Really stupid tradutor Russo
759 parallel translation
Must be really stupid...
Наверное, это очень глупо...
Really stupid!
Полнейшая глупость.
Math is really stupid.
Разве вы не видите, что математика совершенно дурацкая наука?
Are you really stupid or are you just putting it on?
Скажите, вы правда такие тупые или прикидываетесь?
You're really stupid, all of you men, not to have married her.
Как вы все глупы, мсье, что на ней не женились
You know, this is really stupid.
По-моему, это глупо.
He says to me, "Are you kidding me, or are you really stupid?"
Он мне и говорит : "Ты надо мной издеваешься или правда такой дурак?"
I guess it seems really stupid that I should be taking a ride from another stranger after something like that.
По-моему, и правда звучит глупо - садиться в машину к другому незнакомцу после чего-то подобного...
You're so stupid, you son of a bitch, you're really stupid!
Ты действительно придурок! Ты идиот, Хенрик!
It was really stupid.
Это был глупый поступок.
It is really stupid. Too stupid.
А у тебя... мама?
You must think I'm really stupid or something.
Ты думаешь, что я - полная дура.
Sounds really stupid to me.
По-моему, это тупо.
I think this game is really stupid.
По-моему, это очень глупая игра.
You are really stupid.
Ты и впрямь придурок!
I was really stupid.
Я была очень глупая.
I feel really stupid.
Я чувствую себя очень глупо.
You know, I don't know too much about this guy... but he must've been really stupid if he let you go.
Я почти ничего о нем не знаю, но бросить такую женщину мог только дурак.
- You made me look really stupid.
- Из-за тебя я выглядела дурой.
That was really stupid.
Это было очень глупо.
Did you ever notice that, how many really stupid people you run into during the day?
Сколько по-настоящему глупых людей может вам повстречаться в течении дня? Чёрт!
Dad, this is really stupid.
Папа, это же глупо. Ким.
He must think we're really stupid.
Принимает нас за дураков.
It's really stupid.
Это просто глупо.
I felt really stupid.
Я почувствовала себя дурой.
- Really stupid.
- Очень глупо.
Really stupid, don't you think?
- Идиотизм, не так ли?
That was really stupid! I'm sorry! I'm sorry!
Прости, я не хотела, не хотела!
This is a really stupid question, particularly in view of our shopping excursion, but I just wondered if by any chance...
особенно после сегодняшней прогулки по магазинам, но... Скажи, может ли так случиться?
This is really stupid.Jack. Jack, please.
Джек, прошу тебя. Тебе ещё не поздно спрыгнуть.
Okay, just answer the phone with the special phrase that pays... and you'll have your choice of $ 1 0,000 in cash... or a really stupid prize.
Если вы ответите задуманной нами фразой, то получите либо $ 10000 наличными, либо совершенно дурацкий приз.
Look, Lucien, how stupid are those dreams where you really think you're not dreaming.
Знаете, Люсьен, бывают такие глупые сны, как будто всё на самом деле.
You'd really feel sorry for a girl whose first engagement Ring was bought by a man stupid enough to embezzle And stupid enough to get caught.
Вы бы пожалели девушку, чьё первое помолвочное кольцо купил человек, настолько глупый, чтобы пойти на кражу, и настолько глупый, чтобы попасться.
Stupid women, you've really landed us in it!
Глупая женщина, ты действительно втянула нас в это!
You really are stupid.
Ты действительно глупа.
Do you really think I'm that stupid?
Вы полагаете, что я способен на такую глупость?
Well it's really Jeanne, but that sounds stupid.
но это звучит глупо.
You must really think I'm stupid, don't you, Gittes?
I'm really too stupid!
Я опять попался как дурак!
I think this situation absolutely requires... a really futile and stupid gesture... be done on somebody's part.
Я считаю, что ситуация требует,.. ... чтобы кто-нибудь совершил бесполезный и глупый поступок.
He wearing that face for a bet or does he really look that stupid?
Ты специально такую морду делаешь или действительно такой тупой?
I'm really sorry for what our stupid son did. but only money can resolve it at this point.
но... я извиняюсь за своего глупого сына. но только деньги тут и могут помочь.
You don't really believe in that stupid salem witch stuff, do you?
Ты же ведь не веришь во все эти истории про Салемских ведьм, да?
- It's a stupid idea, really.
- Это была дурацкая идея, правда.
If you think I'm really going through with this you're not just stupid, you're crazy.
Если ты думал, что я правда пойду на это, то ты псих.
- You really are stupid.
- Да ты и вправду глуп.
Some people are really fucking stupid.
Некоторые люди просто блядь тупые! Вы когда-нибудь замечали?
You really like to make everything sound pointless and stupid.
А вы просто любите всё на свете выставлять бессмысленным и глупым.
This is really stupid. But guess what? I'm a human being.
Эта шутка о том, что "никто не съест все яйца",
I know it sounds stupid, but it really meant something to me.
Хотелось бы мне быть, как Трой с его сырным сэндвичем.
I really cannot comprehend how stupid people can be sometimes.
Я действительно не могу понять, какими глупыми иногда могут быть люди.
stupid 2015
stupid bastard 27
stupid bitch 76
stupid boy 27
stupid cat 19
stupid me 24
stupid question 57
stupid man 28
stupid dog 18
stupid son of a bitch 16
stupid bastard 27
stupid bitch 76
stupid boy 27
stupid cat 19
stupid me 24
stupid question 57
stupid man 28
stupid dog 18
stupid son of a bitch 16
stupid woman 20
stupid girl 52
stupidity 24
stupid ass 17
stupid asshole 16
stupid kid 28
stupid fuck 18
stupid idiot 45
stupid thing 39
stupid things 18
stupid girl 52
stupidity 24
stupid ass 17
stupid asshole 16
stupid kid 28
stupid fuck 18
stupid idiot 45
stupid thing 39
stupid things 18
stupid stuff 19
stupid idea 22
stupid cow 27
really 59005
really nice to meet you 21
really beautiful 58
really bad 194
really appreciate it 27
really great 205
really good 625
stupid idea 22
stupid cow 27
really 59005
really nice to meet you 21
really beautiful 58
really bad 194
really appreciate it 27
really great 205
really good 625
really nice 181
really like you 26
really cute 39
really is 30
really funny 68
really hard 112
really happy 49
really pretty 34
really sad 32
really amazing 26
really like you 26
really cute 39
really is 30
really funny 68
really hard 112
really happy 49
really pretty 34
really sad 32
really amazing 26
really cool 63
really smart 29
really hot 28
really fast 52
really close 38
really weird 32
really well 130
really sweet 28
really big 43
really sorry 237
really smart 29
really hot 28
really fast 52
really close 38
really weird 32
really well 130
really sweet 28
really big 43
really sorry 237