It's about her tradutor Português
1,193 parallel translation
Well, it's pretty clear that the woman who was found out here did not inflict her own injuries. That she was dropped here by someone and whoever it was cared about her enough not to kill her.
É evidente que a mulher aqui encontrada não fez a si própria aquelas feridas, que ela foi largada aqui por alguém que gostava dela o suficiente para não a matar.
It's both, Benjamin... it pisses me off when they ask about her, and it pisses me off when they don't, and that is just the way it is... so there.
São ambas as coisas, Benjamin... incomoda-me quando perguntam sobre ela e incomoda-me quando não perguntam é assim que são as coisas... estás contente.
It's all about my daughter and I would do anything in the world to get her back.
É sobre a minha filha e eu faria qualquer coisa no mundo para tê-la ela de volta.
I think it's something about her only batting for the home team.
Acho que dissse que prefere os compatriotas.
It's all about her.
Trata-se dela.
It used to be all about the work and now it's all about her.
Só te importavas com o trabalho e agora só te importas com ela.
She convinced them she didn't know about April's disappearance, but it cost her...
Acabou por convencê-los... de que nada sabia do desaparecimento da April... mas custou-lhe muito.
Look deep into her eyes... It's me. ... and tell her you had a dream about her last night.
Olhe-a bem nos olhos e diga-lhe que ontem sonhou com ela.
I mean, I know she thinks I only want to have sex with her, but that's not what it's about.
Eu sei que ela acha que eu só quero ter sexo mas não é essa a razão.
- What is her problem? It's not about you.
Não se trata de você.
And then she starts in on him, and they're both going at it, and he's screaming at her about the baby.
Ela atirou-se a ele, engalfinharam-se os dois e ele começou a gritar com ela por causa da bebé.
She will sit wherever you tell her to sit but as long as she's polite about it she can ask all the questions she wants.
Ela vai-se sentar onde a senhora lhe disser para se sentar mas enquanto ela for educada pode perguntar tudo o que ela quiser.
It's this book about this girl who's being analyzed... and she's smarter than the people who are analyzing her.
É um livro sobre uma rapariga que está a ser analisada... e é muito mais esperta do que quem a está a analisar.
Vanessa and me are tight, man. You know that. It's not about her.
Sabes que gosto imenso da Vanessa, não tem nada a ver com ela.
You think it's about her mother?
Achas que é pela mãe?
It's about her grandson.
Trata-se do neto dela.
I'm afraid she's about to let it pass through her.
Penso que ela está a se deixar invadir por ele.
I'm afraid she's about to let it pass through her.
Tenho receio que ela se deixe invadir completamente.
Mommy, Grandma told us a beautiful story about a mom who has lots of bad things happen to her, and it's really sad.
Mamã, a avó contou-nos uma bela história sobre uma mãe que tinha muitas coisas más a acontecer-lhe e é mesmo triste.
And her mom is not really thrilled about the whole situation, but I really think she's kind of starting to get behind it now, so...
E a mãe dela realmente não é vibrado sobre a situação inteira, mas eu realmente penso que ela é amável de começando a adquirir agora atrás disto, assim...
I told her about Siena because it's the city where I was born.
Falei-lhe de Siena, porque é a cidade onde nasci.
I felt a bit guilty about it at first, but then I realized... that's her function in life, looking after people.
No início senti-me um pouco culpado, mas depois percebi... que essa é a sua função na vida... cuidar das pessoas.
Because it's all anybody will remember about her.
O que for dito agora é o que as pessoas vão reter dela.
She's already feeling bad about her moles and then the night before, she got this horse and it busted its leg and I had to shoot it.
Ela já se sentia mal acerca do sinais e na noite anterior, ela tem um cavalo que aleijou a pata e tive que lhe dar um tiro.
It used to be all about the work and now it's all about her.
Sempre agarrado às saias da Simone.
When homegirl is all quiet and humble about it it's because her rich and famous boo, Mr. Dru paid for all that to be corrected immediately.
A minha amiga esta calma e sossegada sobre isso tudo porque o seu rico e famoso Amor, Mr. Dru pagou para que tudo fosse corrigido imediatamente.
About what it's like to touch her skin.
Em como seria acariciar sua pele?
O.K. Let's go and ask her what it's all about.
Tudo bem. Vamos lá perguntar-lhe do que se trata tudo isto.
It's something that we didn't know about her.
É algo que não sabíamos acerca dela.
It's something we didn't know about her, something that could damage us.
