It was over tradutor Turco
5,513 parallel translation
I stopped off at my gym on the way home to get a massage, and when it was over, the bombing stuff was on the news.
Spor salonunda durdum... masaj yaptırdım,... o sırada,... bombalama olayı haber oldu.
When it was over, who's going to buy fish?
( Arka plandan bir ses : ) Balık yesek?
Aidan, it was over when they opened her head on the pavement.
Kafasını patlattıkları an her şey bitmişti zaten.
Because I told him I loved him, and the moment I said it, I knew it was over so I left the next morning.
Çünkü ona, onu sevdiğimi söyledim ve söylediğim an bu işin bittiğini biliyordum bu yüzden ertesi sabah onu terk ettim.
Just because we thought Joe was dead, it didn't mean it was over.
Joe'nun öldüğünü düşündük diye, bittiği anlamına gelmiyordu.
Then it was over.
Sonra bitmişti.
I left before it was over.
Bitmeden önce çıktım.
It was over a bowling alley.
Bowling salonunun üzeriydi o.
We had a wedding, and all she got was a phone call after it was over.
Evlendik ve o her şeyi olup bittikten sonra bir telefonla öğrendi.
It was over 60 miles between each crime scene.
Her olay yeri arasında 90 km. var.
When it was over, Adam forced her to drink a whole bottle of vodka.
Bittiğinde Adam onu votka şişesini bitirmeye zorladı.
When it was over, all he had to do was replace the top of the bench. He did a good job, too.
İşi bittiğinde yapması gereken tek şey tezgahın üstünü tekrar yerleştirmekti.
It was over in Yemen, I think.
Yemen'deymiş galiba.
... by the sheer force with which the ligature was tied to the point that it measured just over nine inches in circumference.
Fiona Gallagher'ın boynu, daire etrafınca 20 cm'den fazla bir iplikle, zorla sıkıştırılmıştı.
On the way over, I thought about it and that's what I would want to hear from me if I was you.
Buraya gelirken, ben - Bunu düşündüm ve senin yerinde olsam benden duymak isteyeceğim şey bu olurdu.
Artie was mugged in the subway, and now it's like an episode of SVU over here.
Artie bugün metroda soyulmuş, Ve şimdi olay tecavüzlü polisiye dizilerine döndü.
ATF just chewed my ass off over what you guys did, but it was worth it.
ATF beni çok sıkıştırdı,
I was just bending over and getting it out, and all of a sudden,
Dondurucudan tavuk alıyordum. Eğilmiş onu çıkartıyordum ki...
- Oh, Ryan, that was our dream to get this family out, and you know what? - It's not over.
Ryan, bu aileyi suçtan kurtarmak ikimizin hayaliydi ve biliyor musun, henüz bitmiş değil.
Yeah, but whatever it was, it's over now.
Evet, her ne olduysa, artık bitti.
I went over there and there was nothing to it, you know?
Ona gittim ama yapacak bir şey yoktu.
I just--I thought that he was past this stage, but I guess it's never over, so...
Bu safhayı geride bıraktığımızı düşünmüştüm ama sanırım asla geçmeyecek, o yüzden...
MallRat37 thought my service was slow, and now it's all over the internet.
MallRat37 demiş ki servis çok yavaştı. Ve şimdi bu internette.
I said, " Hey, get over it. I was Operation Repo for three years, okay?
" Geç bunları, üç yıl boyunca Operation Repo'daydım, tamam mı?
And then what you had to do is you had to flip the Nintendo over, and there was a silver sticker, a silver sticker with an 800 number on it, and you call the 800 number, and they put you in contact with someone in Japan,
O zaman Nintendo'yu ters çevirirdiniz. Altında gümüşi bir etiket olurdu. Üstünde 800 yazan.
She was a full-on wreck over Bonnie for months, but every time I mention Damon, it's like nothing ever happened.
Bonnie için aylarca kendini harap etmişti ama ne zaman Damon'dan bahsetsem hiçbir şey olmamış gibi davranıyor.
Based on faint, small scars over her back and legs, it was from some kind of explosion, like an I.E.D.
Soluk, küçük izleri dayanarak sırtı ve bacaklarında üzerinde, bir IED gibi, patlama çeşit oldu
I was thinking more like... take over the drug trade for Christmas, burn it down by New Year's.
Daha çok, Noel'de satılacak uyuşturucuları ele geçirip Yılbaşı'na kadar malları bitirmeyi düşünüyordum.
Anyway... we kind of got back together last week over spring break, and it was awesome, but all week, I'm like,
Geçen tatilde bir araya geldik ve tüm hafta beraberdik.
'Our group of friends was nothing until you sprayed Rae all over it.
Gel gelip herkese Rae'lik yapana kadar grubumuz hiçbir şeydi.
Anyways, I was gonna give it to her over the holidays.
Her neyse, tatil zamanı verecektim.
It was towed to'Aikapu's Auto Repair over on 17th.
