bein'the town drunk. - Now, you're not goin'back to bein'the town drunk... and I'm gonna stay here and do this job I come for. - That's all I'm good for.
Vai para casa e eu voltarei a ser o bêbado da cidade.
Now that you're back and safe in my heart again the post I have given you will not content you.
Agora que voltou e está de novo seguro no meu coração, o posto que lhe dei não o satisfará.
I am now, because you're back and with you is everything I want most in the world.
Agora sim, porque voltaste e veio contigo tudo o que mais quero no mundo.
Elopement, headlines, divorce, headlines and now you're back for the wedding?
Rapto, Fuga, Divórcio. Boda... - Regressou para a boda?
Now you're back and maybe you have changed your mind as far as I'm concerned.
"Agora voltou... e talvez tenha mudado de intenções... em relação a mim".
Now you're back and trying to make him think it's for real.
Agora voltaste e tentas fazê-lo acreditar que é para sempre.
At half - past-one you want to show your wife now it's three and you're back again for the third time tonight.
À 1h30 queres mostrar à esposa... às 3h vens de novo, pela terceira vez, esta noite.
And now you're going back to Crete?
Volta para Creta?
Now, at the most, you're gonna have two hours before the Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines move in and make you put it back.
No máximo, terá duas horas antes do exército, marinha, força aérea, etc, o obriguem a devolver o ouro.
We're gettin'out of this turkey town... and now you wanna crawl back into your cell?
Vamos sair desse chiqueiro de cidade... e quer voltar pra lá?
And now they're going to push you back.
E agora, eles irão fazer o mesmo.
Now that you're back and I'm glad you're back
Visto estar de volta, o que muito aprecio, penso que devíamos fazer tábua rasa.
Well, now we're all here, if you'll just give me the readies... I'll nip off down the corner store and back in about half an hour.
Agora que estamos todos aqui, se me derem o dinheiro, irei à loja da esquina e estarei de volta daqui a meia hora.
Well... you're safe and sound now back in good old 1955.
Agora estás são e salvo no bom e velho 1955.
He was, and now he's back, and you're out!
E estava, mas voltou e vocês vão sair.
No, Martin and I were just going to get married, but now that you're back...
Não, o Martin e eu só nos iamos casar, mas agora que tu voltaste...
You're gonna sit around all week doing nothing... get bored out of your mind and go back to work worse than you are now.
Vais ficar sentado em casa a semana toda sem fazer nada... depois ficas aborrecido e voltas para o trabalho pior ainda.
Well, you're safe and sound now, back on the good old 27th floor.
Foi péssimo. Bem, agora estás a salvo, de volta ao velho 27º andar.
E agora, finalmente podes devolvê-la.
Now, you guys get everything packed. And when I'll get back... we're gone.
Agora comecem a fazer as malas e, quando eu voltar, pomo-nos a andar.
Now you're back, and you're not even gone anymore.
Agora voltaste e nunca mais te vais embora.
Now. Why don't you come back when we're all done... and then you could take us all at once, you know?
Porque não voltas quando tivermos acabado todos?
You ate up all the useless, lazy people... And now you're coming back for me.
Comeram todas as pessoas preguiçosas, e vão voltar para apanhar-me.
And now you're going all the way back.
E agora têm de voltar para trás.
But you're not fighting just Franco, you now have Mussolini and Hitler on your back.
Mas não estão apenas a combater Franco, agora têm o Mussolini e o Hitler contra vocês.
Now, look, when you go back to the past ask me to perform a basilar arterial scan and since you're going five hours back into the past
Quando voltar ao passado, diga-me para fazer um exame às artérias basilares.
The Borg hurt you... and now you're going to hurt them back.
Os Borgs o feriram, agora quer se vingar.
And now you're back where you belong.
E agora regressaste a onde pertences.
And now that you're back at home, going to college at nighttuition-free and have a good job, both of which the government facilitated based on your training in the national guard.
Qual seria o meu motivo? Libertar a sua namorada. Ficar com o dinheiro.
And now only 16 years latter, I've found out that you're still alive, and you've made it back up that cliff.
E agora, quase 16 anos depois, descubro que estás vivo e que escalaste o precipício.
I know. Now, we're agreed, you're going to put the comb and the scissors and the little towel... back in your army trunk and we're not going to talk about them again.
