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Translate.vc / Inglês → Português / [ S ] / So were you

So were you tradutor Português

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So were you gonna tell me?
- Então, ias contar-me?
Since he was in London, and so were you.. .. | thought I would introduce you two.
Visto que está em Londres, tal como tu, achei que vos podia apresentar.
Since he was in London, and so were you I thought I .. wou | d introduce the two of you.
Visto que está em Londres, tal como tu, achei que vos devia apresentar.
You were so fearful of my extremis, that you forgot the most obvious truth :
Tinha tanto medo do meu extremismo, que esqueceu da mais óbvia verdade :
I so wish that I could have been thunderstruck, as you were, one May afternoon, in the heart of the Church.
Gostaria muito de ter tido uma epifania, como teve... numa tarde de Maio, no coração da Igreja.
I wouldn't be so sure of those numbers, if I were you.
Eu não estaria tão certo desses números, se fosse a si.
I was never going to be The Flash, so I became the reverse of everything that you were.
Eu nunca seria o Flash, então tornei-me o oposto de tudo o que eras.
Were you so overcome with guilt at what you did, that you couldn't bring yourself to indulge in whiskey and finger food?
Sentias-te tão culpada pelo que fizeste que nem conseguiste ir beber uns uísques e comer uns acepipes?
You were still newly turned, and I feared the brilliant, kind-hearted boy I raised would be lost in a cloud of rage, so I brought you here, to the bridge our family crossed when we first brought you home.
A tua transformação era ainda muito recente. E eu tive medo que o rapaz brilhante e meigo que criei se perdesse numa nuvem de ira. Daí ter-te trazido aqui.
You were so damaged.
Estavas tão desfeito.
And then your mom said you were going out, so I didn't know what I...
A tua mãe disse que ias sair e eu não sabia... Desculpa.
So you're supposed to know better. I don't know what you and Clary were doing all night, but I do know that between the two of you at least one of you has got to have a phone.
Não sei o que tu e a Clary fizeram a noite toda, mas sei que, entre os dois, pelo menos um tem telemóvel.
So, wait, you were with Clary all night?
- Estiveste com a Clary toda a noite?
Oh, oh, oh, you were so good, man.
Estavas tão bom.
I warned you something happened, but you were so certain - - th-that doesn't prove anything happened.
Alertei-te para o facto de algo ter acontecido, mas, tinhas tanta certeza... Isso não prova que alguma coisa aconteceu. Não?
R-Really? Didn't know you were so cool.
Não sabia que eras tão fixe.
Lisa, you were never popular, so you're playing with the house's money.
Lisa, nunca foste popular, por isso não tens nada a perder.
She was... You were so good.
Eras tão boa.
You were so good.
Mesmo boa.
I know it's late, but they said you were up, so...
Sei que é tarde, mas disseram que estava a pé.
You know, the day you were born in the hospital, I'd never been so scared.
Sabes, no dia em que nasceste no hospital, nunca tive tão assustado.
So the kidnappers were there yesterday watching you.
Então os raptores estiveram lá ontem a vigiar-te.
So you admit you were there that night.
Então admite que esteve lá naquela noite.
Now, you were so jealous that you murdered Dr. Shaw.
Estavas com tantos ciúmes que mataste o dr. Shaw.
So you were right about Linda.
Então tu estavas certo sobre a Linda.
So say if I were to walk away, he can do whatever he wants to you.
Digamos que se eu me for embora, ele pode fazer o que ele quiser.
So, if Tim didn't want out of the closet, were you aware of anyone that would want to blackmail him?
Então, se o Tim não queria sair do armário, sabe de alguém que poderia andar a chantageá-lo?
I didn't know you two were so close.
Não sabia que eram tão próximas.
So you were made that way?
Quando tinha 9 anos.
Your parents were like, " We want our beautiful Chinese boy to marry a Japanese girl so that'she'll do whatever you want'"?
Os seus pais queriam que o seu lindo filho chinês casasse com uma japonesa, para ela lhe fazer todas as vontades?
Uh, wait, s-so you were...
- Espera. Então és...
You were so nice and you were so sweet to poor little Q who couldn't get his shit together.
Foste simpática e amorosa com o pobre Q, que não se orientava.
- So you were...
- Então és...
You were doing so well.
Estavas a sair-te tão bem.
But you were drunk, so I'm taking your license for three months.
Mas estava embriagado, por isso, vai ficar sem carta durante três meses.
Um, remember, you were going to Sam's tonight, so don't eat too much.
Um, já me lembro, hoje à noite vais ter com o Sam então, não comas demais.
So you were in Mumbai for the festival and then planned on traveling around India for a month?
Então, estavam no Mumbai para o festival e depois tinham planeado viajar pela Índia durante um mes?
- We're all in this to make money, correct? So, you put a wire on a CI you were running under the table?
Puseste uma escuta no informador por baixo da mesa?
But you were so sick.
Mas voce estava tão doente.
- What? - We were able to radio them to alert them in time so no harm. But again, where were you?
- Conseguimos alertá-los via rádio a tempo, mas, novamente, onde é que estavas?
I thought you were holding me so I didn't drop to the floor.
Pensei que me estavas a abraçar para eu não cair para o chão.
Yeah, well, the guys were so inspired by your day out that they came up with a different idea based on someone you introduced them to.
Sim, bem, os tipos ficaram tão inspirados pelo teu dia com eles que eles inventaram uma ideia diferente baseada em alguém que tu lhes apresentaste.
Ms. Healy, 100,000 government jobs depend on you getting to your brother in the next 90 minutes and convincing him to take this deal, so if I were you...
Sra. Healy, 100 mil empregos do governo dependem de você convencer oseu irmão nos próximos 90 minutos e convencê-lo a aceitar este acordo, se eu fosse você...
Let me get this straight. So, you were willing to jeopardize our friendship for this girl and you're not even serious about her?
Tu puseste a nossa amizade em risco por causa dela e nem gostas mesmo dela?
So, Mr. Henderson, we never established whether you were CIA or not.
Então, Sr. Henderson... Nunca chegámos a saber se era da CIA ou não.
You should have told me you were coming so I could have told you not to.
Devias ter-me dito que vinhas para te dizer que não viesses.
So you get an idea about where somebody's ideas are coming from and how really kind of rudimentary some of them were.
Então tem-se uma ideia de onde advêm as ideias e quão rudimentares muitas delas são.
People were really friendly, because it benefits you to onboard more people in, so bitcoin's always been this very friendly community and it's also... in some ways it's self-serving that way, but we were there for the right reasons.
As pessoas foram muito amigáveis porque é algo que os incentiva a captar mais pessoas. COFUNDADOR E CEO DA GEMINI Então a Bitcoin foi sempre uma comunidade muito amigável.
So, were you to choose justice, over the future of the Detective no harm would be done.
Então, escolhes a justiça, invés do futuro do detetive nenhum mal foi feito.
And if you were wondering what is so super-fun about that, is that it comes with a - - a side of, uh...
E se estás a pensar em qual é a diversão disso, é o facto de ter como acompanhamento...
You girls were so good to me during that nightmare.
Vocês foram tão boas para mim durante o meu pesadelo.

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