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What i said was tradutor Português

1,546 parallel translation
What I said was that it made me uncomfortable when you kissed him.
Só disse que me incomodou quando o beijaste.
If you don't say anything, what I said was true.
Se não disseres nada, o que eu disse é verdade.
I said I agree, but that what he had clone was illegal.
Eu disse que concordava, mas que o que ele tinha feito era ilegal.
He said that he'd shoot me and toss me into a well and that no one would ever know who I was or what became of me.
Ele disse que me dava um tiro e que me atirava para um poço e que ninguém saberia quem eu era ou o que me tinha acontecido.
I got to tell you, he said some things that were exactly what I needed to hear and I was just inspired to get up on that stage. Gotta live life for today, you know.
Ele disse umas coisas que eram exactamente o que eu precisava de ouvir e fiquei inspirado por subir àquele palco.
As great as this was, I couldn't stop thinking about what Turk said...
Por muito bom que isto fosse, não conseguia parar de pensar no que o Turk disse.
... but I was thinking about what Carla said about moving on.
... Em vez disso estava a pensar no que Carla disse sobre seguir em frente
I said I was gonna take some overtime to cover the expenses. As far as you know, that's what I did.
Eu disse que ia fazer horas extraordinárias para cobrir as despesas, e é tudo o que sabes.
It's just because my family said so I'm supposed to sit there and do what I was told.
É que... Como a minha família queria, tinha de ficar para lá e fazer o que me mandavam.
You know what, it's just the last time I had my fortune read, she said that I would be married by the end of the year, and that was 1999, and, hmm?
Sabe... é que da última vez que uma vidente me falou sobre meu futuro... Ela disse que eu estaria casada ao final do ano. e nós estávamos em 1999... e hum..
I guess I was wrong about what I said on the time capsule.
Acho que me enganei no que disse na cápsula.
Ah, there you are, I did ask when I saw Dr Mahib cos I thought it was him who said about the police, but he said no, then I said about the chemicals but he said don't be stupid, what chemicals?
Aí está, afinal perguntei quando vi o Dr. Mahib porque pensei que fosse ele que tinha falado da polícia, mas ele disse que não, então falei nos químicos mas ele disse para não ser estúpido, que químicos?
Anyway, I was thinking about what you said about Lucifer and his destiny, and it goes against...
De qualquer forma. Estava a pensar no que disse sobre Lúcifer. e seu destino, e sobre...
That's exactly what Nathaniel said, moments before I was dusting him off my boots.
Dêem a volta, apenas e vão-se embora.
I think what he said was that you were cleared for landing.
Disse que a pista estava livre para a aterragem.
And I knew what Sammy meant when he said he was going to take care of me.
E aí percebi o que é que ele queria dizer com "tomar conta de mim".
What was that? - I said "thank you".
Eu disse "obrigado".
Estava on-line a falar com a Fran há um tempo, e perguntei o que ela vestia, e ela disse, "uma blusa amarela".
I don't think he was groping. " Is what I said.
"acho que não estava a apalpar". Foi o que eu disse.
My daughter was leaving for camp, and I said, " You know what?
A minha filha saiu para acampar, e eu disse : " Queres saber?
I was... I was thinking about what you... said to me last week, about not being in charge of anything.
estava, a pensar sobre o que me disse na semana passada, sobre não estar no comando de nada.
I did what you said, but it was pointless.
Eu fiz o que você me disse que fizesse, mas não serviu de nada.
You know what I said before about... Why missing that flight home was a favor to you?
Sabes aquilo que te tinha dito antes... sobre ter perdido o vôo para te fazer um favor?
You know what I said before about- - Why missing that flight home was a favor to you?
Sabes aquilo que te tinha dito antes... sobre ter perdido o vôo para te fazer um favor?
I asked you what your favorite flower was, and you said :
Eu perguntei-te qual era a tua flor favorita e tu disseste :
That's exactly what I said. "Why are we doing this?" I said I was fed up with it.
O noivo bebe demais e a noite de núpcias é uma farsa.
Know that no matter what Hilary said to give me the push, she made me realize I was about to lose you.
