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Translate.vc / Inglês → Português / [ I ] / I knew he would

I knew he would tradutor Português

525 parallel translation
- I knew he would be.
- Já sabia.
I knew He would!
Que bom, já veio!
I knew he would fire even if the net held.
Eu sabia que ele disparava mesmo que a rede aguentasse.
- I knew he would be, I told him so.
- Eu sabia que seria e disse-lhe.
One minute. I knew he would.
Um minuto. Eu sabia que ele o faria.
I knew he would be, but he's even more than I expected.
Eu sabia que seria formidável, mas é ainda mais formidável.
But I knew I was safe. I knew he would not remember me. For in those carefree days I and my so-called droogs wore our maskies, which were like real horrorshow disguises.
Mas eu sabia-me seguro pois sabia que ele nunca se recordaria de mim pois nesses descuidados tempos tanto eu como os meus compinchas usávamos máscaras, que nos tornavam irreconhecíveis.
I knew he would find a Golden Ticket.
Sabia que encontraria o Bilhete Dourado.
I knew he would do it.
Eu sabia que ele conseguia.
I knew he would be a perfect match for Madeline.
Sabia que ele era a pessoas indicada para a Madeline.
That was before I knew how he would use his freedom.
Mas isso foi antes de saber como ele usaria a liberdade.
When I went out on the grounds looking for Asta and that knife... he knew that it would be fairly safe to take a shot at me.
Quando fui procurar o Asta e a faca, sabia que me poderia dar um tiro com alguma segurança.
He knew he would be glad to protect you from scandal for a few thousand dollars. I should have gone away and lost myself in a world where he could never find me.
Mary, eu devia ter-me ido embora e ter-me perdido... no mundo, onde nunca me pudesses encontrar... mas amava-te, e fui fraco.
See, Ma, I knew he would.
I knew the day when he would come home.
Eu sabia em que dia ele voltava para casa.
I knew Peter Pan would save us, and he did.
Eu sabia que o Peter Pan nos ia salvar e ele salvou!
If he knew I were here, he would kill me as he killed the Egyptian.
Se ele soubesse que estou aqui, matar-me-ia como matou o egípcio.
I knew he was jealous, but I never thought it would come to this.
Sabia que ele estava com ciúmes, mas nunca pensei que chegaria a isto.
I thought I knew the driving passion of his ambitions, but never did I think he would betray his own people.
Pensei conhecer a sua paixão ambiciosa, mas jamais pensei que trairia seu próprio povo.
I wonder what Spartacus would say... if he knew that the woman, Varinia, and her child... are slaves in my household?
Que diria Spartacus... se soubesse que a mulher, Varinia, e o filho... São escravos em minha casa?
I didn't come back for Jim because I knew he was with you and would grow up to be honest respected, without the taint of being a criminal's son.
Não o procurei mais, Jim. porque sabia que contigo... cresceria são e honesto, no culto da lei. Sem sentir a culpa de ser filho de um bandido.
If he knew I was here, he would kill me.
Se ele sabe que estou aqui, ele me mata.
I knew he'd do what any red-blooded American boy would do.
Eu sabia que ele faria o que qualquer Americano de sangue vermelho faria.
And yet, I knew that someday he would have to go back to his own kind.
E, no entanto, eu sabia que, um dia, ele teria de voltar para junto dos da raça dele.
And I wouldn't sell this boat to any man unless I really knew he'd love it, the same as I would a horse.
E eu só vendia este barco a quem o amasse, como eu a um cavalo. - Não entendo porque o iria vender?
He would be very angry if he knew I had said anything, which might induce Sir Henry to go away.
Ficava zangado se soubesse que eu disse algo para afastar o Sir Henry.
I knew Gibarian and he would never have...
Eu Conheci o Guibarian, nunca seria capaz...
He's so young that my heart breaks. I would go if I knew how to shoot.
É tão jovem que me parte o coração, Iria eu se soubesse disparar.
