As you were tradutor Russo
3,898 parallel translation
As you were the special, you will write to Mrs Molloy.
Раз вы были рядом в последние минуты, вы напишите Миссис Моллой.
As you were...
Ну так.. мне пора.
Shooters, with a magazine of 20 rounds, as you were, and a magazine with 30 rounds!
Стрелки, теперь вместо 20 патронов, вы получите рожки с 30 патронами.
It seemed to me you were happy as you were. You had no need to make the world stand up and applaud your very existence.
Я думал, что достаточно, то вы что там у вас, и что оно не нуждается в целом что мир вращается вокруг вас.
You know, as content as you were in that city, it wasn't real.
Как бы хорошо тебе там не было, это было не по-настоящему.
As you were.
Если вы не против.
You expect us to believe you gave one thought about people's rights as you were building the government a weapon of mass surveillance?
Вы хотите, чтобы мы поверили, что вам было дело до прав человека, когда вы создавали для правительства орудие массового слежения?
As you were.
- Вольно.
As you were.
It sounded as if you were reading it rather than, like, trying to put yourself in the person's point of view, that he lived in West Virginia, he was driving around on a country road, drinking moonshine?
Казалось, будто ты её читаешь, а не пытаешься поставить себя на место человека, который жил в Западной Вирджинии, ездил по проселочным дорогам, пил самогон?
So, um, I didn't turn because I felt, at times, it seemed as if you were fighting with the band.
Я не повернулся, потому что порой казалось, что ты борешься с оркестром.
You were the first person that I could see as a... a person.
Ты была первым человеком, в котором я видел... человека.
As if drawing strength from my memory were not the sanest thing you could do.
Черпать силу из моих воспоминаний было не самым разумным решением.
WILL : Mr. Lyman, as a Lockhart / Gardner lawyer, were you assigned a task on Mr. Bishop's case?
Мистер Лайман, как юрист Локхард / Гарднер, были ли вы задействованы в деле мистера Бишопа?
You were all together as you watched the victim walk away down the trail, you all followed him together, and you found him dead - again all together.
Вы были все вместе, наблюдая, как жертва удаляется по тропе, вы вместе пошли вслед, и опять-таки вместе нашли его мёртвым.
You were there at the same time as Dan Parish.
Вы были там в одно время с Дэном Пэришем.
No corroboration as to where you were.
Нет подтверждений вашему местонахождению.
Didn't you ever get curious as to where they were?
Тебе не было интересно, куда они пропали?
As you can see, both victims were killed from blunt force trauma from the blast.
Как вы видите, обе жертвы были убиты в результате травмы, полученной от взрывной волны.
He might as easily have said you were at the scene of the crime.
Он также мог и вас вообразить на месте преступления.
I'm saying, if you were any other partner, I'd be as unhappy and competitive as I am now.
Я хочу сказать, что если бы на твоем месте был любой другой партнер, я бы был также расстроен и также конкурировал, как и сейчас.
I were you, I'd keep to the group areas as much as possible, shower separate from her and her girls.
Я тебя предупредила, Я бы держалась по ближе к толпе на сколько это возможно, а в душе подальше от нее и ее девченок.
When you're on the march, act as if you were sneaking up on a deer.
Когда ты куда-то идешь, веди себя как будто подкрадываешься к оленю.
As each one of you has at one time or another fallen under the spotlight of our suspicion, I felt that you were all owed an explanation.
Поскольку каждый из вас в тот или иной момент был у нас под подозрением, мне показалось, что следует дать вам объяснения.
You thought he was going to propose, to cement, as it were, the union between your two families.
Вы думали, что он собирался сделать вам предложение, чтобы укрепить, так сказать, союз между вашими семьями.
Aren't we supposed to meet with Drift as soon as we squash all this shit? I thought you two were cool, man.
Мы же собирались встретиться с Дрифтом, когда покончим со всем этим дерьмом?
I kept you on after the... Loss of Duggan because, well, there is one with his affairs, of course... but in truth... I had an instinct about what you were, as a man...
сохранение вы были, то потеря Даг, почему С одной стороны, хорошо известно, Случаи Но на самом деле Мой инстинкт подсказал мне что ты, как человек Или, вернее то, что вы не являетесь.
You were found laying in the same bed as her murdered body, her blood all about you.
Вы лгали в одной постели рядом с убитой тела. Кровь Повсюду были над вами.
Can't say you look the same as the last time you were here.
Не могу сказать того же о вас.
And Amy, you told me you were sick, but you look just as pale and tired as always.
И Эми, ты говорила мне, что больна, но у тебя такой же бледный и усталый вид, как и всегда.
While you're thinking, it would really reduce my anxiety level down to a four if you weren't staring at me as though you were trying to eat me.
