You get him tradutor Português
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You get him someplace where I can get a nice clean decent shot.
Vai levá-lo a um lugar onde eu tenha um bom ângulo de visão para disparar.
He's very nice if you get him in a good mood.
Ele é muito porreiro se o apanhar com bom humor.
You get him?
You get him to court.
Leva-o para o tribunal.
I've been trying to get through to him for weeks and somehow you reached him.
Eu tenho tentado chamá-lo à razão desde há semanas para cá, e, de alguma forma, vós conseguistes.
See if you can get a read on him.
Vejam se conseguem perceber se foi ele.
How'd you manage to get him to do that?
Como conseguiste que fizesse isso?
- You just wanted to get him. - You're damn right I did.
- Só querias apanhá-lo.
And if you want to try to get him suspended, that's your right.
E se queres que ele seja suspenso, tens esse direito.
When you rejected him in that bar, he felt all of his work had been for nothing, and he decided he was gonna get revenge.
Quando o rejeitou naquele bar, sentiu que todo o trabalho dele tinha sido em vão e decidiu que ia vingar-se.
Why are you helping him get his revenge?
Porque o ajudas a obter a sua vingança?
And when you get to Brazil, you use it to bribe a guard and free him.
E quando chegares ao Brasil, usa-o para subornares um guarda e para o libertar.
We can get you in, but you have to get him out.
Podemos colocar-te lá, mas tens de o tirar de lá.
And by the way, You were supposed to get me the file on him.
A propósito, era suposto arranjares-me um ficheiro sobre ele.
If you were taking care of him, you'd get him something to eat.
- Se estivesses a cuidar dele, arranjavas-lhe alguma coisa para comer.
You're goddamn right I am. You promoted me just to get Harvey to trust you so that you could set him up.
Tu promoveste-me para teres a confiança do Harvey, para o poderes tramar.
So, instead of telling me that we should promote him, why don't you get to work on that?
Por isso, em vez de me dizeres que devemos promovê-lo, porque não trabalhas nisso?
But if there's one guy who doesn't give a shit about your money, he's going to get you and nobody's going to stop him.
Mas se houver um tipo que não se importe com o seu dinheiro, ele vai apanhá-lo e ninguém irá impedi-lo.
You promised me we'd get him. We have 23 of 24.
- Prometeste que o apanhávamos.
I know what you're gonna say. We can stop it. But I went to Jeffrey to get him to not sell his shares, and he told me that Hardman's offering 40 % over asking.
Fui ter com o Jeffrey para fazê-lo não vender e ele disse-me que o Hardman está a oferecer 40 por cento a mais.
Of course, it might take a while since you've got to go through the prison switchboard to get ahold of him.
Claro que pode demorar um pouco, uma vez que tens de falar primeiro com o rececionista da prisão.
Your report says Rutledge fell three stories trying to get away as you went to arrest him.
O teu relatório diz que o Rutledge caiu de um terceiro andar ao tentar fugir quando ias prendê-lo.
And if you have a problem with that, then you can get in the van and curl up next to him.
Se tiveres problemas com isso podes entrar na carrinha ou deitar-te ao lado dele.
But w-when you get to know him, he's actually really a l-lovely person.
Mas depois de o conhecermos é na verdade uma pessoa muito agradável.
Forget fired, you could get him arrested.
Esquece o despedimento, ele pode ser preso.
- He was a great man... - You don't get to talk about him!
- Ele era um óptimo homem...
Okay, you heard him. Yeah, let's get to it.
Vamos abrir.
You should probably come get him.
Devia vir buscá-lo.
Rooks, you can get him up to speed on that.
Rooks, podes dar-lhe as informações.
Is there, like, a program that you can get him in?
Há algum programa de reabilitação que ele possa frequentar?
I know you're trying to protect the boy, but you're only gonna get him killed!
Sei que queres proteger o miúdo. Assim ele vai acabar por morrer.
But if you really want him to get in that preschool, Cameron...
Mas se queres mesmo pô-lo nesse infantário, Cameron...
I expect him to get lost time to time... not you.
É normal que se perca, de vez em quando, mas tu não.
- and you got to get rid of him.
- e tens que te livrar dele.
But you can I.D. him once we get there.
Mas pode identificá-lo quando o encontrarmos.
But why go through the trouble of suing somebody if you're just gonna kill him before you get your money?
Mas, porquê processar alguém se vamos matá-lo - antes de sequer receber a dinheiro?
Which is why you couldn't get him.
e é por isso que não o consegue apanhar.
You get in tight with him, that's your way out.
Se te aproximares dele, essa será a tua saída.
Now, you guys find him, warn him and get him to safety.
Agora, vocês devem encontrá-lo, alertá-lo e deixá-lo seguro.
Because if things get sticky, you and I both know that you're gonna do whatever it takes to protect him.
Se as coisas se complicarem, nós dois sabemos que farás qualquer coisa para protegê-lo.
I think you're just afraid to get to know the real me'cause you know you'll fall for him.
Acho que tens medo de conhecer o meu verdadeiro eu, porque sabes que vais apaixonar-te por ele.
You guys, stay here with Murphy. And get him into this.
E vocês, fiquem com o Murphy e ponham-lhe isto.
We'll put some ointment on whatever's bugging him, get him back to you shipshape.
Vamos tratar daquilo que está a incomodá-lo e devolvê-lo são e salvo.
Uh, why don't you head up to peds, help him get settled?
Porque não vais ajeitá-lo na Pediatria?
You need to get him out of Draclyn.
Precisa tirá-lo de Draclyn.
Wait. You're willing to screw the guy to get him to take the stand?
Estás disposta a dormir com ele para o fazer testemunhar?
MAN : You get to the top of the first rope climb. You hit, and then I remember him just, like, firemen pole donw...
Ele chega ao cimo da primeira subida, tocou no cimo, e lembro-me de ele descer como os bombeiros descem o varão...
Is there any more information you can get out of him?
The guy's been beating on you. I get the chance, I might take him out myself.
Ele estava a bater-te, talvez eu mesmo o mate.
My son, Kevin, he's in there all alone. - You gotta get him out.
O meu filho, Kevin, ele está lá sozinho.
♪ Funky sounds ♪ Get off of him, you overgrown snotball!
Sai de cima dele, bola de ranho crescida!
you get me 124
you get what you pay for 29
you get away from me 19
you get used to it 162
you get the idea 54
you get what i'm saying 29
you get 202
you get the point 20
you get some rest 46
you get the picture 39
you get what you pay for 29
you get away from me 19
you get used to it 162
you get the idea 54
you get what i'm saying 29
you get 202
you get the point 20
you get some rest 46
you get the picture 39