I went and got behind on the payments on the sax... and I let it go,'cause I knew he'd do more with the guitar than I would with the sax.
Claro que não paguei as prestações do saxe... e fiquei sem ele. Ele chegaria mais longe com a guitarra...
What do you think Shaw would do to me if he knew I was telling you this?
Já pensou no que ele me faria se soubesse que lhe estou a dizer isto?
My dad would kill me if he knew I was going to a frat house.
O meu pai matava-me, se soubesse que eu ia a uma fraternidade.
What I did was, I looked in his mean little eyes... and I knew, as sure as there's shit in a goat... if I didn't do what he said... the coroner would be putting in a special order for sawdust... to fill this here slop bucket.
Mas olhei naqueles olhos pequeninos e cruéis, e soube, tão certo como merda, que, se não fizesse o que ele queria, ia desta para melhor.
It's an awful lot to ask I know, but I think Sebastian would want it too, if he knew.
Sei que é um grande favor, mas penso que o Sebastian também o quereria, se soubesse.
I knew it, I knew it, he would do shit and... end my delicious scene.
Demônios, quem imaginaria que eles correriam em direção ao barulho? Eu sabia, sabia que ele iria conseguir fazer besteira e Estragar minha suculenta janta.
But it would be very comforting if I also knew He was there.
Mas também seria um conforto saber que Ele está lá.
I'm not sure Nathan would forgive me if he knew that I told you.
Duvido que Nathan me perdoasse se soubesse que lhe contei.
So, I think he knew on that bright morning, that he'd made a memory... that would live as long as sons tell sons'about fathers they love.
Acho que ele sabia, que naquela manhã luminosa. Tinha criado uma lembrança... que faria seu filho contar a seus filhos. Sobre o pai que ele ama.
Then if nobody else knew of it, you would agree that the thief's presence in your nephew's room was purely accidental. I mean, he saw his chance and took it.
- Nesse caso, se mais ninguém sabia, tem de concordar que a presença do larápio na sala do seu sobrinho foi obra do acaso.
- He knew that I would look.
Ele sabia que eu ia olhar.
He knew I would keep looking.
Ele sabia que eu continuaria olhando.
Perhaps he knew, as I did not... that the Earth was made round... so that we would not see too far down the road.
Talvez ele soubesse, e eu não... que a Terra era redonda... para que não pudéssemos ver o caminho todo à nossa frente.
My doctor would kill me if he knew I was here.
O meu médico matava-me se soubesse que estive aqui.
What would he do if he knew? I do not know.
Que pensas que ele ia fazer?
I did name him after you, because I knew that he would have your kindness, your laugh... your love.
Mas dei-lhe o teu nome porque sabia que ele teria a tua bondade, o teu riso... - O teu amor.
He knew I would get information from Tatomovich.
Ele sabia que iria obter informações do Tatomovich.
Of course, Daddy would have a fit if he knew I was goin'over 35.
É claro, o pai tinha um ataque se soubesse que ando acima dos 35.
I knew he'd just lift his little leg up and that would be it.
estava-se mesmo a ver que era só alçar a perninha e já está.
But i never knew that he would fly him all the way to boston to sing this song to me.
Mas nunca pensei que voaria até Boston para me cantar essa múscia.
I wonder what that kid would think... if he knew that part of him was inside of the president's body.
É o mexerico mais falado da Câmara.
So I knew Dad would be devastated when he learned of my latest affliction.
Assim, sabia que o meu pai ficaria arrasado quando soubesse da minha última maleita.
I read once about a kid up in New Hampshire... who took on the personality of his dead grandfather. I mean he talked like him, thought like him, knew things only he would know.
Li uma vez sobre um garoto em New Hampshire... que adotou a personalidade de seu falecido avô, quero dizer, falava como ele, pensava como ele, sabia de coisas que só seu avô saberia.

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