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Translate.vc / Inglês → Português / [ W ] / We became friends

We became friends tradutor Português

154 parallel translation
We became friends and coexisted in harmony in the community.
Nos tornamos amigos e convivi em harmonia com a comunidade.
Since we're neighbors, it's high time we became friends.
Já que somos vizinhos, é mais que hora de nos tornarmos amigos.
And so we became friends.
E assim nos tornámos amigos.
We were both alone, and we became friends, did the sites and that.
Estávamos ambos sozinhos e tornámo-nos amigos.
A mãe dela teve medo que ela ficasse deprimida se ficassemos amigas, e...
we became friends right away.
Prá citar o Zé Colmeia...
That was before we became friends.
Foi antes de nos tornarmos amigos. Olá a todos.
We became friends and when my parents died he helped me through some rough times.
Nos ficamos amigos. E quando os meus pais morreram. Ele ajudou-me em momentos difíceis.
The third time we met we became friends.
A terceira vez que nos encontramos tornamo-nos amigos.
We became friends, started from that minute... to 2 minutes
Começámos por ser amigos de um minuto, depois de dois minutos...
I'm sure she'd be happy to pick over this horror... and tell you how we became friends.
Tenho a certeza que ela ficaria feliz por saber deste terror e dizer a si como ficamos amigos.
We became friends.
Ficamos amigos.
I didn't kill him. We became friends.
Ficámos amigos.
That's was the spring we became friends.
Essa foi a primavera em que nos tornamos amigos.
- We became friends.
Tornámo-nos amigos.
But we became friends, real friends, Iike I'd never been with a man.
Mas ficámos como amigos. Amigos a sério, como nunca o tinha sido de um homem.
And we became friends.
Tornámo-nos amigos.
He didn't think so much of me... anyway, that's when we became friends.
Não me tinha em grande conta. Mas foi aí que nos tornámos amigas.
Then we became friends, and... Now we don't speak to each other.
Tornámo-nos amigos, e agora não falamos um com o outro.
And we became friends.
E torná-mo-nos amigos.
But the third time, we became friends.
Mas da terceira vez, ficámos amigos.
However, after an experience like that, We became friends for life.
Entretanto, depois de uma experiência dessas, ficamos amigos por toda a vida.
I liked her. We became friends.
Gostei dela, e ficámos amigas.
It's time we became friends again.
É tempo de voltarmos a ser amigas.
We were strangers on a plane, and we became friends.
Éramos estranhos num avião, e ficámos amigos.
So he had cancer. I had cancer. We-We became friends.
Então, como tínhamos ambos cancro, ficámos amigos.
We became friends and, like-minded, we all had questions.
Tornámo-nos amigas e, em comum, todas tínhamos perguntas.
He showed up there, and he was a policeman... so we became friends, real buddies, you know?
Ele apareceu por lá, era soldado de polícia, tal... então fizemos amizade, com aquela camaradagem, tal.
We became friends and he began to divulge a lot of things to me, so he said to me one night, he said :
Tornámo-nos amigos e ele começou-me a divulgar imensas coisas, e numa noite ele disse-me :
Aline, listen to me. We met and became friends.
Aline, escute, conhecemo-nos e ficamos amigos.
I mean, if we got to know each other and became friends.
Estou a dizer que se nos conhecêssemos melhor... e nos tornássemos amigos...
We became good friends and he's very jovial.
Tornamo-nos amigos e ele é muito divertido.
We became the best of friends.
Tornamo-nos os melhores amigos.
We became good friends.
Nós tornamo-nos bons amigos.
'We became very close friends with the astronauts.
Trabalhando com os astronautas nós nos tornamos bons amigos.
I met- - I met Monica when we were just a couple of 6-year-olds... ... and became friends with Chandler when he was 25...
Conheci a Monica quando tínhamos apenas 6 anos... e tornei-me amiga do Chandler quando ele tinha 25 anos mas mentalidade de 6.
We became really good friends.
- Grandes amigos.
By the time we got used to each other and became friends... they'd have gotten well and left hospital or they died
Com o passar do tempo tornámo-nos muito próximas, e começámos a ser mais amigas... alguns melhoraram e deixaram o hospital, outros morreram.
Steven and I became very close friends... and we spent much time together... just going over our relationship and what it was in the past.
O Steven e eu tornámo-nos amigos íntimos... e passámos muito tempo juntos... a falar sobre a nossa relaçäo e como era no passado. Gostámos disso.
Back then, she was the new kid on the block, and soon thereafter, she hired me, a mother of three rugrats and a husband overseas, and we became best friends.
Na altura, ela era nova na vizinhança. Pouco depois, ela contratou-me, uma mãe de três filhos, com o marido no estrangeiro. Ficámos grandes amigas.
We shared a towel and became fast friends.
Partilhámos uma toalha, e depressa nos tornámos amigos.
We became fast friends, and... before long, I fell in love with her.
Ficamos amigas depressa, e... em pouco tempo, me apaixonei por ela.
We kind of became friends, so...
Ficamos amigas, então...
- We just became best friends.
- Tornámo-nos os melhores amigos.
When we first moved here Bizhar and I became best friends
Quando nós demos os primeiros passos aqui, o Bizhar e eu tornámo-nos os melhores amigos.
We just became friends or whatever you call your estranged father's wife.
Ainda agora nos tornámos amigas, ou o que quer que se chame à mulher do pai.
So the thing is, we became kind of friends.
Tornamo-nos como que amigos.
We became instant friends, Joanna and I. I started saving a seat for her.
Ficamos logo amigas, a Joanna e eu comecei a guardar-lhe um lugar
I wish you'd disclosure your true feelings about me... before we became such good friends.
E se me contasses os teus verdadeiros sentimentos antes de nos tornarmos bons amigos.
You know, it's all good though'cause me and Papi we became best friends.
Mas ficou tudo bem, porque eu e a Papi ficámos boas amigas.
Well, I upload a blog of my own, and a couple months ago, I found Becca's page, and you know, we e-mailed, and we sort of became friends.
Eu própria tenho um "blogue" e, há dois meses, encontrei a página da Becca, trocámos "e-mails" e tornámo-nos amigas.

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