And slowly tradutor Português
1,411 parallel translation
We're going to break orbit, nice and slowly.
- Vamos sair de órbita, devagar.
Gently and slowly, OK?
Gentilmente e devagar, OK?
I played it quietly and sang the lyrics slowly and softly.
Toquei-a baixinho, cantando a letra devagar e suavemente.
And now a hush falls over the courtroom... as the 12 men of the jury file slowly back to their seats.
O silêncio impera no tribunal enquanto os 12 membros do júri retornam aos seus lugares.
Calm down And tell me slowly
Acalme-se e conte-me tudo devagar.
Most of the time there's nothing, just moving along very slowly. It's so elemental and so basic, it starts you thinking about yourself.
Graças ao Sr. Chergui, a igreja e os seus jardins estão imaculados, uma exuberante mistura de árabe e anglicano.
And we will live - slowly.
E vamos viver - lentamente.
And very slowly, with your left hand, pass me your gun.
Muito devagar, com a mão esquerda, passa-me a tua arma.
Then I talked to her doctor and I was persuaded that... despite the temporary remission, that Emily's lymphoma would return and that it would slowly and painfully kill her.
Depois falei com o médico dela e fiquei convencido que... apesar da regressão temporária, que o linfoma da Emily voltaria e que isso a iria matar lenta e dolorosamente.
As the head of SD-6, he brilliantly executed Alliance policy, helping to slowly and invisibly seize control of world markets, governments, and technology.
Como chefe da SD-6, executou brilhantemente a política da Aliança, ajudando lenta e discretamente a tomar o controlo dos mercados mundiais, governos e da tecnologia.
Daniel, I want you to rise slowly and move away from the gun.
Daniel, quero que se levante devagar e se afaste da arma.
- Just try and breathe slowly.
- Respira devagar.
And remove yourself from the vehicle slowly.
E saia do veículo, devagar.
- It gets inside the walls... and grows out of sight and shoots off spores... that slowly kill you and your family.
- Impregna-se nas paredes... e cresce em quantidade, espalhando esporos... que lentamente matam a tua família.
Miranda suddenly found herself moving slowly away from her old life... and quickly into her new one.
De repente, a Miranda deu por si a afastar-se lentamente da velha vida. E a entrar rapidamente na nova.
The 2-2, grounded slowly towards third, and it gets through at the last moment.
O 2-2, avança lentamente para a terceira, e passa no último momento.
If the fight goes slowly, the shadow of the arena wall expands and his territory would expand, too.
Se eu demorar muito tempo, a sombra irá aumentar, e o território dele aumentará.
Get your hands up and turn slowly!
Levantem as mãos e virem-se lentamente!
And later when the truck slowed down about to reach its destination and she slowly returned to consciousness, she had no way of knowing how long she had slept.
E mais tarde quando a carrinha abrandou, prestes a chegar ao seu destino e ela calmamente recuperou consciência não tinha modo de saber por quanto tempo tinha dormido.
There goes Neto, and he's through to the penalty area, playing beautifully, passing one player slowly, beautifully, there he goes dribbling that ball.
Lá vai o Neto, a conduzir a bola e entra na grande área! Lá vai ele, e passa, continua a avançar...
And it hits an iceberg, and it sinks so slowly that you've got all these hours for drama to be acted out.
Ele choca com um iceberg e naufraga lentamente que o drama vai demorar horas.
And I'm the one brakes more slowly than the other...
E um começou mais tarde que o outro. Mas é assim...
Breath in slowly through your nose and out deeply through your ass!
Inspire profundamente pelo nariz e solte profundamente pelo rabo!
I'd call and I could hear him freeze up, you know, get all sort of... sweet, fish around slowly until he figured out if it was her or me.
Chamava-o e ele ficava como mudo. e era como do tipo... querido... e fazia a pergunta até ficar segura se era ela ou eu.
And to see it slowly destroy Willi....
E vê-la destruir o Willi devagar...
So why don't you give the tour twice, and speak slowly?
Por isso faça o percurso de visita 2 vezes, sem presas e fale devagar.
You put them inside, and they slowly crumble away.
Põem-se lá dentro e vão-se consumindo lentamente.
You have to understand, this is a 19-year-old kid and he is now facing the most heinous charge known to man and everyone in the world slowly but surely, was turning against him.
Tens de compreender que este é um rapaz de 19 anos e ele está agora a enfrentar a mais grave acusação para o Homem e toda a gente no mundo devagar mas seguramente, estavam a revoltar-se contra ele.
