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But that wasn't as prolonged and there were no tongues involved.
Pero no fue tan largo ni hubo lengua.
Yeah, and there were flash drives, too, a ton of them.
Sí, y también habían memorias usb, un montón de ellas.
I thought if I were close and there were errands to run...
Pensé que si estaba cerca y había recados que hacer...
And there were witnesses.
Y hubo testigos.
They'd been working for about four months trying to build a case against Steven Avery and there were still a fair number of people out there who said,
Llevaban como cuatro meses intentando inculpar a Steven Avery y aún quedaba bastante gente que decía...
Then we went down here south and there were, like... you can see there's two rows here.
luego fuimos al sur por aquí y había- - como ven, dos filas.
And there they were, fighting.
Y allí estaban ellos, peleando.
He heard there were soldiers waiting at the next port, so he bought my old rowboat... and left.
Oyó que había soldados esperándole en el puerto, así que compró mi viejo bote... Y se fue.
In the'80s and'90s, there were more than 3,000 federal cases involving this hair analysis, and right now, the FBI is re-examining every one of them.
En los 80 y 90, hubo más de 3.000 casos federales donde hubo análisis de cabellos y ahora mismo, el FBI está volviendo a examinarlos todos.
Huh? Wow, I just had the most amazing dream... and you were there and you and you.
Acabo de tener el más asombroso sueño... y tú estabas ahí... y tú... y tú.
My car just got towed, and my wallet and cellphone were in there.
Acaban de remolcar mi coche, y la cartera y el móvil estaban dentro.
There were photos on FriendAgenda of you and your friend Noah at the crew team's victory party.
Había fotos de FriendAgenda de usted y su amigo Noah en la fiesta de la victoria del equipo de la tripulación.
And you were there to see it?
¿ Y estuviste allí para presenciarlo?
Kristen and her coworkers were encouraged to have side projects, and there's a chance that one of these side projects was the reason she got fired.
Kristen y sus compañeros de trabajo fueron animados tener proyectos paralelos, y existe la posibilidad de que uno de estos proyectos paralelos fue la razón por la que fue despedido.
No, there were lots of spots closer but I had 11 shopping bags and I'm nine months pregnant, so I fancied the fucking walk!
No, había muchos sitios más cerca pero tenía once bolsas de la compra y un embarazo de nueve meses, así que se me antojó el puto paseo.
[Julien reading] " If everst there were a king that knew the who and how, 'Twas the royal liege that didst marry the royal cow.
" Si alguna vez hubo un rey con gran astucia fue aquel tan noble que desposó a la vaca real.
- and the cops were, like... - if there were someone up
- Y los policías eran, como - - si había alguien
It was a comment that was made It was a comment that was made with woo and savage that there With woo and savage that there were big people at the merge who
Fue un comentario hecho entre Woo y Savage para echar a grandes jugadores en la fusión.
- You were there for my family and I wasn't. - What do you want me to say?
¿ Qué quieres que diga?
He and Tony are sure the Shilluk were with the missing doctors, but there's nothing to indicate where they went next.
Él y Tony están seguros de que los Shilluk estaban con los médicos desaparecidos pero no hay nada que indique a dónde han ido.
And that they were there to help us.
Y que ellos estaban allí para ayudarnos.
And you were going there to confront him?
¿ Fue para enfrentarse a él?
There is a lot of stuff going on here, and you said you were coming over, so...
Hay muchas cosas pasando por aquí, y dijiste que ibas a venir, así que...
Hodgins and Aubrey- - they were... they were right there when the body blew up.
Hodgins y Aubrey- - eran... estaban allí cuando el cuerpo explotó.
When we first found it, there were crocs all over the bank over there and now I've been in here several hours and there's not one.
La primera vez que lo encontramos, había cocodrilos en todo el banco de allá y ahora que he estado aquí varias horas y no hay uno.
So, other undercovers'real names, photos, addresses, names and info of the bad guys that they were or are embedded with, all that might be out there?
Así, los nombres reales otros Undercovers', fotos, direcciones, Nombres y datos de los chicos malos que estaban o están integrados con, Todo lo que puede haber ahí fuera?
You guys were just in there celebrating the birthday of the woman who kidnapped your sister and held a gun to my head.
Vosotros erais los que estabais ahí dentro celebrando el cumpleaños de la mujer que secuestró a tu hermana y me puso una pistola en la cabeza.
My parents were there, and...
Mis padres estaban allí, y...
It was when you were in the city dealing with Martin, and I know that doesn't make it okay, but... I didn't know if you were ever gonna come back, and Yvonne and Robert didn't want me there, so I-I came back to Montauk.
Fue cuando estabas en la ciudad por lo de Martin, y sé que no lo justifica, pero... no sabía si ibas a volver, e Yvonne y Robert no me querían allí, así que volví a Montauk.
Honey, that might have worked when they were little but they're grown now, and you are not always gonna be there to fix things.
La miel, que podrían haber trabajado cuando eran pequeños pero están cultivadas actualmente, y usted no es siempre va a estar ahí para arreglar las cosas.
I bought a radio back here when there was no TV and you, sir, were still in your dad's balls!
Compré una radio aquí cuando no existían los televisores ¡ y tú aún estabas en los huevos de tu papá!
We were down there, Dave was filming the krill balls and I just noticed, literally, between his fins this massive great whale just loomed out.
Estábamos allí, David estaba filmando el grupo de krill, cuando me di cuenta, en medio de sus aletas, la enorme ballena emergente.
There were these grenades that Milos was hiding in the hotel, and, uh, my mother and I threw them into the ocean.