Cadde'deki Aikapu Oto Tamircisine bıraktım.
I imagine it was funny from over there.
Oradan komik göründüğünü düşünebiliyorum.
All right, she's a good singer ; I was trying to help her out, but it's over.
Tamam, o iyi bir şarkıcı, ona yardım etmeyi seviyordum ama artık bitti.
I've climbed a very weird and rocky mountain, and it was a pain in the ass, and my legs are tired, and I'm starving, but the sun is rising over a sea of love and waffles and possibility.
Çok tuhaf ve sarp bir dağa tırmanıp durdum ve hep başıma bela oldu, bacaklarım yoruldu, aşırı acıktım ama güneş bir sevgi, waffle ve fırsat denizinin üzerine doğuyor.
We always listened to what was called the bub, and it'd come over the company radio.
Bub denilen şeyi sürekli dinlerdik, bölük telsizinden gelirdi.
When it was all over, my guy was still alive.
Her şey bittiğinde de benim adamım hayatta kalıyor.
You were gonna turn over the tape, and it was going to get destroyed, along with the truth.
Sen videoyu teslim edecektin, kayıt yok olunca gerçekte asla bulunamayacaktı.
When all this is over, when we are dead and immortalized for all eternity, the world will look to you and know the woman behind the man was you... and it will always... always be you.
Bütün bunlar bittiğinde ve öldüğümüzde ve sonsuza kadar ölümsüz olduğumuzda dünya sana bakacak ve erkeğin arkasındaki adamın sen olduğunu ve hep sen olduğunu bilecek.
It was just, like, over before it even started.
Başlamadan bitmişti.
He tried to frame me the second he got in over his head, but I was happy he did it because at that moment, I learned the greatest lesson of all - - screw the other guy.
Başı belaya girer girmez bana iftira atmaya kalktı ama böyle yaptığı iyi oldu, çünkü o an hayatımın en büyük dersi oldu :
I was expecting to find just over NZ $ 240,000 in my account. When I checked this morning, it was 11.
Hesabımda $ 240,000 civarı bir para olması gerekirken bu sabah kontrol ettiğimde 11,000 gördüm.
It was difficult to accept. But, thankfully, that's over.
Kabullenmesi zor oldu.
Well, it was all over the news.
But the most pathetic part isn't that my father doubled down on the wrong bets over and over again, it's that he was never man enough to admit to himself that he was a sinking ship.
Babamın sürekli sürekli yanlış bahsi oynuyor olması asıl acınası olan şey değildi. Asıl acınası olan şey, batan bir gemide olduğunu kabul edemiyor olmasıydı.
I was at my shoot and this photographer was all over me and it was so intense.
Çekimdeydim ve fotoğrafçı hep etrafımdaydı ortam çok çekiciydi.
Might as well do it over some drinks and music. Plus, I was here the other night and you are gonna love this act.
Dash, bu yılki müzikalde "My Fair Lady" yi yapalım diyorum.
Believe it or not, that name was shortened when my grandfather came over from the old country.
İnan veya inanma ama o isim dedem ana vatanından geldiğinde ona özel kısaltılmış.
Usually I look for three or four good reviews on Lizzie before I even go out with a guy, but yours was so positive, it just won me over.
Biriyle çıkmadan önce erkeğin, Lizzie'de 3-4 iyi eleştirisi olmasına bakarım. Ama seninki öyle olumluydu ki dayanamadım.
Over half of it was burnt.
Yarısından fazlası yanmıştı.
As you all know, it was my father's wish that I should take over the Hawkins Bay Company.
Hepinizin bildiği gibi, Hawkins Körfez Şirketi'ni devralmam babamın isteğiydi.
it was 5878
it was nice talking to you 43
it wasn't meant to be 40
it wasn't me 977
it wasn't your fault 315
it was nice knowing you 36
it was great to see you 35
it was nice to meet you 237
it was nice seeing you again 19
it was nice seeing you 35
it was nice talking to you 43
it wasn't meant to be 40
it wasn't me 977
it wasn't your fault 315
it was nice knowing you 36
it was great to see you 35
it was nice to meet you 237
it was nice seeing you again 19
it was nice seeing you 35
it was an accident 1408
it was a long time ago 376
it was great 632
it wasn't that bad 112
it wasn't my fault 280
it wasn't 1008
it wasn't hard 37
it was fun 381
it was good 635
it was a mistake 473
it was a long time ago 376
it was great 632
it wasn't that bad 112
it wasn't my fault 280
it wasn't 1008
it wasn't hard 37
it was fun 381
it was good 635
it was a mistake 473
it was a 305
it was beautiful 226
it was me 921
it wasn't a big deal 50
it was nice 232
it wasn't fair 35
it was amazing 310
it wasn't a date 37
it was just 358
it was stupid 233
it was beautiful 226
it was me 921
it wasn't a big deal 50
it was nice 232
it wasn't fair 35
it was amazing 310
it wasn't a date 37
it was just 358
it was stupid 233