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Translate.vc / Inglês → Português / [ Y ] / You sure about that

You sure about that tradutor Português

1,809 parallel translation
Are you sure about that, Mr. Quintana?
Tem a certeza disso, Sr. Quintana?
Are you sure about that?
Tem a certeza disso?
Are you sure about that coffee?
Tens a certeza sobre o café?
Are you sure about that?
Tem a certeza?
You sure about that last part?
Tens a certeza quanto à última parte?
Are you sure about that?
Tens a certeza sobre isso?
You sure about that?
Tem a certeza?
You sure about that?
- Tem a certeza disso?
You sure about that?
Tens a certeza disso?
You sure about that?
Tens a certeza disso? Sim.
Skander, are you sure about that?
Skander. - Tem certeza disso?
Are you sure about that?
Tens a certeza disso?
Are you sure about that?
- Isso não vai acontecer. Tem a certeza?
You sure about that?
Tens a certeza?
You sure about that?
- Tens a certeza?
You sure? You sure about that, Lieutenant?
Tem a certeza disso, tenente?
Are you sure about that?
Tens a certeza?
You sure about that, are you?
Tem a certeza?
You sure about that, are you?
Tens a certeza?
9 : 00 at least. You sure about that? Oh, yeah.
O Pooch estava aqui até às 21h pelo menos.
Sure, I was totally paying attention when you talked about that.
Claro, estava mesmo a prestar atenção quando falaste disso.
And are you absolutely sure about that?
Tem a certeza absoluta disso?
And you don't have to worry about him cheating. That's for sure.
E não tem de se preocupar com ele trair, isso é certo.
And I'm sure Baze's parents want to meet you, too, now that they know what you've gone through with absolutely no help from their son. Besides, if you stick around here, you're just going to be worrying about what's going on in the, uh... attic. Thanks.
E tenho a certeza que os pais dele querem conhecer-te também, agora que sabem o que passou sem nenhuma ajuda do seu filho.
Just think about Karen and how much she loves you, And if you do that, I'm sure you'll be able to resist any inappropriate urges.
Pense na Karen e no quanto ela o ama, e se fizer isso, tenho a certeza que vai conseguir resistir a qualquer desejo impróprio.
And you... well, at first, I wasn't too sure about you, but that, uh...
E tu... Bem, a princípio não tinha a certeza sobre ti, mas aquilo... a cena das fotos na Internet realmente comprou-me.
They're not from your ward, you're sure about that?
- Não são do teu bairro?
If I were you, Marianna, I would worry more about making sure that the Seeker does not kill you and take the Scroll before you reach Jandralyn.
Se eu fosse a ti, Marianna, preocupar-me-ia mais em certificar-me que o Seeker não te mata e fica com o pergaminho antes de chegares a Jandralyn.
It was about doing everything that I can to make sure you're on that beach with me on our wedding day.
Tratava-se de fazer tudo o que posso para garantir que estás naquela praia comigo no dia do nosso casamento.
You're not sure about that.
E você não tem a certeza disso.
you're sure about that?
- Tens a certeza?
Are you sure that's what it's about?
Tem a certeza que é isso?
But if you do have information about this Cobain person, I'm sure the FBI would appreciate that, too.
Mas se tiver informações sobre esse Cobain, decerto o FBI também agradeceria por isso.
I'm sure you don't want to hear about that.
Tenho a certeza que não quer ouvir falar nisso.
I'm sure that... that it took about five minutes before you downed it.
Tenho a certeza que... que... passaram apenas cinco minutos antes que bebesse.
After that, if Chief Johnson is wrong about who killed these soldiers, I am sure she will help you sound the alarm herself.
Depois disto, se Chefe Johnson estiver errada sobre quem matou os soldados, estou certo que ela irá ajudar a soar o alarme.
I screwed up the whole natural-order thing... but I'm sure you knew about that too.
Estraguei aquela treta da ordem natural, mas tenho a certeza de que também sabias disso.
And you're sure about that?
- E tens a certeza disso?
Are you sure about that, Grampa?
Tens a certeza, avô?
And I'm sure that was your way of trying to turn me on, but the fact that you didn't even look at it and don't even remember tells me everything I need to know about you.
E estou certa que essa foi a tua maneira de tentares seduzir-me, mas o facto de nem teres olhado para ele e nem te lembrares, diz-me tudo o que preciso de saber sobre ti.
I said I needed you to make sure that you didn't tell anybody about the plan!
Disse que precisava da sua garantia de que não falaria a ninguém sobre o plano!
And you're sure about that?
Tem a certeza disso?
But I'm sure you already know about that.
Mas aposto que já sabia disto.
Are you sure about that, Adam?
Tem certeza disso, Adam?
I mean, I'm sure I could feel that way about him in, you know, time.
Quero dizer, tenho a certeza de que podia sentir o mesmo por ele...
Now, while I'm sure you love your wife, might I suggest you have many reasons to distrust her judgment about... That tie.
Estou seguro que amam a vossa esposa, mas eu penso que têm várias razões para desconfiar do seu julgamento acerca... dessa gravata.
About that, because you've been exposed to so many truth serums and tranquilizers and what-have-you's throughout your very long and colorful career, we're not exactly sure how long the drug's effects will last in your system,
Sobre isso, porque foste exposto a tantos soros da verdade e tranquilizantes e tudo o resto durante a tua longa e colorida carreia, não temos a certeza absoluta de quanto tempo a droga irá durar no teu sistema,
- You sure about that?
Tem a certeza disso?
Are you sure about that?
Claro que tem.
You're sure about that?
- Tens a certeza?
You're sure about that?
- Você tem certeza?

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