É algo que não sabíamos acerca dela. Algo que poderia prejudicar-nos a todos.
It's me. I was so naive about her.
Fui tão ingénua com ela.
If I don't go it's all about her.
Se não for, é como se ela mandasse.
Worse she'll know it's all about her.
E pior, ela saberá que manda.
It's just when she died I used to think about her all the time.
Porque, quando ela morreu, eu estava sempre a pensar nela.
Oh, I told her about the kiss at first, but it's weird.
De início, contei-lhe do beijo, mas é esquisito.
It's been mostly her and Kirk arguing about stuff.
É ela e o Kirk a discutirem sobre coisas.
But then I realized that it was one of the original stroke ladies'husband's calling to inform me of her stroke, which we already knew about, so here we are.
Mas percebi que era o marido de uma das primeiras doentes... a informar-me da trombose, de que já sabíamos, por isso cá estamos.
Maybe I even talk about her too much, but that's not really the point, is it?
Talvez até fale muito dela, mas não é esse o problema, pois não?
Look, the thing about Peyton ; it's really hard for her to let her guard down but once she does, she's got this amazing heart, you know.
O problema da Peyton é que lhe é muito difícil baixar a guarda, mas, assim que o faz... Tem um coração maravilhoso.
Dan's gotta be giving her a lot of grief about it.
O Dan deve estar mesmo a chatear-lhe a cabeça por causa disso.
And when you think about it, when she got pregnant in college, her life changed a lot like your mom's did.
A Deb é fixe. E, se pensares nisso, quando ficou grávida na universidade, a vida dela mudou tal como a vida da tua mãe.
- It's about her! Do you know where she is?
Sabes onde ela está?
it's always been about her.
teve sempre que ver com ela.
Maybe it's time I told her about you.
Talvez esteja na altura de lhe contar sobre ti.
You do realize that all her problems ; the drugs, the sex... It's all about whatever happened in your house.
Tem consciência de que todos os problemas dela, as drogas, o sexo... estão relacionados com o que aconteceu na sua casa.
When Romeo arrives at the tomb... he is talking about her beauty... which is still unspoiled... by, as he takes it, as he thinks, I mean the irony is that... of course she's still beautiful because she isn't dead.
Quando Romeu chega à tumba... ele está falando sobre a beleza dela... que ainda está imaculada... pela, como ele acha, como ele pensa, a ironia é esta... é claro, ela ainda é linda porque não está morta.
It's not like you feel the same way about her.
Pena que não sentes o mesmo por ela.
Even if he isn't shagging her already, he's thinking about it.
Apesar de agora estar contigo deve estar a pensar na outra
I think if there's a truly seductive quality about Clementine, it's that her personality promises to take you out of the mundane.
A haver uma qualidade realmente sedutora na Clementine, deve ser a "promessa" daquela personalidade nos tirar da rotina.
This has been an experience, but I gotta bounce. I'm meeting Natasha at the G.S.U. It's her Pi Beta rush meeting tonight... so I'm about to Pi Beta rush.
Está bem, ouve... sou um bocado inexperiente mas tenho um encontro com uma rapariga da irmandade, por isso vou dar à sola.
Look man, we had a long talk... when I took her home tonight, it's all about us at the homecoming.
Do meu nivel? Olha, tivemos uma longa conversa... quando a levei a casa hoje só falámos do baile de boas vindas.
it's about damn time 34
it's about fucking time 24
it's about time 533
it's about that time 16
it's about 350
it's about me 95
it's about to start 25
it's about trust 19
it's about this 19
it's about family 16
it's about fucking time 24
it's about time 533
it's about that time 16
it's about 350
it's about me 95
it's about to start 25
it's about trust 19
it's about this 19
it's about family 16
it's about you 142
it's about him 23
it's about money 31
it's about us 42
about here 28
about her 34
here 35434
hermes 98
here we go 9033
hernandez 57
it's about him 23
it's about money 31
it's about us 42
about here 28
about her 34
here 35434
hermes 98
here we go 9033
hernandez 57
hershey 18
heroin 209
herself 49
hercules 220
herbert 132
hertz 45
herring 17
here we go again 374
heroic 33
here comes the sun 21
heroin 209
herself 49
hercules 220
herbert 132
hertz 45
herring 17
here we go again 374
heroic 33
here comes the sun 21
here goes nothing 99
here comes the bride 39
hermann 78
here it comes 620
here it is 2313
here we are 2264
here she comes 366
here comes the bride 39
hermann 78
here it comes 620
here it is 2313
here we are 2264
here she comes 366