She raises her gaze, slowly and shyly...
Ela eleva o seu olhar, lentamente e timidamente... "
Kill it slowly and painfully?
Matá-lo devagar e com dor?
I sat next to him and watched him die slowly.
Sentei-me ao lado dele e vi-o morrer, lentamente.
It was like shale inside of a pipe and he reasoned that that's why old people die slowly and why their extremities shriveI because the blood isn't getting to them.
era como uma pedra dentro de um cano o que o levou à conclusão que essa era a razão pela qual os idosos morrem lentamente e a razão pela qual as suas extremidades encolhem porque o sangue não está a chegar a elas.
Three British soldiers and three Chinese ones-- -... marched slowly onto the podium
... e outros três soldados chineses desfilaram lentamente até o pódio.
And I started to slowly think,
E comecei a abrandar, pensando,
And very slowly, I worked it out, and I thought,
E muito lentamente, consegui descobrir, e pensei,
He kind of slowly drifted, drifted away and his death was just at the end of a very slow drifting away.
Foi-se afastando lentamente e morreu ao fim de um longo processo de afastamento.
As Harvie grew taller and stronger, His mother grew shorter and madder slowly fizzling into insanity.
Enquanto Harvie ficava mais alto e forte, a sua mãe ficava mais baixa e senil.
A series of notes played in slowly... triggering a noise generator and oscillators, and then just speed it up, you know...
Várias notas tocadas lentamente. Fazendo funcionar um gerador de som e osciladores e que depois eram aceleradas.
This will paralyse your diaphragm, and you'll slowly suffocate.
Vai paralisar-lhe o diafragma, e levá-lo a sufocar lentamente.
And squeeze the trigger very slowly.
E aperta muito devagar o gatilho.
And then with her one good hand she slowly reaches up and turns your doorknob.
Depois, com a mão boa avança lentamente e roda a maçaneta do teu quarto.
A mother held her new baby and very slowly rocked him back and forth, back and forth, back and forth.
Uma mãe pegou no seu bebé e, lentamente, balançou-o, para a frente e para trás, para a frente e para trás, para a frente para trás.
It could kill yourself slowly And would not even be murder.
Podia tirar-lhe a vida e nem seria homicídio.
I mean, I was looking forward to taking you down slowly, but now? And it's too bad, really.
E é uma pena, a sério.
That you ground up glass and put it in my father's food, cut his insides up slowly.
Que moeu vidro, pô-lo na comida de meu pai e lhe cortou as vísceras lentamente.
I hate you so much, every time you utter my name, I wanna stick my fist down your throat and watch you slowly choke on it.
- Odeio-o tanto que de cada vez que diz o meu nome quero enfiar o meu punho pela sua garganta abaixo e vê-lo sufocar lentamente.
Can I fight human-style by slowly poisoning his environment until he loses his fur and becomes sterile?
Posso lutar ao estilo humano, envenenando-lhe lentamente o ambiente até ele perder o pelo e ficar estéril?
And then slowly, very slowly, they get put back together and come out the other side.
Depois, lentamente, muito lentamente, são reconstituídos e saem pelo outro lado.
And orphan boy ends up alone, slowly going blind from self-abuse.
E o rapaz órfão acaba sozinho, ficando cego lentamente, por auto-abusos.
I want you to speak slowly and don't say anything to alarm her, got it?
Quero que fales devagar e não digas nada que a avise, certo?
Slowly raise up through the knees, still bent at the waist, and roll to standing.
Lentamente levanta pelos joelhos ainda curvada, e gira para a posição.
slowly 1261
slowly but surely 29
and so it begins 55
and so 1582
and soul 16
and so are you 214
and so on and so forth 34
and something else 47
and so are we 42
and so have you 26
slowly but surely 29
and so it begins 55
and so 1582
and soul 16
and so are you 214
and so on and so forth 34
and something else 47
and so are we 42
and so have you 26
and so on and so on 22
and so do you 187
and so was i 23
and see 72
and so were you 23
and still 144
and so will i 38
and so should you 49
and so it was 18
and somehow 99
and so do you 187
and so was i 23
and see 72
and so were you 23
and still 144
and so will i 38
and so should you 49
and so it was 18
and somehow 99
and so on 257
and so i 33
and she said yes 23
and so far 102
and she goes 33
and so do we 31
and sometimes 297
and so did you 29
and soon 235
and so did i 52
and so i 33
and she said yes 23
and so far 102
and she goes 33
and so do we 31
and sometimes 297
and so did you 29
and soon 235
and so did i 52