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Translate.vc / Inglês → Português / [ W ] / What about you

What about you tradutor Português

75,823 parallel translation
What about you?
E tu?
What about you?
Então e o senhor?
- I don't know what to tell you about him.
- Não sei o que te dizer sobre ele.
What else do you know about him?
O que mais sabes sobre ele?
Uh, what do you know about the name... Snell?
O que sabe sobre os Snell?
What did you speak about?
De que falaram?
What would you say about coming in with me on this?
O que me dizes de embarcar comigo nisto?
Put the phone down, and let me finish telling you what all of this is about.
Pouse o telefone. Deixe-me acabar de lhe dizer de que se trata tudo isto.
- What are you talking about?
- Estás a falar de quê?
What don't you understand about that?
O que não entendes nisso?
What could you possibly have to think about?
No que poderias querer pensar?
What are you talking about?
Estás a falar de quê?
We're not sure what you're talking about.
Não sabemos bem de que fala.
Did you not hear what Marty Byrde said about it?
Não ouviste o que o Marty Byrde disse dele?
About what you might like, I ended up doing exactly what your lover did.
... com o que gostarias que fiz o que o teu amante fazia.
- What the hell are you talking about?
O resto é história. - Estás a falar de quê?
What kind of women? I don't know what you're talking about.
Não sei do que estás a falar.
You know, Wendy talked to her about what happened.
A Wendy contou-lhe o que aconteceu.
- What are you talking about?
- O quê?
I don't know what you're talking about.
- Não sei de que estás a falar.
I don't understand what you're talking about.
Eu não sei de que está a falar.
What the fuck you talking about?
Estás a falar de quê, caralho?
- What are you talking about?
- Está a falar de quê?
- What are you talking about?
Estás a falar de quê?
You made us adults the second you told us about what Dad was doing.
Tornaste-nos adultos quando nos contaste o que o pai fazia.
Kevin, what the fuck are you talking about, Gilbert?
Kevin, estás a falar de quê, caralho?
What the fuck are you talking about, my brother?
Como assim, o meu irmão?
Kevin, what the fuck are you talking about?
Kevin, estás a falar de quê, caralho?
What do you wanna talk about?
Queres falar sobre o quê?
What do you hear about your brother?
O que sabes do teu irmão?
- What the fuck are you talking about?
- Mas que caralho estás a dizer?
Raul, I know what you think about me.
Raul, eu sei o que pensas de mim.
You're gonna have to be vigilant now about what you say and who you say it to.
Tens de ter cuidado com o que dizes e a quem o dizes.
- Well, what do you want me to do about it?
- O que queres que faça?
Well, let's use the time to talk about what's happening with you two.
Vamos usar este tempo para falar do que se passa entre vocês os dois.
What are you so worried about? The wrath of university administrators?
Estás preocupado com a ira dos administradores da universidade?
What the hell are you talking about, Leo?
- Do que falas, Leo?
You'll never again have to worry about her money problems or feel guilt for what became of her.
Já não terá de se preocupar mais com os problemas de dinheiro ou sentir-se culpado pelo que aconteceu com ela.
I was curious, what you were talking about, about people being exploited.
Fiquei curiosa sobre aquilo de que falava, Sobre as pessoas serem exploradas.
If you need help with accounting, I can help. What's happening with the business is about more than creative bookkeeping.
Não, isto não se resolve com contabilidade criativa.
- What are you talking about?
Do que estás a falar?
That's what you think this is about?
E a Raven... Achas que se trata disso?
Hey, about... what happened at the beach... thank you.
Sobre o que aconteceu na praia... Obrigada.
Monty, what are you talking about?
Monty, do que estás a falar?
What are you talking about?
Do que estás a falar?
Praimfaya doesn't give a damn about what clan you're from.
A Praimfaya está-se a cagar sobre de qual clã tu és.
I know how you feel about them, and I know what they did to you, but your life... your life was saved for a reason, and this isn't it.
Eu sei o que eles te fizeram. Mas a tua vida... a tua vida foi salva por uma razão, e isto não é.
That's what I admire about you.
É isso que admiro em ti.
- I don't know what you're talking about.
- Não sei do que está a falar.
- What the fuck you talking about?
- Estás a falar de quê?
What...? What the fuck are you talking about?
Estás a falar de quê?

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