– Пока ты думаешь, я бы с удовольствием снизил свой уровень тревоги до 4, если бы ты на меня не пялилась так, как-будто хочешь меня съесть.
And my words to him were, Clark, if you so much as hurt a hair on Matthias Lee's head, I will smite you like Jeroboam.
А я ему сказала : "Кларк, если ты тронешь хоть волосинку на голове Маттиаса Ли, я прибью тебя как Иеровоама".
[Laughs] I was just thinking about the fact that you two, uh, have been dating exactly as long as Nicki and I were when I told her that I loved her for the first time.
Я подумал, что вы двое прямо как мы с Ники, когда я впервые признался ей в любви.
You know, it's not gonna be romantic as if I were back in high school, and I don't need, like, a big moment or anything, but... as silly as it sounds, I do want it to be... special.
Ты знаешь, это не будет таким романтичным, как было бы в школе, да мне и не нужна вся эта важность момента, но... как бы глупо это ни звучало, я хочу, чтобы это было чем-то особенным.
You were really coming at me, like-like... as if you had something to prove.
Ты был очень настойчив, будто ты хотел что-то доказать.
"You raised Tom as if he were your own, and you loved him even when he wouldn't let you."
Ты вырастил Тома как родного и любил его даже тогда, когда он не позволял тебе ".
I know a lot of you were worried about this little guy, but we found him safe and sound, and as soon as the dance is over, I am personally gonna be delivering him back to the manger, so... that... ahem... there's that.
И я знаю, многие из вас переживали за этого парнишку, но мы нашли его целым и невредимым, Как только бал завершится, я лично доставлю его в ясли, вот... вот он.
She wasn't the least bit curious as to why you were following her?
Ей хоть немного было любопытно почему ты преследовала её?
She's my protégée, as you once were.
Она мой протеже, как ты когда-то была.
There were times when, amongst your other functions, you served as a kind of "sounding board" for me, so I thought perhaps I could return the favor.
Были времена, когда большинство твоих функций сводились к тому, чтобы быть моим звуковым отражателем так что я подумал, что вместо этого я мог бы вернуть должок.
You were just as responsible for what happened.
Ты так же в ответе за то, что произошло.
That's why we were wondering if you could stay for nights as well.
Мы хотели узнать, не согласитесь ли вы ночевать здесь.
I happened to notice you go directly from procuring over-ripe redcurrants at Twistevant's into Mr. Hopkins', and as I knew you couldn't possibly be putting fish on top of fruit, you were most probably buying ice,
Я тут заметила, что купив перезрелую смородину у Твистеванта ты сразу же пошла к мистеру Хопкинсу. И поскольку ты не будешь класть рыбу на ягоды, ты, вероятнее всего, покупала лёд, отсюда замороженный смородиновый фул.
You talked about him as if he were still a radical, and you gave us the address to a place where you knew we would find Joe Bey.
Вы говорили, что он все еще радикал, и вы дали нам адрес, где мы могли бы найти Джо Бэя.
Would you care to explain that... in a way that we could visualize it as if we were there?
Не мог бы ты это объяснить... так, чтобы мы могли это представить, как если бы мы там были.
Thought you said you were willing to go as high as 500,000. Yeah, that was before
Я думал, ты готов поднять до 500 000.
You've been set up, because you were in the same locations as the mole.
Тебя и выбрали, потому что ты был в тех же местах, что и крот.
Just for the record, this is the same thing as admitting you were wrong.
- Для справки : это то же самое, что и признание твоей неправоты.
No, as far as I'm concerned you were right on time.
No, as far as I'm concerned you were right on time.
You act as though this were my fault.
Вы ведёте себя так, как будто это было моей ошибкой.
You were well-equipped for the task as well, weren't you?
У вас ведь было для этого необходимое оружие.
as you were saying 16
as you wish 846
as you know 1680
as you requested 56
as you can see 1468
as you can imagine 154
as you may know 70
as you say 390
as you are aware 22
as you want 26
as you wish 846
as you know 1680
as you requested 56
as you can see 1468
as you can imagine 154
as you may know 70
as you say 390
as you are aware 22
as you want 26
as your attorney 28
as you may have noticed 26
as you can tell 29
as you like 91
as you command 52
as you probably know 36
as you may recall 29
as you see 194
as you may have heard 27
as you said 191
as you may have noticed 26
as you can tell 29
as you like 91
as you command 52
as you probably know 36
as you may recall 29
as you see 194
as you may have heard 27
as you said 191
as you are 36
as you do 33
as you well know 135
as you please 44
as your friend 86
as you 43
as you call it 56
as you put it 48
as your doctor 24
as your father 16
as you do 33
as you well know 135
as you please 44
as your friend 86
as you 43
as you call it 56
as you put it 48
as your doctor 24
as your father 16