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Translate.vc / Inglês → Português / [ W ] / We had dinner

We had dinner tradutor Português

415 parallel translation
I took her to a cinema... and then we had dinner and then I took her to another cinema.
Levei-a a um cinema, depois jantámos e depois levei-a a outro cinema.
We had dinner together that night and a couple of other nights.
Jantámos juntos nessa noite, depois mais um par de noites.
It was in the restaurant where we had dinner last night.
Estava no restaurante onde jantámos ontem!
So, we had dinner. He laid down and went to sleep.
Então, jantámos, ele deitou-se e adormeceu.
We had dinner last night together, remember?
Jantámos ontem, lembras-te?
- We had dinner at the hotel.
- Jantámos no hotel.
But she gave it to me the night before when we had dinner.
Mas ela deu-mo na noite anterior, ao jantar.
Remember when we had dinner?
Lembra-se de quando jantamos?
I was here three weeks ago with Nick. We had dinner.
Estive aqui com o Nick há três semanas.
Well, I think it'd be fine if we had dinner some night here at the house.
Bom, acredito que estaria bem que jantasse uma noite em casa.
Listen, we had dinner together at home with Christiane.
Então, juntos, se juntou casa com Christiane.
We had dinner together.
- Sim. Nós unidas.
You were doing that article about me we had dinner and talked until 3 : 00 a.m.
Estavas a escrever aquele artigo sobre mim, jantámos e conversámos até às 3 : 00.
We had dinner a few times, drinks.
Jantámos e bebemos juntos umas vezes.
We had dinner there.
Tínhamos jantado lá.
We had dinner at the Brooke Club.
Jantamos no Brook Club.
Then we had dinner in the candle light, with her uncle..
Depois tinha um jantar à luz de velas com o tio.
We had dinner with her uncle a very nice man, a gentleman. - Ahh!
Jantámos com um tio simpático, um autentico senhor.
If you don't want your name in the papers "when the cops get there, tell them we had dinner at 6 : 00, not 7 : 00."
Se não queres ver o teu nome no jornal, quando a polícia aí for, diz que jantámos às 18h, não às 19h. "
We had dinner the other night, and I left rather abruptly.
Jantei com ele na outra noite e saí subitamente.
We had dinner with Gordon and Kathy a number of times.
Jantámos com o Gordon e com a Kathy algumas vezes.
Well, we had... We had dinner her first night in... first night in port.
Jantámos juntos na primeira noite que vieram a terra.
Must have been that fish we had for dinner.
Deve ter sido o peixe que comemos ao jantar.
Now isn't that a shame, after that delightful dinner we had together last night?
Não é uma pena, depois do maravilhoso jantar de ontem?
We had a real country dinner.
O jantar estava delicioso.
If I had my gun, we'd have fresh meat for dinner.
Se tivesse a minha arma, tínhamos carne fresca ao jantar.
I'm going to fix us the biggest dinner we ever had tonight.
Hoje vou fazer um jantar como nunca tivemos.
We just had dinner in our room.
Acabámos de jantar todos juntos no quarto.
We ate dinner together and drank the red wine he had with him.
Jantámos juntos e bebemos o vinho tinto que ele tinha.
At dinner we had soup.
Ao almoço, deram-nos sopa.
That was a wonderful dinner we had tonight.
Foi um jantar delicioso que tivemos esta noite.
Upstairs? - We haven't had dinner yet.
- Ainda não jantamos.
No, we haven't had dinner.
Não, não jantamos ainda. Vamos comer qualquer coisa.
Fortunate that he had a chill so we could call off the dinner.
Graças à constipação do Arcebispo, pudemos cancelar o jantar.
Now, now, I think we'll all feel a lot better when we've had a good dinner.
Acho que nos vamos sentir muito melhor depois de um belo jantar.
We had been kissing at the dinner table on a Saturday.
Recordo-me que num sábado tínhamo-nos beijado debaixo da mesa.
Don't ask me what we had for dinner.
Não me perguntes o que comemos ao jantar.
We had invited you to dinner.
Tinhamos te convidado para jantar.
We've had dinner in the hotel every night for a week now.
Jantámos no hotel durante toda a semana.
Harry, we had company for dinner.
Harry, tivemos companhia ao jantar.
We never had that dinner.
Bem, não chegámos a ir jantar.
Couldn't we have had roast pork for Christmas? A real Christmas dinner?
Não podíamos ter assado de porco já que é Natal?
That night we had what was supposed to be a charming dinner with Tom and Eleanor Banks.
Nessa noite tivemos o que devia ser um jantar muito simpático com o Tom e a Eleanor Banks.
And we had it for dinner,
E vamos ter isto para o jantar.
- We haven't had any dinner.
- Ainda não jantámos.
- What if we just had dinner...
- E se apenas jnatassemos...
And Beauty queen Barrowby only had dinner what we already know?
E Miss Barrowby só jantou o que já sabemos?
Well, the talk that we had at dinner. - I can't...
- Horne, sobre o que falámos no jantar.
- We just had dinner a few weeks ago, sir.
- Jantámos há umas semanas, senhor.
I'd been thinking about the unpleasant scene we'd had with Simeon before dinner.
Passei a noite a pensar na cena que houve com o Simeon antes do jantar.
We were talking about what a lovely time we had at dinner with you.
Estávamos a falar do agradável jantar convosco.

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