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My lord hertford tradutor Português

27 parallel translation
The death warrants, my Lord Hertford.
- As sentenças de morte, Lorde Hertford. - Meu senhor.
What is your report, my Lord Hertford?
O que relatais, Lorde Hertford?
Send a message to my Lord Hertford.
- Sim, senhora. - Enviai uma mensagem a Lorde Hertford.
Some kind of tertiary fever, my Lord Hertford.
Uma espécie de febre terciária, Lorde Hertford.
Thanks to my Lord Hertford and to my Lord Surrey, several Scottish nobles were captured and are held here at our pleasure.
Graças a Lorde Hertford e a Lorde Surrey, vários nobres escoceses foram capturados e estão aqui à nossa mercê.
I asked you to tell me what this letter says, my Lord Hertford.
Pergunto-vos o que diz esta carta, Lorde Hertford.
Your Majesty, my Lord Hertford, and other Councillors, have made diligent inquiries into the question of the misconduct of the Queen.
Majestade Lorde Hertford, e outros conselheiros, fizeram diligentes investigações relativamente ao mau comportamento da Rainha.
- I bid you most welcome, my Lord Hertford.
Dou-vos as boas vindas, Lorde Hertford.
- So, my Lord Hertford... Was it well done or not?
Então, Lorde Hertford, foi bem feito ou não?
- My Lord Hertford seems to be in the King's good graces.
Lorde Hertford parece ter caído nas boas graças do Rei.
- I'm not sure if this is any answer, my Lord Hertford. But I have always been drawn to a phrase used by the
Não sei se isto é uma resposta, Lorde Hertford, mas sempre gostei de uma frase dita pelos camponeses franceses :
- Lord Hertford! - My Lord Hertford!
- Lorde Hertford!
- My Lord Hertford,
É verdade.
- I still say - my Lord Hertford - that the real truth behind your intentions towards the Prince and the crown must be placed before the King.
Repito-vos, Lorde Hertford, que a verdade que se esconde por detrás das vossas intenções para com o Príncipe e a Coroa deve ser levada ao conhecimento do Rei.
- My Lord Hertford.
- Lorde Hertford. - Lorde Hertford.
We should talk, my Lord Hertford, about the arrangements for the Prince's minority... after I am dead!
Temos de conversar, Lorde Hertford, sobre os preparativos relativamente à menoridade do Príncipe após a minha morte.
When I am dead, my Lord Hertford will act as Lord Protector during Prince Edward's minority.
Quando morrer, Lorde Hertford será Lorde Tutor enquanto o Príncipe Eduardo for menor.
My Lord Hertford desires an audience.
O Lorde Hertford deseja uma audiência.
In the meantime, I will appoint you, my Lord Hertford, as his replacement.
Entretanto, irei apontar-vos, Lorde Hertford, como seu substituto.
- My Lord Hertford.
- Lorde Hertford.
- You've done well, my Lord Hertford.
Haveis procedido bem, Lorde Hertford.
- My Lord Hertford, you should not be so surprised, since the Earl hates us both the same.
Meu Lorde, não devíeis estar surpreso, pois o conde odeia-nos na mesma medida.
If you could see that this is delivered to my Lord Hertford.
Tratai de que isto seja entregue ao Lorde Hertford.
- My Lord Hertford.
- Excelência.
- My Lord Surrey, my brother, Lord Hertford, has already announced allegations against you for corrupt misuse of office while you were Lieutenant General of Boulogne.
Lorde Surrey, o meu irmão, Lorde Hertford, já apresentou alegações contra vós de abuso de poder enquanto fostes Tenente-General de Boulogne.

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