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My lord surrey tradutor Português

24 parallel translation
We are glad to welcome you back my Lord Surrey.
Apraz-nos muito dar-vos as boas-vindas à corte, Lorde Surrey.
My Lord Surrey, after so long away, how do you find the English court?
Dizei-me, Lorde Surrey, após tanto tempo longe, o que achais da corte inglesa?
My Lord Surrey, how do you find the English Court?
Dizei-me, Lorde Surrey, o que achais da corte inglesa?
My Lord Surrey.
Lorde Surrey.
Bishop Gardiner suspects my Lord Surrey of obtaining his meat on the black market from some evangelical butchers in Honey Lane, near the church of All Hallows.
O bispo Gardiner suspeita que o Lorde Surrey obtenha a sua carne no mercado negro, de uns açougueiros evangélicos em Honey Lane, perto da igreja de Todos os Santos.
My Lord Surrey, the King has seen fit to make you Marshal of the Field, a singular honour.
Lorde Surrey, o rei achou ajustado tornar-vos Marechal de Campo, uma honra excepcional.
My Lord Surrey also took His Highness to the Paris Gardens, to see bears fighting with dogs.
O Lorde Surrey também levou Sua Excelência a Paris Gardens, para ver ursos lutarem contra cães.
Tell me, my Lord Surrey, what are your ambitions?
Dizei-me, Lorde Surrey, quais são as vossas ambições?
Your formal installation into the Order will take place soon, my Lord Surrey.
O vosso empossamento oficial na Ordem terá lugar em breve, Lorde Surrey.
My Lord Surrey,
Lorde Surrey,
My Lord Surrey, here are three of their nobles captured in battle :
Lorde Surrey, eis três nobres capturados em combate :
Thanks to my Lord Hertford and to my Lord Surrey, several Scottish nobles were captured and are held here at our pleasure.
Graças a Lorde Hertford e a Lorde Surrey, vários nobres escoceses foram capturados e estão aqui à nossa mercê.
It seems my Lord Surrey gave battle to a large convoy of French, and was soundly defeated.
Parece que Lorde Surrey entrou em batalha com uma grande força de franceses e foi completamente derrotado.
Therefore, I have commanded my Lord Surrey to return here, to be examined as to his conduct by Your Lordships.
Por esse motivo, ordenei a Lorde Surrey que regressasse, para ser interrogado pela sua conduta por Vossas Senhorias.
- My Lord Surrey, it has been put to us that your defeat at Saint-Etienne was not, as you claimed, due to the unwillingness of your soldiers, but to your own folly.
Lorde Surrey, foi-nos esclarecido que a vossa derrota em Saint-Etienne não se deveu, como afirmastes, à relutância dos vossos soldados, mas sim devido à vossa própria imprudência.
- My Lord Surrey, my brother, Lord Hertford, has already announced allegations against you for corrupt misuse of office while you were Lieutenant General of Boulogne.
Lorde Surrey, o meu irmão, Lorde Hertford, já apresentou alegações contra vós de abuso de poder enquanto fostes Tenente-General de Boulogne.
My Lord Surrey, you are under arrest for treason.
Lorde Surrey, estais preso por traição.
- I'll tell you this, my Lord Surrey, if ever you got power here, in this realm, I would go abroad and stay there.
Digo-vos isto, Lorde Surrey, se alguma vez tivésseis as rédeas do poder aqui, neste reino, eu iria para fora do país e lá permaneceria.
But as foreman of the jury, I have to tell your Lordships that we are not impressed with the evidence against my Lord Surrey.
Mas como presidente dos jurados, devo dizer a vossas senhorias de que não estamos convencidos com as provas contra Lorde Surrey.
It is very clear to us that my Lord Surrey has the right to bear the arms of Edward the Confessor.
É bastante claro para nós que o Lorde Surrey tem o direito de usar o brasão de Eduardo o Confessor.
And you, my Lord Surrey?
E vós, Lorde Surrey?
- My Lord Surrey.
Lorde Surrey.

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