And there she was перевод на испанский
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- The command told us that she was coming, and there were some issues.
El comando nos dijo que ella vendría. Y había algunas cuestiones.
There was not a trace of that collection outside of the Lookbook, and that book was never out of Jane's sight until she handed it to me in Paris.
No hay rastro de esa colección fuera del Lookbook, y ese libro siempre estuvo a la vista de Jane hasta que me lo dio en París.
She wanted me to see what else was out there, and I did.
Quería que viera que más había ahí afuera, y lo hice.
We're growing cultures now, but she looked clean, and there was no telltale smell.
Estamos cultivando ahora, pero parece limpia, y no había olores reveladores.
I was in The Lake District, giving a reading on False Consciousness on the day she died. 200 people were there, and you can check.
Estuve en el Lake District, dando un seminario sobre la Falsa Conciencia el día que murió. Había 200 personas ahí y puedes verificarlo.
And the only way you could sleep at night is if she was tucked right there, right under your chin.
Y la única forma en que podías dormir por la noche era si era si estaba ahí metida, justo bajo tu barbilla.
In a million years, when kids go to school... they're gonna know, once, there was a Hushpuppy... and she lived with her daddy in the Bathtub.
En un millón de años, cuando los niños vayan a clases, aprenderán que existió una Hushpuppy que vivía con su papá en la Tina.
They're going to know... once, there was a Hushpuppy... and she lived with her daddy in the Bathtub.
Van a saber que una vez existió una Hushpuppy que vivió con su papá en la Tina.
But one of the stories I've heard is that there was an American girl and she came to South Africa to visit her boyfriend and brought a copy of the record with her.
Aunque una de las historias que he escuchado. es que una vez vino una chica americana a Sudáfrica a visitar a su novio, y se trajo una copia del disco...
She was there for me when I thought my dad died, and I don't know what it is now, but I just...
Ella estuvo para mi cuando pensé que había muerto mi padre, y no sé que es ahora, pero solo...
There is one person in particular, and, well, you know, I don't want to identify her... or him, if she was a man, but this particular person, er... is... er, rather inept,
Hay una persona en particular, y, bueno, no quiero identificarla...
They may have been amateurs, but they had some pretty damn good intel on where Jada was gonna be and when she was gonna be there.
Pueden haber sido aficionados, pero tenían información bastante precisa sobre dónde iba a estar Jada y cuándo iba a estar allí.
He just walked to the phone and I took two pieces of candy to the car and Amanda was there and I asked her, "Where's Bubba?" She said, "Mama, we can't find him."
Fue directo al teléfono yo llevé dos caramelos al coche, donde estaba Amanda... Hermana de Stevie Branch... y le pregunté : "¿ Y Bubba?" Dijo : "No lo encontramos, mamá".
My phone was in the pocket and she was the only one there.
Mi móvil estaba en el bolsillo y ella era la única que estaba allí.
And while she was there, she saw a lot of great shows.
Y mientras estuvo allí vio un montón de espactáculos geniales.
There was a temple in her house and she spent the entire day there.
Tenía un templo en su casa y donde pasaba todo el día.
Her mother's dead and... even while she was alive, her father wasn't there... she grew up without her father...
Su madre falleció e incluso cuando estaba viva, su padre no estaba allí ella creció sin su padre...
The other night, she was at a bar, and there was an incident.
La otra noche, estaba en un bar. y hubo un incidente.
They just expected her to be there, look gorgeous, and do whatever she was told.
Solo esperaban de ella que estuviera ahí, espléndida, y que hiciera todo lo que le dijeran.
She had a rare disease, and there was a doctor.
Tenía una enfermedad rara y había una doctora...
I went to the toilet and there was this girl and she had this power.
Fui al baño y había una chica y tenía un poder.
Went to do a shit and there was this girl in the toilet and she was really upset and she transferred her baby into me.
Fui a cagar y había una chica en el baño y estaba muy alterada y me pasó su bebé.
- But anyway, we got her to New York and I flew her there and, you know, she was almost thawed out - - when I got - to the house and we put her in the ground.
Pero de todos modos, que la tenemos a Nueva York y yo volamos allí y, ya sabes, ella estaba casi descongelado cuando llegué a la casa y la pusimos en el suelo.
I had to send her to the I.C.U., tell her daughter Erin that she was in a coma and that there was a good chance she wouldn't wake up.
Tuve que enviarla a la UCI, decirle a su hija Erin que había entrado en coma y que había muchas posibilidades que no se volviera a despertar.
Blood on the clothes and the knife matched his ex-wife Susan's DNA, and there were witnesses that said he was raging drunk at a bar the night she disappeared.
La sangre de la ropa y del cuchillo coincidía con el ADN de Susan, la ex-mujer, y hubo testigos que dijeron que él estaba furioso y borracho en un bar la noche en que ella desapareció.
Yes. We usually talked every day, and when she didn't call, I just assumed she was busy with a case or something, but... maybe there was something else going on.
Solemos hablar todos los días, y... cuando no llamó, supuse que estaba ocupada en algún caso, pero... tal vez estaba ocurriendo alguna otra cosa.
Okay, and was there anybody she didn't get along with?
¿ Había alguien con quien no se llevara bien?
And a few times, she thought there was a car following her and Emmy.
Y unas cuantas veces, creyó que había un coche siguiéndolas a ella y a Emmy.
And then to know that she was there, with him...
Y luego saber que ella estuvo ahí con él...
