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Translate.vc / Inglês → Português / [ I ] / I knew that

I knew that tradutor Português

10,256 parallel translation
I knew that whatever Sonny did to me I could take it.
Sabia que o que quer que o Sonny me fizesse eu aguentava.
I knew that you knew that I knew.
Eu sabia que tu sabias que eu sabia.
But I knew that going in.
Mas eu sabia isso no início.
I knew that even though I still loved Cindy, we lived in two separate worlds that were not uniting.
Sabia que mesmo que ainda amasse a Cindy, vivíamos em dois mundos separados que não se iam encontrar.
I wasn't at the funeral today because I knew that girl.
Não fui ao funeral hoje porque conhecia a rapariga.
Kim, I want you to know that I always pushed you harder because I knew that I could expect more from you.
Kim, quero que saiba que sempre puxei mais por si porque sabia que podia esperar mais de si.
I knew that wasn't gonna go well.
Eu sabia que não ia correr bem.
I knew that arrest was bullshit.
Eu sabia que a detenção tinha sido uma treta.
I knew that they would come, and I knew that you would never allow yourself to be captured.
Sabia que eles viriam, e que você nunca deixaria que o capturassem.
I knew that he would make the transition.
- Sabia que ele aguentava a transição.
I knew that Rose was in that boot.
Eu sabia que a Rose estava naquela mala.
I knew that, Sister, and I didn't help. You did help.
Lavou as mãos há cinco minutos, Sra. Mahoney.
You didn't think I knew... who your supplier was that night, huh?
Achavas que eu não sabia quem era o teu fornecedor naquela noite?
I knew he needed help, but at the time I felt I did all I could do, and I have... regretted feeling that way ever since.
Eu sabia que ele precisava de ajuda, mas na altura achei que fiz o que pude e arrependo-me de ter sentido isso desde então.
I was from around here long before you even knew what that was.
Eu já conhecia isto muito antes de você saber o que era.
But I'm guessing you already knew that.
Mas acho que já sabes disso.
- I knew that.
- Eu sabia.
The only thing I knew at fen years old... was that one morning I woke up... and we had a cook.
A única coisa que eu soube aos 10 anos de idade é que acordei uma manhã e tínhamos um cozinheiro.
All I knew being back with Mr. Church... was that I was home.
Tudo o que sabia estando de volta com o Mr. Church era que eu estava em casa.
I Took The book of matches from Jelly's... because I knew he'd be embarrassed... if he saw that I'd found if.
Eu guardei a carteira de fósforos do Jelly's porque eu sabia que ele ficaria embaraçado se visse que eu a encontrara.
Now Mr. Church realized that I knew about Jelly's.
Agora o Mr. Church percebeu que eu sabia sobre o Jelly's.
Yeah, okay, well, that threw me off because I thought I knew who the guy was, and it turned out to be another guy.
Pois, eu sei, nesse não correu bem porque eu pensava que sabia quem ele era, e acontece que era outra pessoa.
But as soon as I got that telegram from you, I knew...
Mas assim que recebi aquele telegrama, eu soube...
She never talked about boys, so when she brought him up, I just knew that...
Nunca falava de rapazes e, quando o trouxe, percebi que...
I knew there was nothing funky in that bag, Bobby.
Eu sabia que não havia nada estranho neste saco, Bobby.
But I'm guessing you already knew that, mind reader.
Mas penso que já sabias disso, leitor de mentes.
No, that was before I knew you.
Não, isso foi antes de conhecer-te.
I always knew there was something important in your life..... that you never shared with me.
Sempre soube que havia algo importante na tua vida... que nunca partilhaste comigo.
And I knew, in that moment, that... Mama had died.
E eu soube, naquele momento, que minha a mãe havia morrido.
Well, the truth is, I knew you were safe, and with all the things that we had to do, I needed the time.
Bem, a verdade é que sabia que estavas em segurança e, com todas as coisas que tínhamos de fazer, precisava de tempo.
I knew in my heart that it wasn't, but I let you lie to me.
No meu coração sabia que não, mas deixei-te mentir-me.
You knew I couldn't do that.
Sabias que não podia fazer isso.
But I was wondering if you knew that this is a women's only club.
Mas será que sabias que este bar é só para mulheres?
I knew about that.
Eu sabia disso.
And I knew you would say something like that, so I went ahead and bought myself a cake on your behalf.
E eu sabia que dirias algo do género, então adiantei-me e comprei um bolo em teu nome.
I knew something had happened with your girlfriend and that's why you ran away.
Eu sabia que algo tinha acontecido com a tua namorada e que tinhas fugido por causa disso.
There were times that I was persuaded to sue for peace since then, but that was the day that on some level I knew... that England was broken... and that sooner or later a good man must resist it.
Desde essa altura que houve momentos em que pensei procurar a paz. Mas foi nesse dia que eu descobri que Inglaterra estava podre. E que, mais tarde ou mais cedo, um bom homem teria de combatê-la.
But like I always knew that i just wasn't gonna be happy unless I accomplish certain things first.
Mas eu sempre soube que não poderia ser feliz até alcançar certas coisas primeiro.
And I knew, that you were the one who was destined to stand against me.
E soube que eras tu o destinado a enfrentar-me.
The second you got that phone call, I knew something was wrong.
Mal recebeste aquele telefonema, soube que algo estava errado.
Not a guy I'd wanna piss off. Maybe he knew that.
- Não é um tipo que eu quisesse chatear.
I talked to the DA, who confirmed that Shane had come back to come clean about everything he knew.
Falei com o Procurador que confirmou que o Shane tinha regressado para dizer a verdade sobre tudo o que sabia.
He knew that I would use his modified documents to write Mesa Verde's submission to the state regulator.
Sabia que eu usaria os documentos modificados por ele para escrever o requerimento do Mesa Verde ao organismo regulador.
All I knew was that this time, inside the cup, was death.
Só sabia que, desta vez, dentro da taça, estava a morte. St.
But I suppose you knew that already.
Mas suponho que já sabias.
It's just that, when we got out to Laird's... I just didn't feel like I knew you anymore and I got scared.
Quando chegámos a casa do Laird, senti que já não te conhecia e fiquei assustado.
I pegged it. I saw him... long before anyone else knew that he would be a film actor.
Reparei nisso muito antes de alguém o imaginar no cinema.
I suppose I knew she was dead but... there was a part of me that thought maybe she was alive... .. living elsewhere..... in a better place because I wasn't there.
Suponho que sabia que ela estava morta, mas... havia uma parte de mim que pensou que talvez ela estivesse viva a viver noutro sítio num lugar melhor porque eu não estava lá.
If you knew all that I was capable of.
Se ele soubesse aquilo de que sou capaz...
Oh, that's my boy. I knew you could do it.
Eu sabia que eras capaz.
I thought everybody knew that.
Pensei que todos soubessem.

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