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Translate.vc / Inglês → Português / [ I ] / I knew her

I knew her tradutor Português

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I knew her very well.
- Conheci-a muito bem.
I knew her.
Eu conhecia.
- By looking at'em? - But the thing is, man, I felt like I knew her.
Mas parecia que eu já a conhecia.
- I knew her.
- Eu conheci-a.
I can't say I knew her very well personally, but she is well thought of.
Pessoalmente, não a conhecia bem, mas era muito estimada.
I knew her husband rather well he was a big time crook
Conhecia bem o marido dela. Era um grande bandido.
That some day they'd be able to say "I knew her when." if I return now, I return a failure.
Que algum dia eles diriam : "Eu conhecia-a quando..." Se eu voltar agora, serei uma fracassada.
"janet." I knew her?
"Janet." Eu conhecia-a?
I knew her?
Maybe Martha would've said, "Screw it." I knew her not at all outside of business.
Talvez a Martha dissesse : "Que se lixe". Só a conhecia profissionalmente.
- I knew her.
- Conhecia-a.
- That I knew her - One of the papers said she worked at a Chinese restaurant in NDG.
Um dos jornais disse que ela trabalhava num restaurante chinês em NDG.
I never knew her.
Nunca a conheci.
I just knew her
Só conhecia a ela.
"I think, therefore God exists." And she knew her father was wrong.
"Penso, logo Deus existe." E ela sabia que o seu pai estava errado.
I want to know everything that we can about her, who she knew, who she blew, the color of her knickers.
Quero saber tudo o que pudermos sobre ela, quem ela conhecia, quem chupou, a cor das suas calcinhas.
I knew this guy once told this old lady that her grandson was no longer with us.
Conheci um gajo que contou, para uma velha senhora, que o seu neto "já não estava connosco."
My mother, I never knew her.
A minha mãe nunca a conheci.
I knew a single mother who lost her only child.
Eu conhecia uma mãe solteira que perdeu seu único filho.
- I knew she'd show her Jezebel face.
Eu sabia que ia chegar com cara de Jezabel.
There weren't no drugs in my house. Precious knew I would whup her ass if she gonna bring some drugs up in my house.
A Precious sabia que apanhava se levasse droga para casa.
I knew, when you left for Malvern that I would never see her again.
Eu sabia, quando vocês partiram para Malvern que já não a voltaria a ver.
He knew I'd chase after her, thereby leaving the machine accessible.
Ele sabia que eu ia atrás dela, deixando assim o aparelho vulnerável.
Yeah, guilty as charged. I mean, as soon as Marcy mentioned your name I knew, but I didn't want to tell her.
Assim que a Marcie disse o seu nome, soube logo, mas... não lhe quis dizer.
I mean, as soon as Marcie mentioned your name I knew, but I didn't wanna tell her.
Assim que a Marcie disse o seu nome, soube logo, mas... não lhe quis dizer.
Well, I knew you called your mother, so I went to see her.
Sabia que tinhas ligado à tua mãe, por isso fui ter com ela.
I knew you'd be up to your eyeballs in egg whites. so I just grabbed her.
Sabia que estavas muito ocupada, por isso, trouxe-a.
- I knew I should've called her Barbara.
Eu sabia que devia tê-la tratado por Bárbara.
When I saw her nipple piercing I knew.
Ímaginei, quando vi o piercing no seu mamilo.
that's when I knew.. I had to make her my wife! How much?
E então eu decidi que ela seria a minha mulher.
I'd like to ask you things about her... personal things maybe I never knew, but there's no time for that- -
Queria saber coisas pessoais sobre ela que eu talvez desconheça, mas não há tempo para isso.
I need someone who knew her, who can tell me about her.
Procuro quem a tenha conhecido. Que me possa falar dela.
Although I was so little, I knew my sister loved me... as she told me to come to her
Embora fosse muito pequena, senti que a minha irmã me amava ao chamar-me para junto dela.
And I knew it wasn't gonna be her before we even got here!
E eu sabia que não seria ela antes mesmo de virmos para cá!
I knew something was wrong with her. She just wouldn't admit it.
Eu sabia que se passava alguma coisa com ela, mas ela não admitia.
The reason I knew inception was possible was because I did it to her first.
Eu sabia que a implantação era possível porque primeiro lho fiz a ela.
But I never knew that that idea would grow in her mind like a cancer that even after she woke...
Mas nunca imaginei que aquela ideia alastrasse na mente dela como um cancro.
I knew then it was too late to save her.
Sabia que era demasiado tarde para a salvar.
I always knew there was something wrong with her.
Como deixámos escapar isto? Eu sempre soube que havia algo de errado nela.
- You said you knew... I didn't shoot her back at Isabella's place. You didn't shoot her.
Em casa da Isabella, você disse que sabia que eu não lhe tinha dado um tiro.
I knew I was losing her.
Eu sabia que a estava a perder.
She knew I could get her what she needed.
Ela sabia que eu tinha o que ela precisava.
I knew something was up. But no matter how much I pushed her Martha wouldn't say anything.
Sabia que havia alguma coisa, mas por mais que a pressionasse, a Martha nada me dizia.
You see, I knew she was special when we were at this event in Kansas City. She shows up to my hotel room, blasted on tequila, and she asks me if I wanted to see her do this trick with her...
Soube que ela era especial numa festa em Kansas City, quando apareceu no meu quarto do hotel bêbada de tequila a perguntar se queria vê-la fazer um truque com...
I was lucky if I knew the name of her boyfriend.
Estava com sorte se soubesse o nome do namorado dela.
If she knew that I was here in California and didn't call her... though she's probably got a million things going on...
- O que é? - O Kevin está em casa da minha mãe. Parece que sempre vai haver jantar e vão todos voltar para lá.
If she knew that I was here in California and didn't call her... I gotta call her.
Tenho de lhe ligar.
And I just knew that I wanted her in parochial school.
Eu só sabia que a queria numa escola paroquial.
I knew you'd take her side.
Sabia que estavas do lado dela.
I knew something was up with her.
Sabia que tinha algo errado com ela.
I knew that you shouldn't be hanging out - with that Amber and Ashley and what's her name.
Sabia que não devias andar com a Amber, a Ashley e a sei lá como se chama.

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