Concordámos que vai guardar o pente e a tesoura no seu baú
You put poison in your veins, and now that you're breathing again, you can't wait to say "Thank you very much" and get back out to poison shopping.
Vejamos se percebi bem. Meteste veneno nas veias e estás ansioso por sair e voltar a comprar mais droga.
This won't take long. Now, your motivation is, you're back in the year 2000... and your head's still on your body... and you want a cheese pizza.
A sua motivação é que voltou ao ano 2000 e a sua cabeça ainda está no seu corpo e quer uma pizza de queijo.
But now that you're here, you will take me back to the palace. I'll have Yzma change me back, and then I'll start construction on Kuzcotopia.
Mas agora que aqui estás vais levar-me para casa e a Yzma far-me-á voltar ao normal e eu darei início à construção de Kuzcotopia.
Now you're gonna go back down in that bilge and you're gonna do your job, sailor.
Agora vai lá abaixo e faz o teu trabalho, marinheiro.
You know why? Because someday, years from now, you're gonna come in here with your family... and you're gonna look up at my painting... and you'll be able to say to them, your kids and grandkids... " Way back then I defied my president.
Porque um dia, daqui a alguns anos, virá aqui com a sua família e olhará para o meu retrato e poderá dizer aos seus filhos e aos seus netos : "Naquela altura desafiei o meu presidente, o que me custou a reeleição e me arredou da política para sempre".
Now, he didn't come this close to me. Because he - of the angle - You're shooting that way, you pull your hand back hard enough and go like that.
Ele não se aproximou muito por causa do ângulo, se estás a filmar para aquele lado, puxas a tua mão atrás e fazes isto.
And, um... now that we're friends and you know that we have no weapons, you think you can switch me back to my own body right away?
E... agora que somos amigos e você sabe que não temos armas... acha que pode devolver meu corpo imediatamente?
And it's taking me a while to get over it, but, you know, now that we're out of the house and back in school, I just know that everything's gonna be okay.
Levei tempo a recompor-me, mas agora que estamos fora da casa e de volta ás aulas, sei que vai correr tudo bem.
And if we find out she weighs 320 pounds, I think that we should say to her, " Gee, we're really glad we dated you in high school instead of now, because back then, you were really hot.
E se descobrirmos que ela pesa 160kg, eu acho que deviamos dizer-lhe : " Bem, ainda bem que saímos contigo no liceu e não agora, porque naquela altura, eras mesmo boa.
And now you're back.
Talvez acordar seja o problema.
Somehow we went back in time and the others are still there. And if you knew anything about linear continuity, you'd realize what they're doing back there now is affecting things on that planet.
De alguma forma, voltamos no tempo e eles ficaram lá... e se entendesse de continuidade linear... perceberia que o que eles fazem lá agora, afecta ao planeta.
But you're with us now, so why don't you leave the morbid shit back at junior's crew and have a happy birthday.
Agora, estás connosco. Guarda a conversa mórbida para... o grupo do Junior e passa um dia de anos feliz. Parabéns.
But years from now, when you're old and have children of your own, what would you give to come back and fight this one day?
Mas... daqui a alguns anos, quando fores velho e tiveres o teu próprio filho o que não darias para voltar ao dia de hoje e lutar?
I mean, now he's back and you're...
Isto é, agora que ele voltou e você está...
Let me do all the talking, pretty much like I'm doing now... - and you're back in the league.
Deixa-me falar e voltas para a liga.
But now I understand you're eager to get back to work and it's not the kind of work we were all expecting.
Mas agora sei que está ansiosa por voltar ao trabalho e não é o tipo de trabalho que todos esperávamos.
- And now you're coming back from Turkey with these cans of footage?
E agora que traz o material de Turquia?
I change my schedule to meet you. I take four back-to-back flights, fly 27 hours straight literally around the world, and now you tell me you're going to spend July 4th with your wife?
Mudei o meu horário para te ver, apanhei quatro voos seguidos, viajo 27 horas seguidas, literalmente à volta do mundo e dizes que vais passar o 4 de Julho com a tua mulher?
and now 4728
and now you know 21
and now look at you 30
and now i know 37
and now i do 31
and now you're here 41
and now it's your turn 20
and now you 88
and now it's over 33
and now we're here 21
and now you know 21
and now look at you 30
and now i know 37
and now i do 31
and now you're here 41
and now it's your turn 20
and now you 88
and now it's over 33
and now we're here 21