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Covered tradutor Português

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Yeah, that looks good. " "It's covered in feathers." " No, no, no.
"Tem bom aspeto e tem penas."
Which is covered in rust and some of which seems to have gotten into the victim.
Que está coberta de ferrugem e um pouco dela parece ter ido parar à vítima.
He never wrote on Mrs. Perkins'page, but, according to private messages, which are also covered by the subpoena,
Ele nunca postou na página da Sra. Perkins, mas de acordo com as mensagens dele, também cobertas pela intimação,
We covered her and moved her.
Tapamo-la e movemo-la.
And if not you, I'm sure one of your band of merry men could have taken care of it, much like you all covered up Daniel's death.
Se não foste tu, estou certo de que um dos teus companheiros o fez por ti, da mesma forma como ajudaram-te a encobrir a morte do Daniel.
Got it covered.
Tratei do assunto.
- I do. All them times you covered for me with Lady Athena?
Protegeste-me da Atena.
So except for being covered in blood at the scene of a mass murder, just your average Joe.
Então excepto por estar coberto de sangue na cena de um assassinato em massa, é uma pessoa normal.
Did both of your guts forget he tried to flee the crime scene covered in blood?
Os instintos dos dois esqueceram-se que ele tentou fugir da cena do crime coberto em sangue?
Well, it's gonna be on you when we're all covered in my whiz.
Vais ser tu a ficar coberto dele.
We had every angle covered.
Tínhamos todos os ângulos vistos.
Her room was just covered with angels.
O quarto dela estava coberto de anjos.
Covered for him?
All exits are covered.
Todas as saídas estão cobertas.
His face was covered.
Tinha a cara tapada.
♪ Those brightly-packaged Tinsel-covered ♪
Numa embalagem colorida Coberta de grinaldas
Walked out covered in mozzie bites, saying he'd just been in a hotel.
Ele saiu cheio de picadas de mosquitos a dizer que tinha estado num hotel.
- Covered. Come out!
- Coberto.
Listen, Rache, I think we got Jerusalem covered.
Escuta, Rache, acho que Jerusalém já deu.
The medics got it covered.
Os médicos tratam do assunto.
They're covered by a tarp.
Estão tapadas com uma lona.
Your neighbor was covered in the infected's blood.
O seu vizinho estava coberto de sangue infectado.
Guy who lives in this house with the covered car, Thompson.
O tipo que vive nesta casa, com o carro tapado, Thompson.
And, well, no one is covered for that.
E, bem... Nessa situação, ninguém está coberto pelo seguro.
They want to scare you into saying something that's not covered.
Eles querem assustar-te até te incriminares.
Besides, Wilt's covered status was enough to protect her.
Além disso, o status secreto de Wilt bastava para protegê-la.
Then when I woke up, my.. ... hands were completely covered in blood.
E quando acordei, tinha as mãos todas cobertas de sangue.
I covered for you.
It's disgusting and it's touching me with its rat teeth and its rat fur covered in rat diseases.
Está a tocar-me! É nojento e está a tocar-me com os seus dentes de ratazana, e sua pele de ratazana, coberta de doenças de ratazanas.
I told you I had all this covered.
Disse-te que tratava disto.
Gavin covered in Walter's blood.
O Gavin estava coberto de sangue.
He had the whole thing covered up.
Ele encobriu tudo.
Richard wants to propose by drowning me in flowers and chocolate-covered rose petals.
O Richard quer pedir-me em casamento afogando-me em flores e pétalas de rosa cobertas de chocolate.
- I think we've covered that, thank you.
- Acho que já fizemos isso, obrigado.
Chestnut has to be covered in girly ribbons?
O Chestnut tem de ser coberto de fitas femininas?
You know, Toby, um when I was your age, I was always covered in something.
Sabes, Toby... na tua idade, eu vivia coberto de algo.
[Whispering] I thought we already covered that.
- Achei que isso estivesse claro. Não, não, não.
So we've covered Sid's wife, his family, his friends, and now his job.
Então, já verificamos a esposa do Sid, a família, os amigos e agora o seu trabalho.
He could target any one of us. So we make a list, and we make sure everybody's covered. Ok.
Ele pode ir atrás de qualquer um.
You covered for me?
- Defendeste-me?
He covered this up.
Ele encobriu isso.
Then why hasn't the snow covered it? CRIMSON DYNAMO : Russian proverb,
As unidades Ultron trabalham juntas, em perfeita harmonia.
- the walls are covered with plastic.
As paredes estão cobertas com plástico.
- Got you covered, Injun.
Eu protejo-te, "índio".
And who covered for you? Kept you in check?
Quem te cobriu, te manteve controlado?
It had been temporarily covered, but if you lean on it...
Tinha sido temporariamente coberto, mas se te encostasses...
It's covered my rent for years now. Dude, that's some easy money.
Meu, isso é dinheiro fácil.
We've covered it all.
Fizemos de tudo.
Keep your mouths covered.
Mantenham as bocas tapadas.
I think Oleg's got that covered.
Acho que o Oleg resolve isso.
S.H.I.E.L.D. has you covered with a new weapon we've developed.
Não torne isto pessoal, Gavião.

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