It was in the pool, like the others, and she was floating there, dead.
Estaba en la piscina, como las otras, y estaba flotando ahí, muerta.
The prosecutor didn't think there was probable cause, but I told her that there were special circumstances and the end was that she would pass it on.
La fiscal no cree que haya sospechas razonables. Le dije que existían circunstancias especiales. Y al final ella dijo que se lo iba a transmitir.
She was transferred there, and we all agreed to go. But... it didn't work.
Mi mujer fue transferida para allá, la familia concordó de irse, pero... no resultó bien.
"Porter insists there was no hooded man on the beach, " and that the younger Grayson simply invented the theory when she realized her brother might be implicated. "
"Porter insiste en que no había ningún hombre con sudadera en la playa, y en que la más joven de los Grayson únicamente se inventó esa teoría cuando se dio cuenta de que su hermano podría estar implicado".
And even if there was, why would she curse you?
Y si así fuera, ¿ por qué te habría maldecido?
- There was this girl, and she loved dolls- [dramatic music]
Habia una nifia que adoraba las mufiecas, todo tipo de mufiecas.
Course there's two journeys, the night that she died, and the night that the body was moved.
Por supuesto hay dos viajes, la noche que ella murió, y la noche que el cuerpo fue movido.
She was only in the room a few moments, but she said there was five lads there, and one was Leon Foster.
De acuerdo. Estuvo unos momentos en la habitación, pero vio 5 chicos y uno era Leon Foster.
And there we can see a woman with a pair of snakes gnawing on her bare breasts, showing that she was lusty or lewd.
Y allí podemos ver una mujer con un par de serpientes royendo sus pechos desnudos, mostrando que era lujuriosa u obscena.
She phoned me yesterday and said she was going to go up north to see her uncle but she... er... made a no-show there.
Me telefoneó ayer y dijo que se iba hacia el norte... para ver a su tío pero no apareció por allá.
But I was there the entire time, and the last thing she said before she passed was,
Pero yo estaba allí todo el tiempo, y lo último que dijo antes de morir fue :
Margaret, I think I know what this is about, and first of all, she's a lying skank, and what's more, I was just patting her there because she looked upset.
Margaret, creo que sé de qué se trata todo esto, y primero que nada, es una perra mentirosa, y lo que es más, solo la estaba palmeando ahí porque parecía alterada.
Then she just kept screaming, and there was so much blood.
Entonces ella sólo no paraba de gritar, y había tanta sangre.
I stabbed her, and she just kept screaming and there was so much blood.
la apuñale, y ella solo seguía gritando y había mucha sangre.
Yeah, but there she was, trying to comfort you, and you just couldn't manage to do the same.
Sí, pero allí estaba ella, tratando de reconfortarte y tú simplemente no podías arreglártelas para hacer lo mismo.
Take a photo of our victim over there and see if she was a guest.
Sácale una foto a nuestra víctima y averigua si era una cliente.
- Well she did seem like if there weren't gonna be changes done quickly, that it might kill the book, and so it was really my pleasure to quickly act fast and show her some of the chapters that I had that you had previously not been such a fan of.
- Bueno, ella parecía como si no se fueran a hacer cambios rápidamente, que podría matar el libro, y fue realmente un placer actuar rápidamente y mostrarle algunos de los capítulos que tenía que tú tenías anteriormente de los que no eras una fanática.
I get the exact feedback that I wanted from lea, which is interesting that, you know, me, as a blind person, I was able to go in there with a tactic, execute it, and I got the result, and then she said I made her day.
Conseguí lo que quería de Lea, lo que es interesante que, como una persona ciega, pude ir allí con una táctica, ejecutarla, y obtener el resultado, y luego dijo que le alegré el día.
I should have told you or had Donna tell you then and there, but I was thinking the fact that she actually found this thing helps us.
Tendría que habértelo dicho. O hacer que Donna te lo dijera. Pero estaba pensando que el hecho de que ella lo encontrara nos ayuda.
Um, there was a point where I came back from tour, and I guess she was kind of angry and she slept with one of my friends.
Hubo una vez cuando regrese de gira, y creo que ella estaba un poco enojada y durmió con una de mis amigas.
You know, I was in there with Noelle and she was massaging my neck and it felt so good and- - then I just had to get out of there.
Estaba con Noelle y me daba un masaje en el cuello y me sentía tan bien y... luego tuve que irme de allí.
When I landed, there was a voicemail from Christine and she said that they wanted $ 250,000.
Cuando aterricé, había un mensaje de voz de Christine y decía que querían 250.000 dólares.
and there you go 56
and there you have it 52
and there are 45
and there's more 69
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and there i was 26
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and there you were 36
and there's this 29
and there's something else 41
and there's nothing 21
and there we are 37
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and there is 20
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and there we are 37
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and there's a 25
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and there was 39
and there were 18
and there we go 24
and there they are 27
and there she is 48
and there he was 70
there she was 49
she was pretty 42
she was 1639
she wasn't 185
she was raped 45
and there we go 24
and there they are 27
and there she is 48
and there he was 70
there she was 49
she was pretty 42
she was 1639
she wasn't 185
she was raped 45
she was a nurse 16
she was beautiful 115
she was here 194
she was right 162
she was scared 61
she was sick 48
she was gone 144
she was a 51
she was alive 27
she was great 60
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she was here 194
she was right 162
she was scared 61
she was sick 48
she was gone 144
she was a 51
she was alive 27
she was great 60