Había estas granadas que Milos estaba escondido en el hotel, y, uh, mi madre y yo les arrojaron al océano. Eso es cómo perdió su mano.
Look, other me said that people were trying to kill us and there will be others.
Escucha, el otro yo dijo que hay gente que quiere matarnos y que habrá otros.
We noted that the sex crimes kit had been completed and that there were the fingernail scrapings that had been collected at the time.
DE CASILLERO 11C A VOGEL VELLO PÚBICO Vimos que habían recogido las pruebas del delito sexual...
The material was sent down to the crime laboratory again, and what they found was that there were 13 pubic hairs that had been collected during the pubic hair combings of the victim.
Reenviamos el material al laboratorio de criminalística. CONJUNTO DE PRUEBAS DE DELITO SEXUAL Hallaron 13 vellos púbicos...
And there was a sense that law enforcement may be vulnerable here, and probably feeling it, uh... because God knows there were numerous editorials, articles, all of which had the theme of "How could this happen?"
Se presentía que las fuerzas policiales eran vulnerables, y ellos debían sentirlo... porque Dios sabe que hubo muchos editoriales y artículos... Remediar una gran injusticia... centrados en la cuestión de "¿ Cómo pudo pasar esto?" Avery identificado de inmediato
You and Deb tell the lawyers that it appears that there was "no real investigation done" by the Sheriff's Department, and "they had a suspect and they were gonna make it work."
AGENTE ESPECIAL DIVISIÓN DE INVESTIGACIONES PENALES Usted y Deb les dicen a los abogados que parece que el departamento del alguacil "no llevó a cabo una investigación real" y que "ya tenían un sospechoso y estaban decididos a condenarlo".
And then I don't know if it's true or not, but I also heard that Manitowoc County was not supposed to be allowed in to search and they were in there and they searched.
Y no sé si es cierto, pero oí que el condado de Manitowoc no debía participar en la búsqueda, pero lo hizo de todos modos.
Two weeks before I was released from jail, investigators were gonna bring in pictures to show me of Teresa's body and how it was burnt, and there was still muscle tissues on the bones.
Dos semanas antes de que yo saliera de prisión, la policía iba a traerme fotos para mostrarme del cuerpo de Teresa, de cómo había sido quemado, de los restos de músculo en los huesos.
If there were a remedy short of a mistrial, and I don't know that there is, it would be something like the court instructing the jury that it may disregard as false all of Bobby Dassey's testimony because of his false testimony on this point.
Si hubiera un remedio que no fuera la anulación de juicio, y no sé si lo hay, sería algo como si el tribunal instruyera al jurado de que puede tomar como falso todo el testimonio de Bobby Dassey debido a su testimonio falso en este punto.
Um... well, there were a couple of us that tried figuring it out, but basically I figured out her password and made up a user name that worked and got into her... her phone records and, I mean, they printed right off.
Un par de nosotros intentamos descifrarla, pero básicamente, desciframos su contraseña e inventamos un nombre de usuario que sirviera y entramos en... sus registros telefónicos, y los imprimimos enseguida.
And I went around to the back of the vehicle and again there were branches leaning up against it and I noticed that it said RAV4.
Y me fui a la parte de atrás del vehículo y también tenía ramas apoyadas sobre ella y noté que decía RAV4.
But, you know, the key issue is the State says they were burned behind Steven's place and then a few of them were moved from there.
Pero el punto clave aquí es que el estado dice que se carbonizaron detrás de la casa de Steven y luego algunos de ellos se movieron de allí.
[Fassbender] When I got there on Saturday, ultimately I got down by the car crusher about 2 : 25 I think it was, and the officers that were staged there, I told them, or I recommended that they start a log.
PRENSA DE AUTOS Cuando llegué el sábado, creo que llegué a la trituradora de autos alrededor de las 2.25... INVESTIG.
And looking at the data that is available in this stack, the validation tests that were done and those sorts of things, is there any indication that the FBI ever found out what the actual detection limit or method detection limit would be for this kind of a test?
Y a partir de los datos disponibles aquí, las pruebas de validación que se hicieron y demás, ¿ hay algún indicio de que el FBI sepa cuál es el umbral de detección de su método para este tipo de análisis?
I know there were three that were stubborn and, you know, weren't participating.
Había tres que eran muy difíciles y no participaban.
And, um... I felt there were some biased jurors that didn't, you know, keep an open mind and they had their mind made up, you know, before the trial started.
Y... me pareció que había jurados parciales que no contemplaban todos los aspectos y que tenían su posición definida antes de que empezara el juicio.
[Fremgen] When we actually got copies of motions and the file from the prosecutor, we realized that there had been some major missteps, and so we were not only going to be representing somebody, but we're also now having to go back
Cuando conseguimos copias de las mociones y la denuncia del fiscal, vimos que había habido varios tropiezos importantes... ABOGADOS DE OFICIO DE BRENDAN... así que no solo vamos a representar a alguien, sino que también debemos ir hacia atrás para intentar corregir los errores cometidos.
Because of the information he told us, if there was somebody else that lived out there on the Avery property that would've found out and may have also been involved, we were worried for his safety, that they would somehow get to him and maybe harm him.
Por la información que nos dio, si hubiera habido alguien más que viviera en la propiedad Avery y que se hubiera enterado o hubiera participado, nos habríamos preocupado por su seguridad, por la posibilidad de que fuera atacado.
Mr. Dassey, you told the officers that you were there and Teresa was alive.
Señor Dassey, usted dijo a los agentes que estuvo allí y vio a Teresa viva.
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