Devias saber que independentemente do que a Hillary disse, para me dar um empurrão. Ela fez-me perceber que te estava a perder.
He said he knows my heart was in the right place but he just can't get over what I did.
Ele disse que sabia que o que fiz foi por gostar dele. Mas não consegue ultrapassar o que fiz.
Maybe I said "no" to what I was seeing. I don't really remember much about yesterday.
Talvez eu tenha dito não ao que estava a ver, mas não me lembro de muita coisa de ontem.
I should have said it was Hammer Time when she asked what the time was.
Devia ter dito que era hora da diversão, quando ela me perguntou as horas.
I'll tell you what, I'll repeat what you said last night, and you say whether it was you or the booze talking.
Fazemos o seguinte, vou repetir o que me disseste ontem e tu dizes-me se eras tu ou o álcool a falar.
When you told me that you were pregnant... what I should have said was, "That's great. That's fantastic."
Quando me disseste que estavas grávida eu devia ter dito :
I said Jason needed to call his father and tell him what was going on.
Disse ao Jason que tinha de ligar ao pai e contar o que se passava.
I meant I was scared of the dark, but now it's what you just said.
Quis dizer que estava com medo do escuro, mas agora é do que tu disseste.
What if I said it was?
E se eu tivesse dito que valia?
And, what's below the surface here, was revealed to me by a very well heeled gentleman, who come up to me after a speech I made outside of Milwaukee, in a very affluent suburb. He said :
[Ray] Existem quantidades de perguntas sem resposta sobre tudo isso, e ficaram sem resposta porque esta administração, não as responderá.
What? I said I was sorry.
Já pedi desculpa.
I was having a hard time dealing with what Maggie had said.
Estava perturbado com o que a Maggie me tinha dito.
I just wanted to tell you that what you said to me last night was truly... disgusting.
Só queria dizer-te que o que me disseste ontem foi absolutamente... nojento.
as soon as I said he was hiding in the Kanto region... So what if I am?
Outra coisa, quando afirmei que ele estava na região de Kanto... Ele começou a escolher cada vez mais vítimas do Japão, como se estivesse a dizer, "Estou aqui e depois?"
Said exactly what I was feeling.
O quê? Era exactamente o que eu estava a sentir.
I don't know what else you want me to say. you've already said enough to prove the accident was Christine's fault.
Já disseste o suficiente para provar que quem teve a culpa do acidente foi a Christine.
This was a mistake. Forget about what I said. I can never be seen with you again.
Jack, já foste à Praia dos Punhos Cerrados?
I dropped the ball. But I was just trying to do what you said and have a personal life. And I guess I got caught up with this new guy.
Eu sei, falhei, mas só tentei ter uma vida pessoal, como me mandou, mas apareceu este tipo novo...
What if I said to you That there was a way To feel those things again?
E se eu te dissesse que há uma maneira de sentires isso novamente?
I was just talking to Barb, and what I said before came out all wrong, and maybe if I could explain it to you, you'd understand where I'm coming from.
Estive a falar com a Barb e percebeste mal o que disse. Talvez se explicar melhor, tu entendas a minha situação.
But I built everything in my life on what Harry said I was supposed to be.
Construí a minha vida baseada no que o Harry dizia que devia ser.
So, what, they said I was an addict?
Então, disseram que sou toxicodependente?
Well, I was in São Paulo when they said that this lad... what's his name?
Olha, por exemplo, eu tava em São Paulo quando disseram que o... esse menino, cumé?
I decided to test it by gambling on the weather through William Hill, against what the Met Office said was, you know, a normal expectation.
Eu decidi comprová-los apostando sobre o tempo numa casa de apostas, contra o que dizia a Oficina Meteorológica como esperável. E ganhei dinheiro mês após mês e mês após mês.
I know what I said, but when I said it I didn't know I'd ever come to America, and if I had of known I was gonna come to America, had the opportunity to play Ship's Mast on the Vanishing Point Challenger...
Sei o que disse, mas quando o fiz, não sabia que vinha para os E.U.A., e se tivesse sabido que vinha para os E.U.A. que teria a oportunidade de jogá-lo no Challenger de Vanishing Point'... teria acrescentado um "no entanto".

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