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Translate.vc / Inglês → Português / [ S ] / She looked

She looked tradutor Português

2,477 parallel translation
And I bet she looked up Paula Casillas, as well.
E também pesquisou a Paula Casillas.
And when Mark proposed a threesome, she looked at me. - Like she was thinking about it.
E quando o Mark propôs um ménage à trois, ela olhou para mim como se estivesse a pensar no assunto.
No, I saw some of your movies, and I saw this girl at school, and she just... she looked really, really familiar, and I couldn't figure out how.
Vi alguns dos teus filmes, e vi esta garota na escola. Ela parecia-me bastante familiar, e não descobria de onde.
And she looked at me and said :
Ela olhou para mim e disse :
She looked so pure and beautiful in the cathedral today.
Ela tinha um ar tão puro e belo hoje na catedral.
All right, if you sat down with a sketch artist, do you think you could remember what she looked like?
Se chamasse um reprodutor acha que conseguia descrever o aspecto dela?
She looked so calm, so contented.
Ela parecia tão calma, tão contente...
She looked so pure and beautiful today, don't you think?
Ela tinha um ar tão puro e belo hoje na catedral. Não achastes?
She didn't notice, but she said she looked scared.
Não reparou. Diz que ela parecia estar assustada.
I'd watch her as she looked for me.
Podia vê-la enquanto estava à minha procura.
She looked like she spent the whole freakin'day at the spa and it was 8 : 45 in the morning.
Parecia que ela tinha passado o dia inteiro no spa e eram só 8 : 45 da manhã.
And when - when Lindsay was little, she looked a lot like you.
E quando a Lindsay era pequena, era muito parecida contigo.
She looked at me with such...
Ela olhou para mim com...
And then she looked like she was going to burst into tears.
E depois pareceu ficar quase a chorar.
She looked me in the eye and understood me.
Ela olhou-me nos olhos e percebeu-me.
It's something about how she looked.
É qualquer coisa acerca da sua aparência.
But here's how smart she is. She knew how to get a reaction out of me. She looked at me.
Vejam a esperteza dela ao picar-me :
That's why she looked fed up.
Por isso é que parecia aborrecida.
Never has she looked more beautiful than this moment right now.
Nunca esteve mais bela que agora.
I was admiring how pretty she looked.
Admirava como estava bonita.
She looked proper sick.
Ela ficou estarrecida.
And the way her hair fell back over her shoulders she looked just like the picture in the newspaper.
A forma como o seu cabelo caía sobre os ombros... ela parecia-se com a fotografia do jornal.
But she looked so happy and she'd gone to so much trouble over the pies that I couldn't.
Mas ela parecia tão feliz... e tinha tido tanto trabalho com as tortas, que não o pude fazer.
We'd sit outside and have a drink, and I'd think how much she looked like her.
Sentávamo-nos lá fora a beber algo ; e eu pensava no quanto era parecida com ela.
She said she liked the way I looked.
- Ela disse que gostava da minha aparência.
And I bet that she even looked into you eight years ago, when she went to that party.
Até aposto que ela te investigou, há oito anos, quando foi àquela festa.
And she never looked back.
E nunca olhou para trás. Não posso mesmo...
- and he just looked at me and said "well, frankly Mrs. Ressel, she's not going to live that long."
e ele olhou para mim e disse : "Falando francamente Ms. Ressel, ela não viverá assim tanto tempo."
I looked at it like, well, if she's only got approximately 9 months to live, and we come over here and we don't have all the side-effects... well, in 9 month's time, which am I going to be better off doing?
Eu olhei para ela e pensei que... bem, se ela tem apenas aproximadamente 9 meses de vida e se seguirmos esta via e não tivermos todos aqueles efeitos secundários... Bem, no prazo de nove meses qual será que vale mais a pena fazer?
Because Annie looked at me and she said I looked like a turtle.
Porque a Annie viu-me e disse que eu parecia uma tartaruga.
I thought if they just looked into my eyes, they would know that she was lying.
Achei que se eles apenas olhassem para os meus olhos, veriam que ela estaria a mentir.
I mean, Blair looked like she might cry.
A Blair parecia que ia chorar.
I looked for the woman I married, but she wasn't there.
Procurei a mulher com quem casei, mas não estava lá.
She turned me down, said the future looked very bright with you.
Ela recusou. Disse que o futuro se mostrava muito promissor contigo...
What I meant was that she should have looked after her two kids.
O que queria dizer era que ela devia cuidar dos seus dois filhos.
Over and over and over, and I looked down, and she weren't wasn't moving no more.
Várias vezes e depois olhei para ela e ela não "estava-se"... Não se estava... A mexer.
- Mm. She looked better in her profile.
Ela parece melhor no seu perfil.
* funky mad lovin'* She looked at me like I'm crazy.
Ela olhou-me como se fosse louco.
You said she looked European.
Disseram que ela parecia europeia.
Perhaps she told you how good you looked in that tie...
Talvez vos tenha dito como a gravata vos ficava bem.
She said it looked like you were resisting.
Ela disse que parecia que estavas a resistir.
She kind of looked like her.
Ela parecia-se com ela.
I know I'm not the same person I was... a person o decorated the nursery four months before she was due, or bought baby clothes in bigger sizes to put away, or looked forward to the future.
Sei que não sou a mesma... Alguém que decorou o quarto 4 meses antes da gravidez, ou que comprou as roupinhas de um tamanho maior para guardar, que ansiava pelo futuro.
I didn't really want to look, but when I turned around, it looked like she was having a wrestle with one.
Eu não queria olhar, mas quando me voltei, parecia que ela estava a lutar com um.
When it looked like Mrs. F. might not make it, she said that I should be ready.
Quando pareceu que a senhora F. não se ia safar, ela disse... que eu deveria... estar pronta.
Then I looked down beside me, and there were her sandals. She'd been knocked right out of them.
Depois olhei para o lado e vi as sandálias dela que saltaram com o impacto.
She's looked like that all day.
- Esteve todo o dia com este ar.
Well, Yang looked like she was having fun tonight.
A Yang parecia estar a divertir-se.
When she was leaving, the moon was coming up over the hill, and it looked like she was riding to the moon... You know?
Quando partiu, a lua estava a nascer por detrás da colina, e parecia que ela ia para a lua, sabe?
"the moon was coming up over the hills," and it looked like she was riding to the moon, you know?
" a lua estava a nascer por detrás da colina, e parecia que ia para a lua, sabes?
" and I was admiring how pretty she looked,
Admirava como estava bonita, mas ao mesmo tempo tive uma má sensação.

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