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Translate.vc / Turco → Inglês / [ Y ] / Yeterince dinledim

Yeterince dinledim tradutor Inglês

285 parallel translation
Seni yeterince dinledim.
I've listened enough to you.
Yeterince dinledim.
I've had enough of this.
- Seni yeterince dinledim.
- I've heard all I can take.
Seni yeterince dinledim.
I listen to you enough.
Yeterince dinledim.
I've had enough.
Yeterince dinledim.
I listened too long.
Yeterince dinledim!
I've heard enough of that!
Yeterince dinledim.
I've heard enough.
Yeterince dinledim, biraz daha uyuyacağım.
I heard, but I'll sleep a bit more.
- Yeterince dinledim.
- I've heard enough.
Yeterince dinledim, başka iş bulurum o zaman.
I've had enough : I'll find another job :
- Bak, yeterince dinledim.
- Look, I've had enough.
Yeterince dinledim.
I just heard.
Seni yeterince dinledim zaten!
I've taken enough of your words.
Saçmalıklarınızı yeterince dinledim.
I've had enough of your nonsense.
Ping-Pong konuşmasını yeterince dinledim.
I've been listening to your Ping-Pong talk long enough.
... ama zamanımızda böyle mucizeler yok artık sizi yeterince dinledim, anlattıklarınız saçma.
But do such miracles happen in our time.. I've heard enough. You've made a poor case
Sizi yeterince dinledim.
I heard some enough.
Saçmalıklarını yeterince dinledim!
I've had enough of your bullshit!
Bu saçmalığı yeterince dinledim!
I've had enough of that shit!
Aman, bu saçmalıkları yeterince dinledim.
Oh. I've heard enough of this chafe.
Yeterince dinledim.
I have heard enough.
Yeterince dinledim!
I've heard enough!
Yeterince dinledim.
I've heard enough of your words.
Hakaretlerini yeterince dinledim.
I've listened to enough of your insults.
10 yıldır bu saçmalığı yeterince dinledim ve artık kusmak istiyorum.
I've been swallowing the bullshit around here for 10 years, and I'm choking on it.
General'in esprilerini yeterince dinledim.
I've had enough of the General's witticism.
Bu saçmalığı yeterince dinledim.
Now, I've heard enough of this crap.
Yeterince dinledim, seni lanet gavat.
I've had enough of you, you fuckin'cocksucker. - I wouldn't lie.
Bunları yeterince dinledim.
I've had just about enough of this.
Kristen'dan yeterince dinledim, kes artık.
I heard it all from Kristen, so stop it.
Yeterince dinledim.
I had enough.
Ya, bunu yeterince dinledim.
Yeah, well, I've heard just about enough of this. Great.
Suçlamalarınızı yeterince dinledim!
I have heard enough of your accusations!
Yeterince dinledim, madam.
You've said quite enough, madam.
Yeterince dinledim, yeterince dinledim.
I've heard enough, I've heard enough!
Yalanlarını yeterince dinledim, evlat.
That's one lie too many, my son.
Ama galiba yeterince dinledim.
I think I've heard enough.
Yeterince dinledim.
I have had enough of this, all right.
Yeterince dinledim!
I've heard it already!
- Bu lafları yeterince dinledim!
● I've had enough of this talk.
Yeterince planını ve aileni dinledim.
I've had enough of your plans and your family.
- Seni yeterince dinledim.
I've played it your way long enough.
- Yeterince sorun dinledim. Gidin.
- Enough with the complications.
Geldiğimizden beri yeterince tenor dinledim ben.
I've heard tenors since we landed here. Oh, have I heard tenors.
Yeterince mazeret dinledim.
I've heard enough excuses.
Bir gece için yeterince dini tartışma dinledim.
I've had enough religious discussion for one night.
Yeterince saçmalık dinledim. Artık buna bir son ver.
I've taken enough shit from you, and it's gonna stop now.
- Teşekkür ederim, fakat sanırım yeterince yalan dinledim.
- l've heard enough of your lies.
Yeterince muhteşem Zefram Cochrone'u dinledim.
I've heard enough about the great Zefram Cochrane.
- Yeterince bahane dinledim.
- l've heard the excuses.

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