Away from you tradutor Português
12,260 parallel translation
However, when it comes to being olympic champion, it's etched in stone, and at no point whatsoever is that title gonna be taken away from you, so the title is there for life.
Mas ser campeão olímpico fica gravado em pedra e nunca te tirarão esse título. Esse título é para a vida.
I will still get out of here... away from you.
Eu ainda vou sair daqui. Longe de ti!
I'd bring everyone into the room with all the brands, but then I would turn the labels away from you - so you're not prejudiced. - Sure.
Levo todos para uma sala, com todas as marcas, mas depois escondo os rótulos, para não serem tendenciosos.
Why'd you run away from yours?
Porque é que tu fugiste do teu?
You can't just walk away from things all the time.
Não podes estar sempre a afastar-te das coisas.
And you think that I'm gonna let you take this world away from me, too?
E acha que o deixarei tirar-me este mundo também?
How much it hurt every time he took you away from me.
E quanto doía cada vez que ele te tirava de mim.
You get the fuck away from me...
- Não te aproximes de mim... - Desculpa.
If you don't want to kill... or if you can't... then you have to get away from them.
Se não quiseres matar... Ou se não conseguires... Então tens que te afastar deles.
She said you're taking clients away from her.
Ela disse que lhe anda a retirar clientes.
It's calling you... so don't turn away from it this time.
Está a chamar por ti, portanto, desta vez, não fujas dele.
You took my boy away from me!
Tirou-me o meu filho!
Spend as much time away from here as you want.
Passa uns tempos afastada daqui.
You could've walked away from this a million times.
Podias ter-te afastado disto.
I miss spending time with you. Stay the fuck away from me!
- Sinto falta de estar contigo.
And his love for you, even if he has never actually seen you in real life, it will make him hate the Director and the State for taking you away from him.
Embora nunca o tenhas visto na vida real. Ele vai odiar o director e o Estado por ter partido de ti.
See, you're afraid... you're afraid what you're meant to be... is gonna take you away from what's familiar.
Sabes, tu tens medo. Tens medo que o estás destinado a ser te vá afastar do que te é familiar.
- Listen, you stay away from us, okay?
- Ouve. Afasta-te de nós, está bem?
But the road to power will take you away from all you hold dear.
Mas o caminho para o poder irá afastá-lo de tudo o que ama.
And when we do, you wanna be very far away from the action.
E, nessa altura, vais querer estar muito longe da ação.
The second we get away from the real world, you turn into an evil prick.
Assim que sais do mundo real, transformas-te num sacana maldoso.
You know, he often says he needs his time away from the track.
Ele diz muitas vezes que precisa de tempo longe da pista.
Mm. You're smart to stay away from him.
É experto ao manter-se afastado dele.
You've been away from Paris a long time.
Estás afastado de Paris há muito tempo.
I made some pretty wild decisions in my life that a parent would, you know, probably walk away from but she kind of stuck by me.
Tomei decisões muito malucas na minha vida de que um progenitor provavelmente se afastaria, mas ela ficou sempre do meu lado.
Except the girlfriend, and you didn't hesitate to walk away from her.
Excepto a namorada, e não hesitaste em afastar-te dela.
You get away from her.
Afasta-te dela.
When you think about fucking your mother, you quickly try to turn away from that thought.
Quando se pensa em foder a própria mãe, rapidamente tenta suprimir-se da mente esse pensamento.
Because we've got friends and relatives far away from here who wanna see you.
Porque temos amigos e familiares longe daqui que te querem ver.
You told us about being sent away from the person you loved.
Falaste-nos de teres sido mandada para longe pela pessoa que adoravas.
I'll never let them take you away from me.
- Não vou deixar que te levem.
Gives you accurate readings from up to 50 feet away.
Dá-lhe leituras precisas até 15 metros de distância.
God, you were running away from Peggy.
- Estavas a fugir... Da Peggy.
I have broken away from Chief Thompson, but he is overtly suspicious of my presence and on high alert for you, Miss Carter.
Consegui escapar do Chefe Thompson, mas ele desconfia da minha presença e em alerta por si, Mna. Carter.
You can't get away from anything there, I'm taking him home.
- Não. Não se escapa de nada aqui. Vou levá-lo para casa.
You ran away from a presence...
Fugiu de uma presença.
How about you get the fuck away from me?
E que tal se te afastares de mim?
You need to get the fuck away from me.
Tens de sair daqui.
And now, you're just a few steps away from having your home just the way you want it.
Agora, está a poucos passos de ter a casa como a quer.
So if you want to live a long and happy life, I'd stay away from both of them.
Por isso, se quiseres viver uma vida longa e feliz, fica longe dos dois.
You cats belong down below, and stay away from our chickens.
Os gatos pertencem lá em baixo, longe das nossas galinhas.
I don't know about you Scrubby, but I'm planning on stayting as far away from that monster as possible.
Quanto a ti não sei, Scrubby... Mas estou a pensar em afastar-me o mais que puder daquele monstro.
I left. You can't run away from who you are, Clarke.
Não podes fugir de quem és, Clarke.
You'll come back off suspension. You'll transfer to another department away from Valdes and put this all behind you.
Voltas da suspensão, vais para outro departamento, longe da Valdes, e metes isto tudo para trás.
I'm looking forward to this, and I'm not letting you take it away from me with your fucking mind games!
Estou desejoso por fazer isto e não irei deixar que o estragues com os teus jogos mentais!
I loved her more than anything and you took her away from me.
Amava-a mais do que tudo na vida e tu roubaste-ma.
I'm not letting you walk away from it.
Não vou deixar que te afastes.
You just... you stay away from us.
Apenas... Fique longe de nós.
Did you actually think you could lure Norman away from me?
Achaste mesmo que podias afastar o Norman de mim?
Diana, I want you to stay away from Sophie.
Diana, quero que te afastas da Sophie.
You are trying to take him away from me again.
Estão a tentar afastar-me dela outra vez.
away from home 17
away from here 45
away from me 19
from your perspective 17
from you 300
from your wife 16
from your mother 18
from yourself 21
you know 156049
you know what 23733
away from here 45
away from me 19
from your perspective 17
from you 300
from your wife 16
from your mother 18
from yourself 21
you know 156049
you know what 23733
you see 13602
you will be 199
you got this 563
young 1055
your 1839
you got it 4932
youtube 39
you suck 398
you can do it 1412
you bitch 789
you will be 199
you got this 563
young 1055
your 1839
you got it 4932
youtube 39
you suck 398
you can do it 1412
you bitch 789
you're cute 195
you okay 9168
youn 21
yourself 387
your hat 64
your own 34
yours 1007
your phone 169
your honor 7894
younger 104
you okay 9168
youn 21
yourself 387
your hat 64
your own 34
yours 1007
your phone 169
your honor 7894
younger 104
you tell 24
you got a pen 63
you know that 5741
you are 6060
your full name 16
you're welcome 5601
youth 73
you well 16
you all right 5423
you got a pen 63
you know that 5741
you are 6060
your full name 16
you're welcome 5601
youth 73
you well 16
you all right 5423